Chapter 42

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I woke up to kisses along my spine, I hummed into the covers.

''Good morning husband.'' I mumbled he smiled against my skin.

''Hmmm good morning my very beautiful wife.'' I smiled putting my arms under the pillow.

''It's 2pm shug.'' I hummed and rolled on my back he hummed.

''Now that's what I like to see.'' He kissed both of my breast I chuckled too tired to push him away.

''How you still get it up is beyond of me, I'm wrecked.'' He smiled.

''Because I've the most beautiful sexiest wife known to mankind it's no problem getting it up.'' I smiled covering my face he laughed.

''I know you're tired, so I'm going for a shower I'm going to order some room service to wake us up ok.'' I nodded down with the plan.

''Wake me when it comes.''

''Sure will baby.'' I rolled over he rubbed my bum before covering me with the blanket and closed the door going into the living room.

''Babe... baby foods here.'' I sniffed the air and opened my eyes, he had a tray. I sat up covering myself with the sheet and leaned back against the pillows.

''Thanks.'' I said as he put the tray in front of me and sat on the other side of it.

''Hung over.''

''No much I'm just drained, last night was great took all my energy.'' He chuckled proudly I smiled.

''Well then you really should rest before tonight comes.'' I chuckled dipping my toast into my egg.

''Everything went perfect yesterday, I wouldn't have change a thing.''

''Yeah?'' I nodded.

''3RD best day of my life.''


''1st was Amy calling me mom, then when the boys where born then yesterday.'' He smiled.

''We can adopt her now, she's legally be our child not his or hers but ours.'' I smiled.

''I can't wait, then I'm changing everything her hospital name her school everything will be under us we're her parents not him you won't be known as her brother it'll be her father.'' He nodded.

''sooner the better she's just known as ours.''

''Fuck people who don't... I hear someone say anything like we're not they'll know all about it.'' He clawed his hand and growled I chuckled finishing my food then laid back, he got up opening the curtains the bright light filled the room.

''I'm going to shower.''

''Yeah I'm going to check on the kids.'' I kissed him and went into the bathroom, I didn't do my hair I was going to clip it back pretty looking, I just washed myself dried off then went outside fixing my hair make up then got myself dressed just as he came back into the room.

''You look gorgeous baby.'' He said I smiled a thank you and closed the safe.

''The maids will be in to tidy up.'' I nodded putting my watch on.

''How are they?''

''Fine, Mia has the twins in the pool, don't worry you mom is with her, they've been in there since 8 this morning haven't napped yet they're on the moon right now.'' I chuckled.

''And Amy?''

''Is with Sophie doing what I don't know.'' I nodded grabbing the room key and we headed down stairs.

''WOOHOOOO.'' Everyone cheered I chucked shaking my head.

''Afternoon princess.'' I chuckled.

''Hey daddy.'' I kissed his cheek and sat down beside him watching Dylan go the bar.

''Hung over?'' my dad asked I shook my head.

''No not much, just tired.'' He chuckled and nodded.

''So what did you think of yesterday?''

''Baby it was brilliant, I even said it to mom that yours top ours.'' I cheered he laughed.

''Water for the lady.'' I thanked Dylan.

''Water?'' my dad asked.

''I've got 3 little ones to run around after, when they go to bed I'll have a drink.'' He smiled.

''Speaking of them I see one of them now, I'll be right back.'' I got up and poked her side she turned.

''Mommy.'' She hugged my waist I chuckled kissing her head.

''Hey baby, have fun with papa and grammy?'' She nodded.

''Yep papa had loads of sweets in his room for me.'' She smiled.

''You're not to supposed to tell Aims.'' Jeremy said from behind me I smiled.

''Hey sweetie.'' He hugged me I smiled.

''Hey grandpa, she alright last night.''

''Yeah she was grand, she passed out on the sofa about 11, I heard your grandpa had his hands full with the twins.'' My eyebrows went up.

''I haven't seen them yet, I'm on a hunt.'' He laughed.

''At the pool.'' I kissed his cheek messed Amy's hair up and walked to the pool.

''Morning Mrs Heywood.'' I grinned and sat down at my mom's sun bed.

''Where's my twinny's.'' they trashed their legs in the water I squealed clapping my hands making them laugh I chuckled holding a towel up and then ran into it.

''Momma missed you boys.'' I kissed their cheeks sitting them on my lap.

''Gramps what's this I hear about them last night.'' My grandma laughed.

''He thinks he's still young and can keep up with the kids, he let them stay up late playing, I went into the living room at 12 he was asleep on the floor with them asleep on his back, check the picture out.'' She turned her photo I awed and laughed.

''Gramps.'' He waved me off.

''They're my grandkids, I'll be dead in a few years I want to enjoy every minute I spent with them.''

''Dad don't talk like that.'' Gabby snapped standing up.

''Gabs.'' She ignored him going to the pool.

''Not cool daddy.'' My mom muttered he sighed.

''I was only joking.'' He mumbled like a child in trouble.

''You both know your bedtime.'' They just smiled and laid their heads on my chest, it was after 4 and If they slept now they'd be awake all night.

''Want to come the beach?''

''Yeah.'' The both shouted I chuckled.

''Let's go find daddy and Amy.'' I thanked my grandparents and sister before going back inside.

''We're going the beach.'' Dylan nodded.

''I'll change these rascals then we'll go.'' I followed him up stairs putting towels into my beach bag and while he changed the kids I put a bikini on with a dress over it.

''Right baby be careful don't go to far.'' I nodded tiggling Parker's side while walking into the water, I only went waist high, and it was to Amy's neck but she was having fun as were the twins.

''Don't go too far Amy.''

''Dad are there sharks in this water?'' I looked at Dylan.

''There actually was a few sighting this week.'' she came over to me where I was the twins and it was to her hips I smiled and kissed her head.

''I don't like the beach much anyway.'' I chuckled.

''Want to sunbath then?'' she nodded, I got up leaving Dylan with the twins and laid out the towels and she laid down.

''Momma.'' I turned and smiled as Lennon ran over to me hugging my legs, I ran my hand through his hair.

''You want Juice.'' he nodded I opened a bottle of orange giving him some then he ran back to his dad while I laid down with Amy.

''You have fun yesterday baby?'' she nodded.

''Lots.'' I smiled taking my sunglasses off, enjoying the hot sun then extra weight falling down on me and two loud giggles filled my ears.

''Hey you little monsters.'' I said grabbing them and tiggling them making them laugh I kissed all over their faces and they yawned.

''It's nearly 6 any way.'' I hummed looking at Amy who yawned as well.

''You guys are all tired what's up with that?''

''It's warm.'' she mumbled I picked up the bag and took her dress out and she put it on while I dried down the boys and put there tops and shoes on and then we headed back to the hotel, the twins went straight over to my dad who grinned picking them up sitting them on his lap.

''We're going for dinner at 8 honey.'' I nodded at my grandma and looked at Amy.

''Fancy going for a swim.'' she nodded sitting on the sun bed taking her shoes off, I kicked off my sandals and put my bag down taking my dress off hearing a low whistle from behind me I winked at Dylan before getting into the water tying my hair up on the top of my head and put my sunglasses up there as well.

''This feels really good.'' I said.

''Why don't we ever go out to our pool.''

''You know what baby I actually don't know, I'm going to have it clean out and well go out the back all the time k.'' she nodded and looked at the big diving board then to me I shook my head she frowned.

''Please mom.'' I looked at Dylan who was looking at us he shrugged I sighed.

''The small one.'' she grinned climbing out I turned watching her going up the stairs to where the three diving board where, then there was a high board at the top and not many where going up there.

''Wooohoooo.'' I cheered when she dived into the water.

''Are you coming?'' I turned to see Ethan I shook my head he smirked I narrowed my eyes.

''Scared?'' he asked I scoffed.

''I'd wipe the floor with you sunny boy.'' he laughed.

''$50 bucks says you can't.'' I put my hand up shaking his he grinned and ran up to the third one he done a flip and dived in a ball my brothers all cheered he came up grinning I got out giving my glasses to Dylan.

''Babe.'' he said.

''I'll be fine I used to do this with Meg in the school gym.'' I took my hair down shaking it out and tide it into a pony tail and smirked at Ethan when his jaw dropped when I went up to the highest one.

''Kenzie!'' Dylan called up I looked at him.

''Baby be careful.'' I nodded looking down letting out a deep breath, I stepped back circling my arms then I ran flipping myself all the way down until I came just right at the water I straight out into a divers poser, I went to the 12 ft deepness of the pool and swam over coming up in the middle hearing everyone cheering I chuckled and got out holding my hand out Ethan grunted giving me the money I grinned.

''Don't bet me in future moron.'' I put the money down his top and kissed his head before wrapping a towel around me checking the time.

''Come on we go shower and get ready for dinner.'' Amy nodded grabbing my bag while I picked the twins up. I bathed the twins showered her and I had a quick one while she watched them sitting on the bed.

''What do you want to wear?'' I asked going into her bedroom.

''Don't care.'' I nodded routing through her wardrobe taking out white tights and a long shirt with a pair of timberland boots and changed her put the twins in matching chino's shirts and vans then sat them on the bed in front of the TV while I dried my hair and straightened it.

''Parker no bud you can't sleep yet we go get some din dins then go to bed ok.'' Dylan said coming into the room Parker winged I looked over shoulder he crawled over and got off the bed coming over to me, I pushed the hot irons out of the water switching them off and done my make up, he watched me in the mirror making me smile.

''I'll be two minutes baby.'' Dylan said I nodded as the bathroom door closed, I sat Parker on the bed and grabbed my clothes and got dressed, I cleaned the room up then Dylan came in a towel around his waist.

''Mom member you said you and dad are going to adopt me.'' Amy randomly said I hummed.

''What about it.''

''When?'' she asked.

''When we get baby home baby.'' Dylan said she nodded ok her lips tugging.

''We don't need a piece of paper to know you're ours but we'll do it the right way ok.'' she nodded I bent down.

''Stop growing up so fast, stay a child for as long as you can ok.'' she nodded.

''Ok.'' I kissed her head and stood up when Dylan came back out of the bathroom dressed and ready to go.

''Right come on I'm starving.'' the boys got down following their dad while I grabbed my wallet and phone and followed holding Amy's hand.

''You ok baby.''

''I can't go the poo.'' she said I rubbed her belly and it was hard.

''Well get you some orange juice ok.'' she nodded and we took the stairs down to the restaurant getting in as Dylan joined the other.

''Hiya love can I get two high chair?''

''I'll bring them over.'' I thanked the waitress and Amy sat beside Nevaeh while I sat down beside Dylan at the end and the high chairs were put at the head of the table beside me and I put the boys in and strapped them in

''Can I get some skinny fries and chicken nuggets for these two please and for the little lady in the denim shirt fish fingers and mashed potatoes and beans.''

''And what would they like to drink?''

''They're ok but can I get an orange juice for her pure.'' she nodded.

''An orange juice this hour of the night?'' Dylan asked.

''She can't go the toilet.'' he nodded and ordered his while I looked at the menu.

''Can I get beef dish with potatoes with gravy and carrots and a side plate of onion rings with a lemon.'' she nodded I thanked her and poked Lennon's cheek he smiled a tired smile and rubbed his eyes.

''Sorry love could you send the fries and nuggets out as soon as they're done.'' Dylan asked she nodded and put the orders in before coming up taking the other orders.

''How are you feeling honey?'' my grandpa Bieber asked me I smiled.

''I'm good, just feeling the missed hours of sleep, I'm just dying to crawl into bed.''

''Not sleep last night?'' Josh asked Dylan chuckled under his breath I squeezed his leg making him wince, we left the rented room at 5am and we didn't go to sleep until 10 so we only had a few hours.

''We slept this morning.'' he smirked at Josh.

''You forgetting you're my big brother Josh.'' he looked at me and frowned then cursed under his breath rubbing his eyes Megan laughed.

''He tends to forget about that lately.''

''I'm still expecting to see my 19 year old sister come in after college and taking over Nevaeh, now you've your own three first one married just all happening to fast.'' I smiled.

''Still always going to be your little sister no matter what happens.'' He kissed the back of my hand.

''Yeah sis I know.''

Dinner was a lot of laughter and chats the guys where on the drinks as where the girls, we had the restaurant packed out, I went around to a few tables to say hello and thank people for coming, because some of our quest were flying out at 4 so the only ones that would be left would be all my family a few of my grandpa's friend there family and few of Dylan's friends and a couple of my girlfriends from my neighbourhood growing up.

''Want to go to bed?'' Amy nodded I kissed her head moving her off my lap.

''I'm going to head up with them.''

''Alright.'' he pushed his chair back I shook my head.

''You stay, drink with the guys, I've got them.''

''You sure?'' I nodded.

''Yeah we're going to put the telly on and sleep.'' he nodded kissing the kids then me.

''I won't be long.'' I hummed accepting his kiss, he wrapped his arm around me I chuckled pulling back and pecked him again.

''Ok I'll see you guys tomorrow have a good night.'' I blew a kiss and walked out holding the twins hand while Amy walked ahead of us.

''Go put your Pj's on baby doll.'' she nodded walking into her room and changed the boys.

''Go the toilet before bed ok.'' they nodded, I was glad they were out of diapers but to be safe we always put on a diaper at night time until they're full potty trained.

''Amy come in here baby!'' I called she came in crawling on the bed, I changed into my Pj's took my make up off tied my hair up and just cuddling with my babies enjoying the peace and quiet.

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