Chapter 28

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I yawned rubbing my face, I rubbed Parker's back until he burp.

''That's mommy's boy.'' I whispered kissing the side of his head, the door opened and Dylan came in with Amy I smiled.

''Hey baby girl.'' I said hugging her she looked between them.

''You want to meet your brothers?'' she nodded I smiled and Dylan sat her on the bed in the middle.

''This is Parker he is the oldest.'' I placed him in her arms she looked down at him in aw I smiled and Dylan picked Lennon up crouching down putting him in her other arm.

''They look the same.'' we chuckled.

''They're identical, the only difference with them is their ears, Parker as a pointy ear like your dad.'' she looked at Dylan then to Parker.

''What if we mix them up.'' I chuckled.

''Don't worry I'll make sure that doesn't happen.'' she nodded and bent her head kissing the twins forehead making my eyes water, we spent this time just taking picture and had the nurse take a full family picture.

''Ready to go home?'' Dylan asked.

''More than ever.''

It was our luck that when the babies came into the world there was a bug in the hospital so no one was allowed in, my family had only seen the boys through photos and when Dylan went home for the car seat he chanced it bringing Amy up and lucky enough she got in to see them before anyone else.

''They're so tiny.'' I smiled.

''They only weigh 5 pounds, they weight the same as the bag of sugar we buy'' her little brown eyes widen I smiled kissing her forehead.

''I missed you.'' I said she hugged my legs.

''I missed you to.'' I smiled running my hand through her hair while Dylan put the twins into their car seats.

''Let's go home.'' he put my bag in his right hand and took Lennon while I grabbed Parker and Amy walked beside me holding my other hand.

''Heads up, everyone is in the house.'' I nodded

''Yeah I figured they'd be.'' I yawned he looked at me I shook my head putting my belt on and looked into the back, Amy was in between her brothers looking between them with a smile on her face.

''The midwife will be out on Monday to do there heel prick'' he nodded pulling into the drive way, I didn't get a chance to open my door when the first door opened and my mom came out followed by my sisters, I chuckled getting out

''How are you'' my mom asked hugging me I smiled closing my eyes

''I'm great'' she pulled back and looked at me

''You look it.'' I waved her off and smiled at my sisters.

''One of you mind grabbing one?''

''I will.'' my mom said I chuckled taking Amy's hand and swung our arms back and forehead, I got in the door everyone cheer, a big banner was across the staircase area that over looked the foyer saying congratulations on Parker and Lennon.

''You guys.'' I said shaking my head my dad chuckling coming over hugging me.

''Congratulations baby, I'm so happy for you.''

''Thanks daddy.''

''Yeah sis I've over the moon for you.'' Jason said I smiled hugging him tight and I was passed around to my brothers my grandpa and my aunts and uncles.

''Wow they're identical.'' I watched Dylan and my mom place the car seats on the ground; mom looked at me I chuckled.

''You don't have to ask mom.'' she smiled taking Lennon out of his car seat everyone awe.

''Here pops.'' Dylan said holding Parker out, my dad let out a deep breath and carefully took him his eyes widen.

''Wow he's tiny, which is which?'' he asked I chuckled sitting down pulling Amy on my lap.

''You're holding Lennon and Bella has Parker.''

''They don't look like Bieber's.'' Bella said my dad frowned I chuckled.

''No they look like him, they've nothing of me, absolutely nothing, I'm still hoping they'll at least get my eyes.'' my mom awed and wiped her cheeks I smiled and braided Amy's hair she leaned back against me, I kissed her head wrapping my arms around her.

''How were they last night?'' I nodded.

''They slept all night I had to wake them for a feed, the nurse came in at half five to take my blood pressure and I'm awake since.'' she frowned.

''They make so much noise, she was banging the trolleys I told her if she woke any of them up I'd punch her lights out.'' my grandpa's laughed behind their hands.

''They're actually due a bottle now.'' I said to Dylan he smiled and nodded leaving the room.

''How are you feeling?'' my grandma Mag asked.

''I'm good, sore but I'm good.''

''Did they rip you?'' each of the guys groaned I chuckled.

''No they are so tiny they just spilled out of me, the tough part was just starting the contractions, I pushed for ages until there head could be seen then one push and they were out.''

''How many minutes between them?'' Sophie asked holding Lennon's hand sitting beside my dad.

''2 and a half minutes, Parker is the eldest.'' she smiled.

''They're so tiny.'' I smiled.

''They're the smallest baby we've ever had in the family, the smallest before them was Zendaya she was 6,6.'' Grandma Macari said.

''I was expecting them to be 7lbs each because I was so big, I had a lot of water.'' I looked down at Amy who was playing with my ring. I looked at the babies, my grandmothers where holding them I smiled and when Dylan came in, Alicia and Izzy fed them.

''You look exhausted.'' my dad said

''To be honest I am.''

''Honey go to bed, Dylan can manage tonight.'' I didn't know, I didn't want to leave him to do it.

''I'll go up later.''

''Babe.'' Dylan said I looked at him.

''Go to bed, looks it's after 7 you've eating you're showered just get into bed and have a good night sleep, you'll feel much better tomorrow on a full night's sleep.'' I sighed and nodded giving in.

''Go you're in one of the guest rooms I don't want the twins to wake you.''

''You'll call me if you need me right, Dylan if they don't settle just wake me ok I can go back to sleep when they sleep.'' he held my shoulders.

''They're be fine stop worrying ok I'm with them I'm not going to let anything happen to them.'' I bit my lip and nodded I bent down to the mosses basket both of them where in and kissed there head pulling the covers up to their shoulders.

''Thank for coming.'' I said hugging everyone goodnight promising my mom I'd right her tomorrow, I smiled at Amy taking her hand bringing her up with me, we changed into our Pj's and went to one of the double bedrooms next to her room and got into bed, I turned the telly on and gave her the remote. I barely heard anything after my head hit the pillow.

The next time I opened my eyes was when I rolled over, I opened my eyes looking at the clock, I shot up looking around, it was 1pm in the day.

''Jesus Christ.'' I said getting out of the bed, I stopped by the bedroom and changed my pad and put a housecoat on and went down stairs

''Good afternoon sleeping beauty.''

''Why didn't you wake me?'' he smiled.

''Baby you were out for the count, I went in and checked on you, you didn't move from the spot you laid in, I thought you were dead half of the time, I had to shove you a little to hear you breath.'' I sighed.

''Sorry.'' he smiled.

''You had a good 18 hours sleep, how are feeling?''

''To tell the truth I'm still tired.'' he smiled.

''That's because you miss so much sleep when you were pregnant, if you want you can go back to bed.'' I shook my head and smiled down at the boys, Lennon was moving his feet I picked him up.

''Hi my little pudding.'' I kissed his head and sat down him on my knees and opened his baby grow.

''How were they?'' I asked

''They were so good, I fed them at 11, they woke at half 2 half 5 then at 9, I didn't come down here till 11 I gave them a bottle about half hour again, they are between 3-4 hours, I'd say in the next few weeks when they're heavier it'll be four hours.'' I nodded picking a clean diaper up and wipes and cleaned him, redressed him and put him down, Parker wasn't smelly so I left him in his comfort and rocked the mosses basket with my foot.

''Where's Amy?''

''Gone to the movies with Mia and Ethan.'' I nodded leaning back crossing my arms over my belly.

''You were amazing, watching you give birth to them was the most beautiful experience of my life.'' I smiled.

''It was beautiful alright.'' he chuckled bending down and kissed me, I cradled his face.

''It's going to be though Kenz rearing two new-borns and a six year old, it's going to be hard but I'm here through it all ok.'' I nodded rubbing his cheeks with my thumb

''Yeah I know.'' he nodded pecking me and stood up living the living room.

''Hey little guy.'' I cooed picking Lennon up kissing his head before laying him on my lap changing his diaper. I dressed him and leaned him on my knees while I sat back, one of his hands held my finger the other hand I was rubbing his cheek with the back of my index finger.

''I'm not forgetting you Parker.'' I said picking him up also sitting him beside his brother my arms on the side of them so they wouldn't fall.

''Theirs mommy's boys.'' I said while they later on opened their eyes. I kissed both of them and laid them in the mosses basket before going in kitchen to make their bottles.

''Where's your daddy?'' I asked Park while feeding him. I listened out not hearing anything. Once the boys where feed changed and winded I put clean Pj's on them and carried them up the stairs seeing Dylan asleep across the bed, I chuckled lying the boys beside him.

''Babe.'' I said he was out cold. I sat beside him running my hands through his tight haircut; he turned his head facing me but kept his eyes closed.

''Baby you're up here the past 2 hours, you won't sleep tonight.'' he hummed.

''Ok suit yourself, come on little guys.'' I whispered to them standing up, he turned his head to them and smiled; he moved closer pulling both them beside him and wrapped his arms around them.

''Go have a bath or something and relax I've got them.'' he mumbled.

''Are you sure, I don't mind waiting until I put them down tonight.''

''It's fine go.'' I nodded and went into the bathroom ran myself a bath and while doing that I had a quick shower washing my body and hair then clipped my hair up, I put some bubbles and bath salts in it and enjoyed a 25 minutes bath got out wrapping a towel around myself. The three of them where still asleep. I took this extra time to do get dressed clean the house put the wash on and dried my hair all in 67 minutes then went back up stairs.

''Dylan I'm at of making garlic bread and spicy chicken fajitas get up come on.'' I nudged him he opened his eyes and blinked down at the boys and nodded.

''Where's Amy?''

''Sophia is going to drop her home later on she's going to be eating out.'' he nodded, I smiled and picked my boys up kissing their tiny heads.

''Come on, your food will be cold.'' I went down stairs putting the twins into a twin swing and put it on level 1 and it stung them slowly and gently.

''Where's yours?'' he asked sitting at the table.

''Having mine now.'' I said drinking a healthy green juice and put my chicken salad on the table he frowned at it then sighed.

''Don't it's my body.'' he frowned at but didn't say anything.

''Sleep well?'' he nodded.

''I didn't plan on going asleep, I just laid down and I was gone, don't even remember closing my eyes.'' I smiled.

''We've twins, best get used to little sleep for a few years.''

''How your mom and dad done it on 11 is beyond me, and we're only starting.'' I chuckled.

''So I was talking to Josh earlier.'' I nodded.

''The gym is slacking, since he is on holidays that was owed and I'm out because the twins are here we left James in charge but no one is turning up to do the fitness classes, we've lost 12 members already.'' I frowned.

''Can't my dad go down?'' he nodded.

''The women, they are used to their trainers, they are very insecure and had a hard enough time working out in front of me and standing on a scales, they're used to me someone knew coming in they'll leave.'' I looked at my plate.

''I've to go back to work tomorrow 2 weeks Kenzie.'' I looked at him.

''Dylan the twins are only born.'' he nodded.

''I know, it'll only be for a few hours a day I'll make it up to you I promise, it's just until we train the others to take over classes.'' I nodded and the fork I held was playing with the food.

''I'm going to have a shower.'' he kissed my cheek and left.

You and MeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora