Chapter 11

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''So things are going good with use?'' My mom asked as we sat on the patio having a bottle of wine.

''Yeah, it's good like with him it's different, all the guys I've dated not one gave me the butterflies but with Dylan I feel nervous all the time, like....'' I trailed off.

''You're falling in love.'' I nodded slowly.

''Am I crazy for feeling this way, I'm only with him a couple of weeks.'' she shook her head.

''I was long in love with your dad before I knew, I was around your dad a lot before I got with him, just like you were with Dylan, I think I was only with your dad... hell I wasn't even with your dad when we said the I loves you.'' my eyes went up high.

''What seriously?'' she nodded.

''Yeah we hung out a lot, then when your aunt Gabby was kidnap by a scumbag Marc Antony I had to cage fight and I guess it got to him I could be killed so he told me he loved me, I couldn't believe it, never expected him to tell me I loved him.''

''Did you say it back?''

''After a few minutes yeah and then we got together.'' I smiled.

''I get Jealous of you a lot you know.'' she looked at me in disbelief .

''What?'' she asked shocked I chuckled.

''You've got it all, a man who's crazy in love with you, 11 kids, a grandchild, you've a family.'' she got up and squeezed my hand.

''Honey you're going to have all of that, look at the boy you have it's clear he's head over heels in love with you and has been for a long time, and Amy, it's like you're her mom already.'' I shook my head sighing.

''Don't be stupid ma.'' I mumbled she chuckled.

''Stop being so blind, stop wanting so hard and just go with ok, the result will be much better ok.'' I nodded and sat on her bed and hugged her.

''I love you mom.'' she squeezed me and kissed my cheek.

''I love you too baby.''

''As cute as this is, Pidge I think the foods done.'' she rolled her eyes with a smile and stood up.

''I'll be in soon.'' she nodded.

''Ok baby.'' she gave me the wine I chuckled pouring a glass and looked across the pool. My mom said something because he frowned and nodded bending down kissing her; he opened the door and laughed at something she said before looking over at me

''You ok Princess!'' he called I nodded.

''Yeah daddy, I'm fine.'' he winked with a smile and followed behind my mom.

From: Dylan

I'm missing you X

I smiled my inside start tingling I leaned back,

To: Dylan

I miss you too <3

''Dinner Kenzie.'' Jasper called, I grabbed the glass and wine and walked into the house, it smelt gorgeous.

''I'll help mom, go sit down.'' he nodded walking into the dining room while I help my mom carry out a lot of food. You need it with 13 people, 5 of them being growing men who just keep eating.

''Mom this looks and smells amazing.'' Kale said in approval, I chuckled pouring coke in Mia's and Ethan's glass before taking my seat at the end of the table, facing my dad down the other end.

I know in family the mother and father sit at the top and bottom of tables, but my dad prefers my mom beside him where he can reach and touch her so I usually sat down this end where Mia and Ethan sat.

''Eat those they're lovely.'' I handed Mia a bowl of Spouts she shook her head, looking in pain, I frowned.

''What's wrong?'' I asked she shook her head.

''Mia.'' I said lowly she sighed.

''Got them this morning.'' I smiled.

''At least they're starting as regular, you have stuff on?'' she nodded.

''I'll go get you one of my painkillers, I'm in them as well.'' she nodded.

''I'll be right back just grabbing my bag.'' I said my dad nodded I went into the kitchen to my handbag taking two painkillers out and gave it to her, she mumbled thanks and swallowed them, I looked up catching my mom's eye.

''Tom.'' I mouthed she copped on and nodded smiling softly when my dad frowned cutting his chicken.

''So Thanksgiving is different this year we've two more faces who's going to be around.'' My dad said everyone looked at him.

''Dylan and Amy.'' they all nodded I looked at him, he winked I smiled looking down at my food.

''So with them coming along that's going to be all of s 13, Megan, Dylan, Amy, Nevaeh, Aunt Gabby, Jaxon, Izzy, Carson, Matthew, Channing, Grandma Grandpa Bieber and Lorenzo, that'll be 27 so we're all eating in your mom's dad's place since there dining room fits a lot of people, we're just going to put a big table together so none of us are parted.'' he said we all nodded.

''Make sure there's extra chairs of because more people always turn up on the days and we've to share food.'' Jason said mom chuckled.

''Yeah we're going to serve enough don't worry about that.'' he nodded looking pleased I smiled.

''So I'll just invite Dylan then?'' I asked them.

''I'll do that honey, I knew the kids thinks I don't like him, so it'll be better me asking then you can say it to him as well but after I ring up.'' I nodded.

''Alright sounds like a plan.'' after eating having a lot of laughter, it was 9 o clock when we finished and everything chipped in helping while my mom went and had a bath. When we were done I went upstairs had a quick shower not doing my hair and got into my Pj's then went down to the family room where everyone was. My parents were on the oval shape red sofa at the end of the chairs where the remote was and everyone else was spreaded out.

''What we watching?'' I asked sitting on a recliner beside Kale.

''White house down.'' I whistled pulling a blanket over my lap.

''Any popcorn mom?'' Sophie asked.

''Yeah I'll go get it.'' she went to stand up but my dad stopped her.

''I'll go Pidge, you can help.'' he said to me I groaned.

''Dad I'm comfortable'' he shrugged.

''Tough.'' Kale sniggered so I hit him in the face with a cushion and smiled walking out of the room.

''You should have invited Dylan and Amy.''

''Its family night.'' he sighed.

''Honey don't ever say that around him.'' I frowned confused.

''Why not?''

''The only family that boy has is his little sister and then you go and say I'm going to Family night with 12 other people he only has the one.'' I frowned, never thought of it that way as I sat down.

''Honey you can go if you want.'' I shook my head.

''No tonight is the one night in a long time we've all been here together, he knows that, I'll just invited him to the next one.'' he nodded

''Alright honey.'' he tossed me a big bag of popcorn that at 6 bags of smaller popcorn in side and grabbed another 3 and we headed back down to the basement.

To: Dylan

Family night is great, but I'd still prefer to be with you and Amy.

You and MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora