Chapter 11 - Husky cologne and laundry detergent

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Hey babycakes! Here's Chapter 11... and oh goodness the stories heating up! I had so much fun with this chapter... almost every cuddle-in-bed-fanfic I've ever written mixed into one! Shawn's such a babe. 
Happy swooning!


Chapter 11


For a moment, I just breathed. Looking into his eyes was a moment where time stopped... everything was still, and the only thing you could feel was his warmth and his love and his presence. My body seemed to disappear for that moment, my heart seemingly the only thing that mattered. It pounded in my chest in a constant but rapid rhythm. My eyes traveled from his soft perfect hair down his face to his lips. Oh, his lips. How could such beautiful sound come from something so small... so delicate? His smile made my stomach fly and his voice made my chest soar.

One of Shawn's fingers reached up to my head and stroked itself down the side of my cheek, resting at the back of my neck and rubbing up and down for a minute. I closed my eyes to breathe some more, something I was finding extremely hard to do.

"Bella..." the boy murmured under his breath, almost like he was daydreaming, words just slipping out of his brain and escaping his mouth. The tone was raspy but tender, both syllables edgy and loving. More of his large hand slipped under my neck, rubbing lightly and gently. "Sweetheart."

Shawn's body cowered in closer to mine, his skin pressing up against me. My fingers found themselves on his shoulders, holding on tightly. His face was millimeters from mine. He smelled of a strong husky cologne and... laundry detergent. Nice laundry detergent, though, the kind that you'd find in a nice home for a cute family. His eyes met mine one last time before they closed themselves, leaning in a bit further.

And his lips were on mine, once again. My timid fingers crawled further onto his shoulders and around his neck, pulling the laundry-detergent-smelling, kit-kat-eyed, sweetheart-name-calling boy into me. He was absolutely irresistible. His Canadian lips were soft against mine. The hand on the back of my neck rubbed back and forth faster, pulling me towards him and against his warmth. Without thinking, I wrapped a leg around his waist... an action that I'd always thought sexual until now.

Nothing about this was sexual... it was just... just... I couldn't say it. The L word. My leg made him know how comfortable I was with him and how beautiful he made me feel. I wanted him to know that he good. Yes, he was good. I pushed on his chest a little to flip us over, so I could be on top. He was willing, his hands now travelling to my back, a gentle pressure.

His other hand stayed on my neck, running a few fingers through my scraggly hair. I'd never felt closer to anyone.


I know what you're thinking, so I'll tell you now. No, Shawn and I did not have sex. And I'm thankful.



Waking up in the middle of the night in Shawn's arms is like waking up in the middle of a night, surrounded by cupcakes of your favorite flavor, with a huge teddy bear in your grasp, the room a nice warm temperature, and comfort all around. Yes, it was that good.

I'd woken up in the middle of the night, and I really didn't want to move at all. I was lying on my stomach, against Shawn's torso. His arms were around mine, my hands on his chest. I tipped my head back on his shoulder so I could see his face.

Peaceful, placid, asleep. He looked perfectly serene. For a moment I thought I needed to take a picture, but the moment was too perfect to ruin. I laid there in his arms, thinking I'd fall asleep again soon, or wake up in a few minutes (actually alone in my own bed). But I didn't. 4:30 AM and I was laying in Shawn's arms watching him sleep.

My fingers played against his skin. It was smooth and tan and muscular. It made me think of the soft sand at the beach and Brandy Melville T-shirts. I turned my face back against his skin and buried my head in the crook of his neck, kissing his soft skin a few times as he woke up.

"Aww, sweetheart..."

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