Chapter 6 - WHO'S THERE??

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Hello little munchkins! Here's chapter six for your beautiful faces. :)


Chapter 6


*Bella's POV*

There was a raging in my head when I woke up. The throbbing was making it feel like I was going to pass out all over again. I groaned, trying to push myself up on the bed. There was bright sunlight seeping in through the curtains. I looked down upon myself, the same clothes from last night still adorning my body. I rubbed my eyes, and still felt mascara on my eyelashes. Turning my attention from the window, I saw bags of chips and soda cans littering the room. What happened to my room? Wait... how did I get to my room last night? I looked to the right of my bed and my suitcase wasn't there... instead there was a big green duffle bag.

I groaned again, my head throbbing and I threw myself back onto the bed. When I opened my eyes again, I was facing the other side of the room. Is that a person...? In the other bed? There were two boys sleeping in the other bed? WHAT IS GOING ON?

Much to my head's dismay, I got out of bed and tip toed to the other. The boy closest to me had his back to the window, and I couldn't see his face. My vision was a bit blurry, making the whole situation worse. I leaned down, and the boy turned around, our faces centimeters apart.

I screamed.

He screamed.

There was banging on the walls to tell us to shut up.

It was Shawn. He rubbed his eyes, blinked a few times and shook his head. I had flown back onto the other bed, absolutely shocked.

"Shawn?" I asked, gasping.

"Bella," he said nonchalantly, smiling, as if this was normal, "how are you doing?"

"I... I uhhh..." I stuttered, running some fingers through my hair and practically shaking. "I'm... uh fine."

"That's good... you were totally passed out last night. What happened?" he asked, his eyes showing concern.

"Some girls stole my room key... thinking they could find you guys on this floor or something stupid. I tried to get it back but my head was hurting and I passed out... that's the last thing I remember," I told him, closing my eyes.

"Awh, I'm so sorry," Shawn said, moving himself so he could sit next to me. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and I rested my head on his shoulder. "I know it can get pretty crazy," he sighed.

"I'm fine now, so..." I smiled. "Thanks for saving me." He laughed a little.

"No problem, sweetheart." He called me sweetheart again. "You were amazing last night. I never got the chance to tell you how great of a singer you are."

I blushed into his shoulder. "Thanks... it means a lot."

"I really mean it. I was shocked." I smiled. He lifted my head up with his fingers and looked down at me. He kissed me on the forehead. "You're beautiful..." he murmured, almost as if he was speaking to himself.

"You're not too bad yourself," I giggled, giving him a warm grin.

Cameron stirred in his sleep to our left. Shawn laughed and threw a pillow straight into Cam's face. He shuddered and shot up out of the bed. "WHO'S THERE?" he yelled. He made some weird groaning noise as he saw it was only Shawn. After blinking a few times, Cam smiled to me. "Glad to see you're awake. We were worried last night," he said politely, heading to the bathroom.

"Thanks, Cameron," I called to him as he waved and shut the door.

Shawn turned back to me and looked me up and down. "I feel like we should go get you clothes... but I bet those girls are still in your room. Maybe we should wait till I get can all the boys to come? We can yell at them and stuff and then kick them out of the hotel," Shawn laughed at his idea. "Sounds good right?" I laughed my head off and nodded quickly. "Good, we'll try that."

"You don't need to do that," I smiled.

"Oh, but I want to sweetheart," he said. Again. "Anyways, for now... you can borrow some of my clothes? They'll be huge on you... but it's just for a few hours." He looked towards the clock. "We have five hours until today's event starts."

I thought it over. "Yeah, I guess so... if you don't mind."

"Oh, it would be a pleasure," he laughed as he stood and threw me a large sweatshirt and some basketball shorts. Cameron was still in the bathroom. "Cam's still in there... I'll turn around so you can change?" I shrugged.

"Sure, I guess." Shawn turned his back to me and I pulled off my sweater and skirt and pulled on his shorts and the hoodie over my head. I turned back around and looked in the mirror, laughing hysterically. The clothes were huge on me. Shawn watched and laughed too.

"You look adorable," he said, walking over to hug me. I loved his hugs. They were warm and safe and secure, and it felt like getting a hug from a great big tall muscular teddy bear: absolutely perfect.

After a couple minutes, I pulled back and looked up at Shawn. He smiled down at me. Gah, his smile was one of the gods. "What do you think..." he started. "About singing with me for the rest of the performances?" My eyes widened. He wanted to sing with me? HE WANTED TO SING WITH ME.

"I... that... sure. That would be amazing," I said. And he hugged me again.  

Sweetheart (A Shawn Mendes Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora