Chapter 37

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''Hey.'' I looked over my shoulder and smiled at my brother as he took the swing beside me.

''How she holding up?''

''She smiles but you and I know Mia, she's good at hiding things, past few days she's just been hanging out in her room with Amy and the twins.' he hummed.

''I wonder where she gets that from?'' I smiled at him a little.

''You know how things are at home, I haven't been their much lately.'' he sighed long and heavy.

''Mom and dad are fighting a lot because of Jason, dad wants him out of the house but mom you know here he's always been the favourite since the day he was born.'' I hummed.

''He's a big boy, there's 11 of us and he's the 3rd born and yet he's still living at home, sponging off dad, not even going out to make his own way.'' he nodded.

''I came over to get you, we need a talk with the lot of them Kenz.'' I nodded looking down the back yard then stood up he followed my actions and we walked into the house.

''If she looks for me tell her I'm gone to do a work out or something, I don't want her to worry.'' Dylan nodded wrapping his arm around me and kissed my temple.

When we got to my parent's house I wasn't surprised seeing everyone's car's in the driveway and outside parked at the curb. Josh parked his car and we headed into the house hearing voices coming from the kitchen so we followed the voices, when we came into view everyone turned to look at us.

''So why the sudden call?'' Alicia asked eating ice cream, I flinched when the door slammed.

''Because we want to talk to use.'' Josh all but growled at her startling her and she put the ice cream on the table and everyone shut up and looked at him, it wasn't often he'd be angry and when he was no one ever spoke to him.

''Where's Mia?'' Kale asked with a frown.

''She's in Kenzie, where she has been for the past 9 days.'' he frowned harder.

''Why?'' he looked at my parents, my dad was one end of the kitchen away from us all whereas my mom was sitting at the table.

''Because your fucking brother hit her and she wanted to leave.'' my dad said.


''No Bella fucking no, that's our fucking baby girl, what the fuck is wrong with you, you don't give a fuck that she's not here, so much for telling people you're a great mom to our kids when you haven't even text or Rang Kenzie to see how Mia was.'' my mom was startled and mortified at my dad's outburst.

''Mia over reacts.'' Jason said that was all I needed, for me to walk over to him and punch him then I punched him again hearing my sisters and my mom scream.

''Ever, fucking ever raise your hand to her again I will skin you alive you dirty bastard'' I growled my ring hand cut above his eye and I dug my finger in it making him wince.

''You better back up Kenzie.'' he warned.

''Or what you going to slap me just like you slapped her?'' he stood up shoving me back I laughed.

''Go on then hit me Jason, seems like you want to.'' his fist were clenched at his side it all happened so fast as my cheek stung.

''Well look at that mom and dad we have a women hitter in the house.'' I said my hand on my check stepping back he looked at me in horror, horror at what he done, I looked at him in disgust then to everyone else who was horrified at him.

''That hurt me, can you imagine how much that hurt Mia a small girl, see needs her brothers and sisters right now, she's started high school and none of you were there to see that she needs help with school work everyone is too busy. Have you all forgotten that's the little girl who we all would bring out on the weekend take her shopping to get ice cream or the movies.'' Annabelle was a string away from crying and I looked at my mom who hands covered her mouth.

''I may not need my mom those lot may not need you, but your little girl needs you.'' I left the kitchen winching when I heard the noise of a fist hitting flesh.

''You better run kid, because when he sees her face, he's going to come looking for you.'' Josh warned and followed me out.

''Kenz.'' he pushed my hair back I shook my head.

''I'm fine, can you drop me home.'' he nodded, the drive home was silent I took my belt off letting out a deep breath.

''Are you going to tell him?'' he asked me I looked in the mirror.

''I'm already starting to bruise, he is going to go fucking mad,'' we got out of the car. I closed the door; Josh went in first while I escaped to the bathroom. I cringed hearing the kitchen door banging and footsteps coming towards the downstairs bathroom and the door swung open, I looked in the mirror his jaw was clenched he looked a foot taller over how tense his body was.

''I'm going to kill him, I'm going to fucking gut him.'' he said turning me to him tucking my hair behind my face and he winced.

''Josh get her an ice pack from the freezer.''


''No.'' he pointed his finger at me I sighed and watched him grab his keys and leave slamming the door I walked into the kitchen thanking my brother placing the ice pack on my cheek. Agreeing with me he followed Dylan out I locked up and went up checking on the kids, the girls were watching a movie and the boys were asleep.

