Chapter 1 - It was a Madhouse

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So this is the first chapter of my Shawn fanfic. Please remember to message me suggestions for the title! 

Chapter 1


As the school bell rang on Friday afternoon, I couldn't get out of my seat any faster. First of all, we were being let out for winter break, which meant no school for two whole weeks! Second of all, Christmas was in a week, and I was absolutely dying! Third of all, Magcon started that night! Yes, that's right, all of my favorite boys, Cameron Dallas, Nash Grier, Matt Espinosa, Taylor Caniff, Jack and Jack, Carter Reynolds, and most of all, SHAWN MENDES were all coming to DC where I got to see them for three. Whole. Days. I couldn't believe it either.

I sprinted out the school doors after throwing all my stuff into my locker. I passed my best friend Jillian on the way out, and grabbed onto her arm, pulling her away from the school and towards my house. I lived about five minutes away from school, so I never had to ride the bus. It was already getting dark, and I needed some natural light to do my makeup perfectly for the boys. I couldn't look disgusting in front of my husband. That is just a no no. 

My room was still a mess from Thursday night, as I was going through my closet and chucking things everywhere, trying to find something to impress the boys. I had needed three flattering outfits for the three days I would be at Magcon, and some cute pajamas for late night stalking. Jillian and I were both staying at the hotel, and I had a room all to myself. Jill was staying with her cousins who were going to be in town and my parents didn't want to come. Mom said, "You're just meeting normal people. That's ridiculous." But no, mom, it's not ridiculous. She didn't believe me though. So I had to pay and come by myself. At least no one could tell me not to go out at one in the morning to find Shawn. That was a perk.

As I grabbed my bag full of clothes and my backpack with my phone, laptop, camera and chargers, I flicked off my light and headed downstairs to where Jill's cousins were waiting for me in their little blue mini cooper. I yelled bye to my mom and dad before hopping in the car and jamming out to One Direction all the way to the hotel. And that's two whole hours.

The hotel was swarmed with teenage girls, more than I'd ever seen in the same place. We squeezed our way to the check in desk where we received our keys and tried to make our way to the elevator. It was a madhouse. 

Sweetheart (A Shawn Mendes Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora