AWW I: Cold OC

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    Every year, my parents plan tow trips to Ocean City. We go around July or August and then in December or January for the off-season. Being at the beach in the middle of the winter is not the greatest, but it has its charm depending on what you do. I invited Sierra to come along so I would not be bored and she has never been down for the Winterfest of Lights. We had fun spending our first vacation together. We fooled around in the hot tube of the hotel, walked the cold boardwalk huddled around a bucket of Thrasher's fries, and best of all...cuddling in the same bed. It is great to spend time as a couple enjoying things that I use to spend alone (actually having a friend with me and not just my family). For Sierra's first time at the festival, she really liked it. She loved all the lights set up in the park and the hot chocolate they served. This would eventually become a thing that Sierra and I would go to Winterfest for now on. For being around my parents most of the time, Sierra and I still found time to be romantic together.
    We never really talked that much after the trip. We did spend eight days together, but I stayed fairly quiet to avoid being so clinging after a great week. We still sent "goodnight" messages to each other. I stayed with my family for Christmas as Sierra was with her Parents. Sierra did show up for my family's Christmas party along with Mickie. This was the first time me and Sierra were a happy couple at the party. What helped, other than no Danny, was my brother was being creepy hitting on Mickie rather then Sierra. We also snuck some drinks when we were hiding in the basement with the other children of the party. We were a little too lovey with each other while trying to play pool. I think we kept making sexual bets for the after party. Sierra told me she missed me on Christmas and her day was them sitting around watching tv. I told her before Christmas that she could come down to Arbutus where my family was heading to. It was not a long drive for her from Baltimore. Now we did not make any plans for the new year. I was actually a bit upset to not hear from Sierra about the next big holiday. I may be a man, but I do enjoy the little things and big romantic moments. So having someone to kiss at midnight has been something I wanted to have. I have no idea if Sierra was waiting for me to invite her with my family or she just had no plans until the night before New Year's Eve. She finally messaged me asking if I would go out with her to Angie's New Year's bowling party. So I went out and ate dinner with my parents before going down the street to the bowling alley. Things were awkward between me and Sierra that night. It felt like we were going out on a first date all over again. When we talked, it was mostly just criticizing Mickie and her boyfriend Paul. The two of them sat next to each other at our table, but barely said two words to each other. They were talking to each other, but by texting. I am sure they were talking bad about everyone and/or sending dirty messages to one another. So me and Sierra started showing ourselves off as a superior couple. We did this a lot after that night. We showed our friends how good we were together.
    The moment came to midnight. The bowling alley workers were handing out little cups of sparkling cider. I remember Mickie flipping out over it because she thought they were handing out champagne to minors. That still makes me laugh; why did she make it a big deal, though? It was a funny little highlight before my favorite highlight came. I pulled Sierra close once 2016 started and we gave a passionate first kiss of the new year. It felt good that for once in my life I had someone to share moments like this. It was not the same routine of just being alone on major holidays that I was use to. I could not get enough of these moments. In a way, it felt euphoric. I loved being with someone that loved me.

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