Chapter 4 - I love Ed

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Hey guys! Lots of you were pleading for Chapter 4 so here it is! I hope you enjoy... :)



Chapter 4

I was absolutely stunned for a moment. I stood there absentmindedly, staring into his gorgeous eyes. They were captivating. He chuckled at me, a frivolous and jolly laugh. It made me smile. "O... of course..." I said, nodding quickly. Shawn smiled.

"Good," he laughed. The boy turned to the audience and raised my hand up in the air. "Give it up for Bella!" The audience went WILD. All the girls chatted loudly to their neighbors, absolutely ecstatic. Shawn turned back to me. He was still holding my hand... not that I had  a problem with that at all. "So what do you want to sing?" he asked.

I shrugged. "Anything, really. Whatever you want?"

He nodded, thinking. God, he looked so cute when he was thinking! "Do you like Ed Sheeran?"

"I love Ed!" I exclaimed, my face lighting up. He laughed again and squeezed my hand.

"Me, too, sweetheart," I froze. Did Shawn Mendes just call me sweetheart? I must be dreaming. I pinched my arm. I shook my head. "What... what are you doing?" he asked, giving me a weird look.

"I just... am I dreaming?" I asked him in all honesty. Shawn laughed, pulling me in for a tight hug. His totally muscled arms stretched around my back, and I was plunged into a delicious world of Shawn Mendes's cologne. I took a deep breath and wrapped my arms around him too. His large hands rubbed up and down on my back and I sighed. "No, this isn't a dream, sweetheart." I smiled when he released me, even though I automatically regretted ever letting go of him. "How about Give Me Love?" he asked, suggesting a song. I smiled.

"That's my favorite."

"Same," he squeezed my hand once more and turned toward the audience, bringing his guitar to his front and pushing me a microphone. I took it gratefully and gripped it with all my might, absolutely terrified that I might mess up in front of him.

I'd been singing for years, in chamber choir at my school and in the National Choral Society. I was pretty popular in my area and sang at parties, but this? It was totally different. I was singing with Shawn Mendes. I'd only been dreaming about this moment since I first heard him sing.

"So, everyone," Shawn said into the microphone. "This is Give Me Love," Shawn looked down at his guitar and set his fingers on the strings. I watched intently until he looked over at me. His eyes asked if I was ready and I gave a small reassuring nod. He smiled. "You're okay," he mouthed to me. I smiled happily, looking down at my microphone. Shawn played the first couple of notes in the song and I fell into a musical trance. I smiled.

"Give me love... like her," we sang in sync. After that line, we both looked at each other, eyes wide. He sang in a lower key than me... but out keys blended into the perfect harmony. Our voices complimented each other. We continued the song.

"Cause lately I've been waking up alone," the song went on for a while... the chorus was beautiful. At one point, Shawn started singing on top of me. I sang the chorus naturally and he sang some higher riffs that were the epitome of beauty. The last chords played. I looked at Shawn. Shawn looked at me. He grabbed my hand. "That was..." he started.

"Amazing," I finished.  He was about to say something else when a security guard ripped me away, mumbling something about fans staying behind the rails. I was placed at the back of the room. I couldn't see Shawn anymore, but I was thinking about him, and I could tell he was thinking about me too. Jillian soon found me curled up against the wall crying hysterically, absolutely amazed at what just happened.

"KITTY!" she screamed my nickname as she ran towards me. "THAT WAS ABSOLUTELY CRAZY! OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH..." she was panting, a huge smile on her cheeks. "YOU JUST SANG WITH SHAWN. WITH SHAWN."

I nodded, tears still on my cheeks. "I just sang with Shawn."

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