''Hey, you girls want popcorn?''

''Daddy already gave us some.'' I nodded.

''I'm going into my room call me if you need me ok.'' they nodded I left not without catching Mia's wide eyes, I winked at her and went into my room stripping out of clothes I had a 5 minutes body wash and put on fresh Pj's getting under fresh covers.

''Kenz.'' I opened my eyes seeing Mia at the door and I sat up.

''You ok?'' I asked she looked at my cheek and frowned.

''Want happened to you?'' she asked coming over and gasped covering her face.

''Nothing for you to worry about.''

''You're already bruising, did Dylan do this I heard the door slam.... No wait I know he didn't hit you, he wouldn't do that, you left with Josh.... Did you go to the house to Jason?'' she asked piecing it together and I hummed she covered her mouth.

''Kenzie.'' she whispered I smiled tucking her hair behind her ear.

''I'm ok honey don't get yourself upset.'' I watched her eyes water then I heard the front door closing.

''That's Dylan you go on get back into bed.'' I kissed her head walking her back into her room closing the door and I went down the stairs seeing him washing his hand, blood mixing with the water and my stomach turned.

''Jesus Kenzie'' he dried his hand and touched my cheek I winched.

''I'm fine, what happened?'' he shook his head I sighed.

''I had it out with him in your parents front garden, I got their before he left, that bastard just told me you had it coming with your mouthing off and I couldn't help myself.... If Josh didn't pull me off him.'' he shook his head.

''Did the others try start with you.'' he shook his head.

''No, I was expecting Kale to have a go but he just stood there, I could see it in his face how his gut turned seeing Jason liked that but he just walked back into the house and me and Josh left.'' I rubbed my eyes and looked at his hand and winced he kissed my head.

''Are the kids ok?'' I nodded.

''Mia saw.'' he winced and sat at the table pulling me down onto his lap.

''You cheek will hurt tomorrow.'' I nodded he titled my chin his eyes scanning my face.

''Did you really hurt him?'' I asked, I was curious and also a little worried, I knew how Dylan fought and Jason was still my little brother.

''Yeah baby I did.'' I nodded and kissed him rubbing his cheek bone with my thumb.

''Shower before you get into bed, I just put clean sheets down'' I said getting up grabbing the boys bottles and went upstairs with him following.

I woke up to knocks on the front door, I opened my eye seeing it was after 9, and Dylan got up walking out of the room jogging down stairs

''Trying to wake my kids up?'' he asked someone

''Just came by to warn you, my mom yeah she wants your blood and is on the way.'' Kale said I rolled on my back hearing their voices drift to the kitchen. I went into the bathroom done my business and put my housecoat on, I looked out the window as my mom's car speed up the drive she got out slamming the car, my dad got out slowly behind and strolled behind her.

''How fucking dare you.'' she said to Dylan,

''Mom, mom stop.'' Kale said standing in the middle, I walked into the kitchen my dad gave me an apologetic look.

''What's going on here?'' I asked

''He beat up fucking brother that's what's going on.'' she tried to hit Dylan but my dad held her back.

''Good enough for the bastard, he's fucking lucky Josh pulled me off him.'' he said she grunted in anger and turned to me, her expression soften seeing the large bruise that covered my cheek and my eye.

''Because your precious son hit me, he went and kick the crap out of him, doing the right thing by me being my fiancée and all that.''

''He didn't have to do so much damage, what if it was one of the boys and they hit Amy when he's older.''

''Well for one thing my kids won't be brought up around violence, my son's will never raise their hands to a girl that's one thing I'll make sure won't happen, can't say the same for you huh ma.'' I said.

''Kenzie.'' my dad said I shook my head.

''He got away with hitting Mia, yet he was still at the house last night, did any of your brothers ever hit you mom?'' I asked she shook her head.

''Dad never hit you, so where's Jason getting it from.''

''He's gay.'' Kale said we all turned to him.

''What?'' he sighed and sat down.

''Well he thinks he is, he's got a lot going on lately, not the same Jason I know.'' my eyes widen in disbelief and I slowly sat down.

''He's gay?'' my mom asked I looked at my dad who didn't look fazed I frowned.

''That explains a lot.'' he said rubbing his face. Footsteps came down the stairs I looked at the door as Mia came in; she looked around clearing her throat then looked at me.

''The boys are giving out in their crib, Lennon hit Parker and he's crying, Amy is watching them now.'' Dylan chuckled leaving the kitchen.

''You sleep ok?'' she nodded leaning against the island.

''What no hug for your daddy?'' my dad asked frowning; she smiled and walked over and hugged him.

''I miss seeing you at home.'' he mumbled she buried her head in his chest I looked at Kale.

''What has he told you?''

''Just he has mixed feeling with guys, he won't talk to anyone, he's just filled with so much anger.'' I rubbed my face then Dylan came in with the twins, they both smiled at me.

''What the red face huh Parker?'' I asked taking him from his dad he nuzzled his head in my neck.

''Lennon is cranky today.'' Dylan said as my dad took Lennon and he made them their breakfast, I sat them in their high chairs in front of me.

''Well someone is going to have to talk to him, before he does something stupid.'' my dad said.

''Good luck with that.''

Dylan frowned looking over at Kenzie, she sat looking at the telly but she wasn't watching it, she was looking at the wall next to it, Amy came over to him; he smiled and kissed the top of her head.

''Is momma ok?'' she asked in a low voice.

''Yeah baby she's fine.'' he winked she nodded and picked Lennon's pacifier up off the floor, Kenzie smiled and took it from her daughter.

''Thanks sweet pea.'' she winked Amy smiled and sat down, Dylan raised his eyebrows at Kenzie she shook her head.

He leaned his head back, it' has been over a week and she was still in this quite mood just looking off into the distant.

''How didn't I notice this, that was his cry for help.'' she said lowly, he gave Amy to remote and got up lifting her hand up.

''Come on.'' she sighed getting up letting him take her out of the room, he walked them into the kitchen then turned to her as she sat at the table.

''I'm still angry at him for all the shit he has done, but growing up I always made it clear to them they could talk to me about anything at any time if they needed me I'd be there.... And I wasn't here for him, god only knows what's going on in his head, my mom said she can't get through to him, not even Annabelle and that's saying something, what if... what if he is always going to be this cold bitter person, it's not the Jason I know.'' Tears threatened to fall, Dylan bent down beside her

''You're too good of a person Kenzie and that's why I love you, even if someone is bad you always see the good in them, go see him try talk to him, you've got nothing to lose by trying sweetness.'' He wiped her tear away

''I feel like I'm letting him off with it by going to talk to him, but at the same time I want to go speak to him.'' He nodded

''You're not a walk over baby, you're being a big sister and going to go help your little brother when he needs it.'' She sniffled and nodded licking her lips.

''Go get dressed, I heard he's crashing at Kale apartment for a while.'' She kissed him mumbling thanks and went upstairs.

It took her ten minutes to get out of the car at Kale's apartment block. When she did she went over what she'd say to him until she got to the door her mind went blank.

''Kenzie hi'' Kale said surprised she smiled a little.

''Hey, is Jason here?''

''In the spear room, think you can get him to leave that room and shower.'' She held her crossed fingers up and walked over to the door and knocked on it.

''For the hundredth time Kale go away.'' he grumbled, she opened the door scrunching her nose up in disgust and walked over pulling the blinds open and the window.

''Swallowing in self-pity little brother?'' she asked, he lifted his head from the pillow.

''Kenzie.'' he said standing up, looking anywhere but her as he rubbed the back of his neck, she watched him for about 3 minutes studying his body language.

''Why would you say you're gay when you're not?'' he looked at her.


''Don't play dump, I'm not stupid, out of all the guys you have always been the one who idolised women, so I know you're not gay, why pull that card with Kale?'' She asked he licked his lips and sat at the end of the bed.

''He was breathing down my neck wanting to know what was up, I knew saying I was gay would make him uncomfortable and it got him to back off.'' She shook her head.

''So what's going on Jason?''

''Nothing Kenzie nothing at all.'' He mumbled

''Bullshit.'' He jumped startled and she smirked

''I want it all on the table Jason and I'm not leaving here until you do so.''

''You've got kids to go home to.'' He said she closed the bedroom door and locked it from the inside.

''They're with their father, so start talking.'' He looked at his hands for about ten minutes.

''I can't face anyone after what I done.'' She raised her eyebrows.

''Hitting you and Mia, I'm disgusted at myself for rising my hand to two females, not just any females but two of my sisters, and it's killing me.''

''Want to start from the start little brother and tell me what got you so angry.'' He cleared his throat

''The girl I'm in love with, is marrying someone else.'' She let out a deep breath

''You're in love?'' He nodded.

''We had this private thing for about a year, then her childhood friend came back into town and she dumped me for him and within a month they announced their engagement.'' He said rubbing his face, she sat down beside him.

''She left you for him.'' He nodded.

''It has messed me up so bad, I want to hate her, I wish to hate her but I can't... I just can't.''

''She doesn't deserve you.'' He stood up.

''Easy for you to say Kenzie, you have it all, the guy the kids the house the engagement, I've got absolutely nothing in my life worth living for, everyone is going in their own way, Kale has his girl now, Anna is with that guy everyone is settling down, then there's me I want it more than anyone, and the girl, the girl I fucking love doesn't want me.'' He shouted tears in his eyes, her eyes watered and she walked over and hugged him, and he cried his arms tightened around her.

''remember when I was in college at that guy the football player I was with.'' he nodded.

''I loved him, I think he was my first love and he left me to crash and burn and even when I should have hated him I couldn't, but I looked at the brighter picture, if I really loved him, I'd have managed to make him fall in love with me, and that never happen, this girl, you think she's the one, but I don't think so, because if she was, she wouldn't give you up for any other guy.'' he wiped his face.

''You're in love with the idea of being in love honey.''

''What do I do now?'' he asked.

''Showered clean yourself up, get your ass to my house and apologise to Mia.'' He nodded.

''Look Kenzie about hitting you.'' She waved him off.

''I know you didn't mean it and I'm over it, never raise your hand to a women again Jason, if I was the girl you were in love with, I'd never ever talk to you again let alone take you back.'' He nodded bending down kissing her cheek and left going to the shower, she tidied his room up gathered his dirty washing and put the washing machine on seeing Kale in the living room.

''I didn't even know he was dating.'' He said looking at the glass of whiskey in his hand and she sat beside him.

''Don't start tip toeing around him with your lady ok, that'd be the worst thing trust me.'' He nodded downing the drink.

''What happens now.'' She shrugged watching him pour another drink then took the bottle off him frowning he smiled and downed the straight alcohol.

''it's up to him, he needs to clean himself up, get a job, a house, figure out his life then maybe start dating again.''

When Jason came out he was clean and shaving looking fresh and decent, Kale looked to the telly while Kenzie stood up.

''Caitlin dropped by yesterday.'' Jason head snapped to his brother.

''She did for what?'' He asked, Kenzie frowned.

''She came by to see you, I told her you weren't seeing anyone.''

''Why the fuck didn't you come and get me for her?'' Kenzie's eyebrows went up.

''What and come to the door like you were reeking of drink and sweat, I done you a favour.'' Jason went to punch the wall but stop himself letting out a deep breath.

''She say anything else.''

''Just that he was back in town for the weekend..... her old man died.'' Jason rubbed his face.

''Right speed me up, Caitlin as in Caitlin Greene Jason best friend?''

''Old best friend, he ditched her at the start of last year.''

''Watch it Kale.'' Jason warned she looked at her little brother.

''Well go on what are you waiting for, she said she's here for the rest of the weekend, and it ends tomorrow.'' She tossed him her keys he caught them.

''It'll give you the reason to come by my house, Kale will dropped me home.''

''Oh will I now?'' Kale asked she narrowed her eyes.

''Sure no problem, I haven't seen the kids in 3 days.'' He shrugged, Jason kissed her cheek.

''I'll come by tonight.''

''Be careful don't get pulled over.'' He nodded grabbing his jacket and left, she turned to Kale.

''How are you doing?'' he chuckled as she turned her caring mood onto him.

''I'm good sis I'm doing really good.'' she nodded.

''So how's Kelly?'' He smiled at the sound of her name.

''She's good, she's working till late tonight, we hang out more at her place because Jason just grunts and curses from his room, don't want to have her around his negativity.'' She chuckled.

''She's a nice girl, I like her.''

''Yeah... me too.'' she smiled.

''It's nice seeing you all loved up, I like seeing you all grown up with girlfriends and boyfriends, thing could have turned the wrong way for all you guys, but use all went and done your own thing and it makes me proud.'' he smiled.

''Yeah well between you and mom we had no choice but to stay away from the crisps.'' she laughed.

''That's true.''

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