Chapter 35

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''Can you two please for once stop fucking fighting with your sister.'' my mom asked Jasper and Jason.

''She's a little bastard, I'm sick of her.'' Jason snapped my jaw dropped and Mia left the room.

''You think you were any different when you were her age, you were a little fuck and what made it worse you had Kale and Annabelle backing you up every time, not one day went by where I didn't want to kill you and I could have there's only 2 years and 8 months between us, she's 13 you're 23, grow the fuck up Jason, or It'll be me knocking you into next week.'' he rolled his eyes.

''Get over yourself Kenzie would ye.'' he asked I got up shoving him hard making him stumble.

''You may talk to everyone else like dirt, but you won't treat me like that, one more smart word out of you and I swear on my 3 kids life's I knock you the fuck out.''

''You've only got 2 of them actually.'' he sneered that's all it took for me to punch him, bust his nose and for him to be on the ground and I kicked him in the balls he cried in pain.

''I'll make sure you never have a kids you sick son of a bitch, you're not to come around the 3 of my kids again you got me.'' he rolled around in pain I looked down at him in disgust my mom stood shock, 2 of my sisters and 2 brothers looked on jaw's dropped, I went upstairs to Mia who was crying into her pillow.

''Fancy a sleep over tonight, I've three little kiddies at home who haven't seen their Aunty Mia in ages.'' she sniffled sitting up I wiped her cheeks.

''I'll pack you a Bag.''

I packed her clothes and Pj's and we headed downstairs, just as the front door shot open.

''Kenzie!'' Annabelle growled I rolled my eyes walking into the kitchen.

''Don't fucking ignore me.'' I turned to her.

''I don't fancy listen to you whine about not to touch your brother, newsflash sweetheart, he is my prick of a brother as well, not just yours, we clear on that.''

''You can't fucking go around hitting him!'' she shouted Mia cowered behind me .

''Or what Anna you going to hit me for hitting your twin?'' she didn't say anything.

''Yeah I didn't think so, that little fucker deserve everything he got and he knows not to come around my family again you want me to make the same thing happen for you?''

''You can do that, you can't keep the kids away from any of us.'' I laughed loudly.

''They're my kids and I can do what I want, he treats Mia like crap you think I'll let him treat my Amy like that you've another thing coming.'' I turned to my mom.

''I'll bring her back Sunday she's spending the weekend with me.'' I didn't give anyone a chance to talk we just left and went back home. I let out a deep breath closing the door.

''Hi.'' she mumbled to Dylan he looked down at her frowning.

''Mia what's wrong?'' he bent down she shook her head.

''Where's Amy?''

''Up in her room, go on up to her sweetie.'' she nodded walking to the stairs.

''Hey.'' I said bending down to her, her eyes watered.

''Don't you be upset ok, it'll all be ok go up and get your Pj's on and I'll go get you girls some dinner later.'' she nodded I kissed her head and she went upstairs.

''What's wrong?'' Dylan followed me into the kitchen I let out a deep breath going into the story sitting on the counter.

''What a fucking ass, I hope you broke his nose next time I see him I'll make I will.''


''No he better not say any crap like that around Amy, Kenzie I fucking mean it, he'll never walk again.'' he walked out of the room I followed.

''You can't be mad at me, I agree with you and I wouldn't stop you either.'' he wiped Lennon's dribbles. I bent down and kissed his cheek he looked up at me I smiled.

''Hiya little man, you being good for your daddy?'' I asked taking him out of the pram he leaned his head on my chest I kissed the top of it.

''You boys are getting so big.'' I said sadly crossing my legs sitting him on my knees he looked at me I kissed all over his face he smiled his head going back so he could see my face.

''Nosy boy.'' I cooed he turned to Dylan who was looking at us, he didn't smile just looked away from me to Lennon who was giving him a baby glare.

''Awe you little cutie.'' I cried and picked Parker up sitting him on my other leg, they looked at each other then they giggled I awed then they made a little noise.

''They scoffed did you hear that?'' I asked.

''Yeah I did, what you looking at huh?'' he asked Parker who turned to Dylan his lips tugged then frowned while he took Lennon I smiled turning him around leaning him on my legs my hands under his head.

And we'll never be royals (royals).
It don't run in our blood,
That kind of luxe just ain't for us.
We crave a different kind of buzz.
Let me be your ruler (ruler),
You can call me queen Bee
And baby I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule.
Let me live that fantasy.

He laughed eating his hands I chuckled kissing his cheek, footsteps where heard coming down the stairs, I turned to the door as Amy and Mia came in.

''Hi.'' Amy said sitting down with her iPad in her hand I hummed and looked at Mia she smiled at the twins who both where looking at her.

''Boo.'' they jumped then laughed in delight and excitement, I chuckled and she picked Lennon up off me and sat him on her lap.

''I'm going to go get them some food, what do you want?'' I asked Dylan.

''I fancy Pizza.'' I nodded.

''I won't be long.'' I kissed his cheek.

''You kids be good!'' I called grabbing my purse and went out to get dinner. I was out for half an hour and when I pulled up I saw my dad's car in the driveway, I sighed and grabbed the food going into the house.

''Here eat this in the living room.'' I said as Amy walked out, I gave her two happy means.

''Call me If your brothers cry.'' she nodded and I closed the door and walked into the kitchen seeing my dad he narrowed his eyes and me.

''Hungry?'' he shook his head I put the pizza on the counter.

''What do you want dad?''

''Don't talk to me that way Kenzie, what the hell went on at home.''

''Those dickheads picking on Mia again.''

''They don't pick on her.'' he glared at me I glared back.

''Yeah dad they do, I get a phone call off her crying at least twice a week, none of you notice because you're never there.''

''What the hell do you mean by that we're always around her?''

''Yeah really, so you drop her too school collect her ask her how her day was bring her out?'' he frowned.

''I'm fucking sick of seeing her so sad all the time, mom is never around she's only bothered about brunch with her friends or talking about the new expensive clothing or jewellery you got her.''

''Don't talk about your mom with that attitude she's home all the time.''

''Yeah when you're there and when you are use both go out and never bring Mia, you know what Mia asked Dylan, not even me she asked him if things got bad at home could she stay here, she asked him that not me because she didn't want me to worry about her.'' he frowned and looked at Dylan.

''She's a sad girl boss, when we bring her out during the week with Amy she's not even excited, she feels like because she's the youngest no one cares about her, only Kenzie.'' my dad frowned I crossed my arms over my chest.

''You tell Jason Bieber if he ever says a thing to her again I'll make sure he won't be able to stand let alone walk again, and the same goes for the rest of them, if they don't listen..... I'm taking her to stay with me and there's not a damn thing you or mom will do about it.'' he glared his jaw clenched.

''And don't give me that crap about her being your child, at this rate she'll pick my house over yours, my family or yours.''

''You're my fucking family.'' he snapped I ignored him and opened the pizza.

''We're eating you should go.'' he cursed under his breath and left I rolled my eyes after his dramatic exit.

''That was a bit harsh.'' I turned and glared at Dylan.

''You're supposed to be on my side.'' he frowned.

''I am on your side, I'm always going to be on your side baby, but that was a bit harsh, he came over here to see where you ok he saw the damages on Jason's face he wanted to see if you hurt your hand.'' I frowned.

''Listen you can sort it tomorrow ok, don't let her know there's more arguing.'' I nodded.

The night I spent tossing and turning, the twins where in a routine, at 10 weeks they have their bottle every 4 and a half hours, I'd say within in 2 months It'll be a bottle before they gone down and that'll be it till the next morning, which I can't wait for a full night sleep.

''You ok?'' Dylan asked I hummed.

''Yeah, go back to sleep.'' I mumbled I rubbed his back, when he was asleep I slipped a tracksuit on and runners.

''Where are you going?'' Dylan asked sitting up.

''To the treadmill to blow some steam, just listen out for the boys in case they cry.'' I kissed him and left.

About half hour of walking I got fed up and got in my car and drove to my parents, I parked my car and took my keys out I quickly typed in the alarm and closed the door, I listened out and heard noise in the kitchen, I turned the lock on the door and walked into the kitchen seeing my dad at the island with a glass of whiskey, I tapped on the door he turned his head, eyebrows went up in surprise.

''What are you doing here?'' he asked sitting up straight.

''I shouldn't have been such a bitch to you, it's not your fault Jason is a dick.'' he chuckled shaking his head.

''How's the hand?'' I clenched it.

''Bruised but it was worth it.'' he sighed.

''Kenzie he's your little brother.''

''I know that, but It's my job to put them in line if Josh doesn't, dad you don't listen to her cry and it breaks my heart, that poor girl feels like no one loves her, I went through that with Amy for months she felt like I was lying to her when I said I loved her, I'm not having my baby sister feel that way.'' he nodded

''I'm going to make big changes in this house, you've my word, I'm not having her feel like she's not loved or wanted, to be honest she's my favourite out of you all.'' I laughed.

''That's only because I've moved out.'' he smiled and leaned back on the stool's.

''Nah I love you all equally, just she's my baby, and well.... She's growing up on me, before I know it I'll be listening to her tell me she's pregnant and she's engaged.'' I smiled.

''She's growing up dad and there's nothing you can do it stop her, just be there for her, she's daddy's little girl.'' he nodded I smiled.

''Right I better go before Dylan gets up and panics thinking I was kidnap during the night.''

''They'd pay us to take you back.'' I shoved him; he chuckled pulling me into a hug.

''Night daddy.''

''Night baby, drive home safe.'' I smiled and headed home, I winched when I saw Dylan coming down the stairs.

''I'm sorry if I worried you, I just couldn't go to sleep fighting with my dad so I went over and apologise.''

''So you woke him?'' I shook my head.

''He was having a drink in the kitchen.'' he nodded.

''So are you coming to bed.'' I nodded locking the door putting the alarm on. I followed him up the stairs I checked on the girls then looked down at the twins and stripped down getting in the bed pulling the covers up to my neck yawning, he moved over wrapping his arms around me.

''What were you thinking about for those few hours you were lying here awake?'' he asked in a tired voice.

''Our wedding.'' he moved his head up a little.

''Yeah, what about it?'' I chuckled

''Just my colours who I'd have for my bridesmaid, Amy's dress the boys, the venue.''

''Wait have you got it all planned out?'' he asked I hummed turning on my back.

''I just want it family and close friends none of The Crips I don't want to see them there I'll think there's something up, out of the country a nice hot place where we can honeymoon with the kids, I don't like the idea of a beach wedding just a nice church and hotel venue.'' it was dark but I knew he was facing me.

''Amy will be flower girl and the boys will do Paige boys, they can walked down with Amy in walkers if they're not walking by then.'' he smiled against my arm.

''I can't wait baby, it's sounds perfect.'' I smiled he kissed my cheek trailing his lips across my face to my mouth, I smiled and joined my hand behind him

''Better be quiet Bieber, don't want to wake the kids.'' he covered his body with mine.

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