Chapter 40

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                 (3 MONTHS ON)
Hands massages my shoulder I dropped my head feeling so tired. He kissed my head wrapping his arms around my neck I leaned back against him closing my eyes. I must have dosed off because when I can back to the moment I was being laid down, I opened my eyes seeing Dylan.

''Relax.'' I slumped back on the bed.

''You've been working your backside off for 3 months, you're just back for Hawaii you got off a plane done what you had to do then hoped back on one without sleep after been there for 7 hours.''

''I've still got so much to.'' He gently pushed me back down to the bed, I looked at him.

''You've been working non-stop planning this wedding, you're going to take the day and night off from everything and spend the day in bed catching up on much needed stress, I can't handle last arrangement the packing and our kids, you rest ok.''

''Dylan I've to finalize the flowers ring the hotel manager, I can do it from here.''

''No you're going to relax, baby I know what to do, trust me ok?'' I nodded.

''If you need help just tell me ok?'' He nodded and kissed me softly.

''Sleep.'' He hit the black button on the side of my bed and the dark blinds came down he tossed me the remote I got under the covers as soon as my head hit the people I felt the tiredness and his chuckle as he left the room.

I heard loud crying from one of the boys, my head thump as I got out of the bed, my body just wanted to get back under the covers but being a mother I wanted to see what was wrong.

''Lennon you're not to hit your brother.'' Dylan scolded, Lennon went to close the living room door but Dylan picked him up.

''You're being bold, you stay in this play pen until I say you can come out.'' He was so stubborn turned his back when he was put in but Parker was still crying.

''I have you little man.'' He cried hard I frowned.

''Lennon pushed him and he fell on his arm, it's a bit swollen and red.''

''Parker hey, hey baby look at mommy.'' He cried into my chest I frowned.

''Dylan what if it's broken?'' he touched his arm and he whimpered but cradled it himself against my chest.

''Come on baby we'll go to bed.'' I cooed grabbing his bottle Dylan kissed my cheek before going into the living room closing the door.

''Don't you turn your back on me young man, you hurt your brother than was very bold.'' I chuckled and walked upstairs. I laid on the bed, he was still on my chest, I kissed his head running my hand up and down his back putting cartoons on for him.

''Momma.'' I opened my eyes seeing Amy and smiled.

''Are you sick?'' I shook my head looking down at Parker who was asleep on my chest.

''No baby I'm just tired, you want to nap?'' She nodded climbing up onto the bed I smiled as she nuzzled against me and I ran my hand through her hair.

''No daddy no.'' I heard Lennon cry.

''Get back inside Lennon.'' Dylan said in a tired voice then my eldest son started crying for me and Dylan groaned then footsteps came up the stairs, I turned to the door as it opened Parker moved at the sound of his brother's cry.

''Come here mister.'' He put his arm out for me I took him with one arm and he cried into my chest, Dylan sighed sitting on the sofa looking at the telly

''You're being bold today Lennon.'' He cried

''Hey look at me, hey Lenny.'' He looked up I kissed his nose.

''You can't hit your brother ok.'' Even 21 months he knew right and wrong, both of the boys where very wise for their age so he knew he was bad but doesn't want to accept it, the stubbornness he gets from his dad.

''Sowwy.'' He said to Parker who nodded once before looking at the telly Dylan's lips tugged I kissed Lennon's' head, Parker crawled off me and laid beside Amy who smiled at him, I wrapped my arms around Lennon rubbing his back, he turned his head away from everyone and closed his eyes.

''We should have another.'' I turned to Dylan who was watching us.

''Really?'' he nodded.

''Yeah they're 2 in 3 months, she's going to be 8 soon, if we have another after the wedding, they'll be nearly 3 she'll be 8.''

''I'd like another girl.'' I mumbled then Amy got up and left the room, Dylan sighed getting up.

''No I'll go.'' I said getting up lying Lennon down and. headed to her room she was sitting on her bed holding her teddy, I closed the door and sat in front of her.

''What's up?'' She shook her head,

''Something is up if you left like that.''

''I don't want you to have a girl.'' I frowned.

''Why not?''

''Because they'll you'll forget about me, if you have your own daughter.'' Her eyes welled up.

''Hey, hey Amy that is never going to happen.'' She shook her head.

''Honey listen to me ok.'' I bend down on my knees so I could see her better.

''To me and your dad you're our first born and we don't care what anyone says you're our oldest child, our oldest daughter and if we have a girl in the future you won't ever be pushed aside because she's going to need her big sister and I'm going to need your help, like you've help me with the boys.'' She sniffled.

''I love you so much Amy, no I didn't give birth to you but you let me be your mom that was the first time I experience real love and that love will never change, I love you, your brothers and future children all the same, and none of use will ever be push out, understand?'' She nodded I titled her chin.

''See when the wedding is over.'' She nodded.

''Daddy and I just have to bring in our wedding certificate then we sign off on the adoption papers.''

''What does that mean?''

''That we'll be legally become your parents, you won't ever have to explain to them Dylan is your brother if anyone asked we're your parents and you've got the documents to prove it.'' Her shoulders shook.

''You're my girl Amy, my baby and that's never going to change ok.'' She nodded.

''Good now give me a hug before I start crying.'' I sat on the bed she climbed on my lap I hugged her tight kissing her head.

''Now come on let's go have a cuddle and watch a few movies.'' She nodded I wiped her cheeks and walked hand in hand to mine and Dylan's room, he looked at us then pulled her to him mumbling words she nodded and hugged him he kissed her head letting her go and she climbed up on the bed beside her brothers.

''I'm going to finish those calls, get it out of the way.'' I nodded and he left closing the door behind him.

I opened my eyes when an arm hit my side; I looked down at a sleeping Lennon beside him his brother and sister asleep. I sat up against the pillows running my hand through their hairs kissing their forehead, movement in the corner got my eye, i turned seeing Dylan on the sofa looking at me.

''Are you ok?'' He nodded.

''Yeah I'm fine.'' I covered the kids before going over to him sitting on his lap. He wrapped his arms around me.

'What's wrong?'' I rubbed his earlobe.

''I still have days where everything just seems like a dream and I'm going to wake up and go back to how it was before.'' He said looking at my lap, I pinched him he winced.

''What the hell was that for?'' he asked.

''You're not dreaming Dylan, this is your life now, with me and our three kids in that bed, life was hard before but it won't be like that again.''

''How do you know it won't, what if I fall off the wagon huh like he did?'' I lifted his face so we were eye to eye.

''Because I won't let you turn into him, I'm not like your mom, I love my kids with ever beat of my heart and soul and I love you entirely and that's never going to change, I'm not saying things will be easy, it's life, Dylan there's going to be some fuck ups along the way but I'm going to be here no matter what kicking your ass back on track.''

''I'd be lost without you Kenzie, I can't imagine what life was before I got you.'' He whispered looking away his eyes watered.

''You're never going to have to be without me baby, I'm marrying you in 3 weeks because I want to spend every day for the rest of my life with you.'' He nodded.

''Everything has just been going to well.''

''And you think something is going to happen?''

''Well whatever happens we will deal with it together ok.'' He nodded.

''Give me a kiss.'' His lips tugged I chuckled and kissed him holding his face.

''I love you Hollywood.'' I mumbled.

''I love you to my soon to be Mrs Hollywood.'' I smiled biting his lip.

''I can't wait.

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