Chapter 10 - Shawn Mendes stalked my Tumblr

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Dear Jesus it's been a long time, babes! But I'm back with a new computer (completely virus free!) So here's your daily dose of Shawny-boy!

XOXO Grass

Chapter 10

I took a deep breath before I knocked on Shawn's door... this seemed like a risky move to me. My mind wandered in the few seconds I stood there, waiting aimlessly for some revelation about my life to come that I knew never would. But I snapped myself back to reality, deciding he was just a boy.

Just before I was about to knock, the door whipped open in front of me, practically blowing my loose hair back. "Wow!" I laughed, as Shawn's stunned body was right in front of me, laughing as well.

"Oh, sorry, Bella... I just..." he laughed harder. "I might have been waiting for you." I shook my head and stepped inside his room, putting my phone and room key on the table by the door.

"Don't even worry about it," I said happily as I walked through the little hallway into the main part of the room. There were a couple of flowers on the bed. I took a step towards them skeptically, picking one up and inspecting it. "Shawn...? What are these for?" I asked, turning and looking at him, still holding the yellow daffodil in my hand.

His cheeks flushed pink. "I..." he mumbled. "I didn't know if it would be too much or not..." he sighed. He gathered up the rest of the flowers from the bed in his hands and let me hold the other that I already had. "I felt really bad about everything that happened earlier, and you seemed so put off by it. And I wanted to make it up to you... so I got you some daffodils?" he said lightly and in a very witty/adorable tone. Shawn held the messy bouquet of flowers out to me. I took them gratefully, smiling down at the bright yellow faces.

"But... Shawn... how did you know daffodils are my favorite?" I asked, looking up at him. The boy's cheeks got even brighter, if that was possible!

"Oh... I..." he stuttered. "You reblog pictures of daffodils on your Tumblr all the time. I just thought you liked them a lot so I just assumed."

I smiled slightly and shook my head, a bit in disbelief. I was half giggling as I stared down at the blossoms, unexplainably happy. "You stalked my Tumblr." I laughed a bit harder after saying it out loud. It was just weird! Shawn Mendes had found my Tumblr.

"Oh, yeah. Funny story actually! I've been following you on Tumblr for years! Your blog is one of my favorites!" (Excuse me while I cry inside for about 40,000 years). I laughed even harder as I smiled from ear to ear, throwing my arms around him and squeezing him tightly. I rocked back and forth, the fresh scent of daffodils filling the space around us. I dropped all the flowers onto Cameron's bed, who was weirdly not in the room at 11:30 at night.

After a few minutes of hugging, I let go of the boy of my dreams. He smiled at me as he refused to break eye contact. I could feel a rough finger running down my arm, calming me. His other hand stroked down my cheek, as I looked to the floor, blushing like crazy.

"Well, my lady, lay down, will you?" he asked, lightheartedly bowing and holding out a hand like a knight or something cheesy. I giggled and took his hand, curtsying. His strong arms swept me up off the ground and spun me around, my hair falling out of the braid and flying all over the place.

He placed me on the bed so gently it was like floating down on a feather. I sunk into the mass of white sheets, yellow light illuminating my face from the little bedside lamp. He pulled off his button down shirt and khaki shorts, and left himself in his boxers. Shawn leaned down by the bed and crawled in next to me, our faces inches apart.

I stared at him, in utter disbelief that a creature so beautiful existed in reality. Some of my bangs fell over my face and I brushed them away lightly, wanting to get a full look at his face. He turned his body in so that he was almost on top of me, but there was still space. I was on my back, my head cocked to the side just slightly, staring up at him. He leaned down to kiss my forehead. I smiled to myself and for the first time in months, Alex was not on my mind. 

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