Chapter 12 - the daffodils and Alex

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Damn it's been a long time... over a year and I am SO SO SO sorry. I've been getting so many votes and comments lately asking me to update and I feel so bad. But that's alright, because you asked for it, yes with Chapter 13 here we go... (xoxo Grass)

Chapter 13

Finally a morning sunrise. I hadn't been able to sleep again since waking up at 4:30. His face was too beautiful and pristine to miss any opportunity to admire it for its absolute perfection. For hours on end I stared at him, running fingers down his smooth boyish skin and through his thick, wavy hair. Every aspect of his face was beautiful. 

Finally around 7, I saw a lick of sunlight crawling  through the window curtains, and I sat up slightly to see the sky turn a pinkish blue. It was always my favorite time of day, especially when the most handsome boy in the world was laying across from me, sleeping peacefully in my arms. He stirred as I sat up, and I froze, not wanting to wake him from his perfect slumber. But, his eyes fluttered open and I stared at him. This was what I'd always dreamed of: waking up next to my love and staring into their eyes first thing in the morning, a beautiful sunset out the window behind them. 

"Good morning, sweetheart," he said in a croaky, deep and slow tone. I smiled lightly and friendly at him. I desperately wanted to just pull him in closer and stare at him for another period of time but I realized that probably wouldn't be the case. I sat up and began to stretch out. Shawn laid back in the bed and just watched me stretch out my stiff limbs, smiling all the while. "You're gorgeous," he said, almost lackadaisical. It seemed as if the boy was talking to himself, and accidentally ended up saying it out loud. 

"You're just as handsome," I said, laying back down. 

"There you are, come back to me," he whispered, pulling me into his chest once again and kissing my nose lightly. We laid in silence for a few minutes, admiring the peacefulness and serenity of the quietness and stillness. Shawn's expression changed as he looked at me, from a sincere and calm look to one of concern. "Bella, sweetheart," he said quietly. 

"Yes?" I ask lightly, closing my eyes and resting my head on his shoulder. 

"I just want you to know..." he trailed off. "That no matter what Alex did to you... I can do better. I will be better. I will try so hard for you because..." His eyes were filled with so much sincerity and genuineness that I felt his emotion in my chest. "You are the most amazing person I have ever met. And I know I haven't known you for long and this probably sounds crazy... but nothing has ever felt this right to me."

And I was there, listening to him pour his heart out to me. And I didn't say anything. I felt his emotion in my chest and I wanted to cry with him at how much I felt the same way as him. But I didn't say anything. He held me tight but I didn't respond. 

I don't deserve this... he probably does this with every girl. Of course, I don't deserve this... what am I doing? What kind of false advertisement am I falling into? "Shawn Mendes" probably picks up a girl at every event for publicity or his own fun... Why am I falling into the trap as well? I shook my head at him. 
I didn't say anything; I shook my head. I fought back tears with all my strength as I pushed off of him and ran out the door back to my room, only two things resonating with me: the daffodils and Alex. 

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