Chapter 44

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''Hey baby doll.'' She turned and smiled.

''Hey Grandpa what's up?'' She asked hopping up on the counter.

''Is your old man around?''

''I think he is in the office I just got here.'' He nodded messing her hair up and left the kitchen.

''Momma.'' She heard a cry and sigh getting down walking into the living room.

''What happened?'' She asked Lennon who cried coming over to her.

''He wants to watch telly and I'm watching something.'' Amy said making Kenzie sigh.

''Let him watch something and you go into the other room.''

''Mom I was here first.''

''I don't care Amy I've a headache and don't want to listen to him crying.'' She grumbled under her breath leaving.

''Right sit down and no fighting got me?'' The twins nodded watching Thomas the tank engine.

''Hey little guys.'' Her dad said coming in kissing their heads and looked at her raising his eyebrows she shook her head looking at her watch.

''Where's your husband?'' He asked her

''He is booking the balls centre for their birthday, we have a list of everyone so he went down about an hour again.''

''That new ball centre that opened in Raheen?'' She nodded

''Yeah we drove by the other day and we headed in checking it out, it's huge, has a part for kids under 4 then a bigger part with a huge bouncing castle, it looks great, we're booking it out for the afternoon so it'll just be all our lot.''

''How many are going?''

''We've got I think 28 kids all together.'' His jaw dropped and I hummed

''Yeah my 3 then there's 9 from there's crèche 3 of Amy's friends, Nevy, then the other small kids of the family.''

''Jesus baby that's a lot of kids how much is that costing?''

''$15,50 a kid.'' I said and his eyes widen.

''Jesus Kenzie.''

''We wanted to give them a good Birthday this year, we're thinking of trying for another in a couple of months so if it happens I hope to either have another one on their next birthday or be pregnant so there next party be at the house, so this one we want it to be good.''

''They're only 2 Kenzie.'' He said and I hummed.

''Smartest 2 year olds I know.'' He laughed.

''That's very true half of the time I think they're 6.'' She hummed

''Growing too fast for my liking.'' He smiled

''How do you think I feel, my eldest daughter is a mother and a wife, still feels like yesterday I watched your mom give birth to you, being the first person to hold you.'' He shook his head and she smiled

''That's why you need loads of grandchildren around this place.'' He laughed

''I've told the others to get a move on, I want loads of grandkids to run around after keep me and your mom busy.'' She chuckled

''You'll be busy the day of the party I'll tell you that.'' He laughed then Amy came in opening the fridge her dad smiled and twirled her daughter around making her laugh.

''You being a pain?'' he asked

''No that'd be Lennon as usual.'' Kenzie rolled her eyes making a cup of tea and sat at the kitchen table.

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