Chapter 8 - Who's Alex?

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Here's Chapter 8! Sorry its a bit short, my writing was horrible tonight and nothing was working lol. But this is the best I can do right now! Hope you enjoy...

XOXO Grass

Chapter 8

Everything was a bit of a blur for the next hour. I just kept thinking about what Shawn had said earlier. What did he mean? He never thought of a fan the way he did about me? Did that mean he... he liked me? No, no, Bella stop being stupid... He couldn't possibly! I ended up picking the plaid shirt, and helped him button it.

I mean, not that I was really in it enough to realize, but Shawn stopped looking me in the eyes for a while. I mean up until we all headed downstairs for the event, he would just casually hold my hand or wrap an arm around me. When he spoke he kept his eyes down, as if he was afraid to hold eye contact. I caught him staring multiple times, but just blushed and looked away.

The boys and I all piled into the elevator to head downstairs. Shawn's large hand was intertwined with mine, squeezing slightly, not enough to hurt, just enough to make me notice his existence. I smiled up at him, his 6-foot-something towering over my five-foot-nothing. His face was warm and happy as he grinned at me, finally looking in my eyes. I just now noticed how friendly his eyes were. They sparkled like the stars whenever he met your eyes. They were like a kit kat bar that had melted in your fingers and the hot chocolatey liquid was dripping off your fingers and a couple drops just happened to fall right into his eyes. That perfect.

He bent his back so his face was right next to mine, his breath on my cheek. His melted kit kat bar eyes staring into mine. "Sweetheart," he breathed, his hand squeezing mine tighter. His face was now serious, and I could tell by his expression that he needed to say something. "I wanted to tell you earlier, but I was being stupid and scared. I think..." he sucked in some air, "I think I like you." My eyes widened, unable to comprehend his statement. "No, I know I like you." (OMG REFERENCE TO THE TV SHOW I LOVE RIGHT NOW. COMMENT IF YOU KNOW WHAT SHOW.)

My face was stunned for a second or two as I stared at him, but I realized I needed to answer. "I... I..." a smile spread across my cheeks. "I... I..." I paused, unsure of what to say. I couldn't tell him about Alex, right?


Later, a bunch of the girls had gone through the lines to meet the boys, all VIP and Premium guests had been through. Most of the guys were filing backstage so the performers could go onstage. I sat next to Shawn on a couch in the green room as we went over the song to be performed. Tonight we were singing Hallelujah, and I couldn't be more excited. This song brought back memories and I couldn't help but think Shawn and I harmonized perfectly.

I listened to the guitar and closed my eyes sighing. When I opened them later, all the boys were gone except Shawn. He'd stopped playing and was now just staring. I couldn't help but swoon under the kit kat eyes. I gulped. "Look, Shawn, about earlier, I didn't mean to hurt you.... I just... I was shocked and I didn't know what to say, I'm sorry," I was shaking my head and looking down at my lap. I was expecting him to say at least something, but when I heard no words come out of his mouth, I looked up.

I could tell he was uncomfortable or unsure about something but I was too afraid to say anything else, in fear that some other stupid words would slip out of my mouth. His cocoa eyes turned to me and he sighed, leaning in and kissing me.

My whole world froze.

Shawn Mendes was kissing me. It was as simple as that. But no, it was so much more. It was butterflies and it was flying and it was everything I've ever dreamed of into one slight small movement. Shawn's lips on mine tasted better than cinnamon rolls on Christmas, felt better than the hot tub after a long day of skiing and meant more than a gold medal at the Olympics. I was officially on cloud 9.

But then it hit me.

This is how I felt with Alex. Alex. I discreetly pulled away from Shawn and gulped, squeezing my eyes shut to try and block out the memories. "Alex... Alex..." I murmured to myself. "Damn it, Alex," I mumbled. I ran a hand down my face and moaned.

"Bella? I'm sorry... I didn't mean to...." Shawn said, shaking his head quickly and covering his face with his hands.

"No... shh..." his face blurred into my mind. The dark brown hair and blue eyes... tan skin and muscles. I remember it all too clearly. Tears fought to get out as I tried to push them back in. "Alex..."

"I..." Shawn started. I knew he was looking at me. But he didn't continue his sentence, rather he pulled me up into his chest and rubbed my back. His lips pressed against my head as he tried to console me. "Shh... Bella, you're fine."

Footsteps came towards the door and Jack Johnson's voice called inside the green room. "Shawn, Bella? You're on soon. Better come get ready to go."

"In a minute... give us a second," Shawn called to his friend. I heard Johnson's steps fade away. I pulled off of Shawn's chest and wiped under my eyes a little and taking a deep breath. "Bella..." he said quietly. "Who's Alex?"  

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