Chapter 43

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''Does she not want to go on a honeymoon?'' Josh asked.

''She says being here is a honey moon, since we've moved into the villa on the beach, she doesn't like leaving the kids at all so going away for a week I know it wouldn't sit well with her.''

''I'd mind the kids she'd know they're safe.'' Dylan nodded.

''She just worries about them, if the boys where a bit bigger I'd have taken her away but she hinted that being here was a wedding and a holiday in one, trust me man I had Paris all planned out then she laid it on me, but I'm glad being here, this place is amazing.''

''Damn right it is, I don't think I'd mind living on the beach, only thing that worries me is Sharks in that water, Nevaeh doesn't like the water but Megan does so I'm just happy we've a pool it's safer.''

''Totally agree man, the beach is a beautiful sight but I've be scared shitless myself.'' they tipped their beers then he heard crying from inside the villa, he frowned and got up going inside seeing the boys fighting.

''Hey, hey no.'' he scolded pulling them away.

''I'm sick of them fighting all the time.'' Kenzie said coming into view wearing short shorts and a bikini bra making his mouth water.

''Just leave them to fight it out.'' Josh said.

''Josh.'' Kenzie frowned.

''Mom and dad got sick of the triplets fighting well the boys so they just let them fight and then the realized that they are fighting the wrong people, worth a try, just when the fight leave them don't take sides.'' she frowned and picked up their toys leaving Dylan with them, he sighed and stepped away from them, they were still glaring at each other in anger.

''Daddy.'' Amy ran in laughing running away from her uncle Jason, Dylan caught her twirling her around she wrapped her arms around his neck.

''Little miss.'' Jason said tiggling her making her laugh loudly he chuckled and picking a laughing Nevaeh up kissing her cheek.

''How that thing going man?'' Jason asked looking at Amy then to Dylan.

''I was talking to our lawyer this morning, Kenzie and I just have to go sign a form with a judge bring out marriage certificate and then it's final.'' Kenzie's brothers grinned.

''That's brilliant man, she'll be over the moon when it's final.'' he nodded and kissed Amy's head.

''Where's mom?''

''In the bedroom baby.'' she got down and went in.

''Nevaeh honey come here!'' Kenzie called and Jason put her down and she ran into the room.

''So man I reckon we have a guy's night, we're coming to an end of this holiday, and we haven't had guys night yet.''

''Don't know man; don't want to leave her with the kids all the time.''

''You can go.'' he turned to see Kenzie and raised his eyebrows.

''Are you sure?'' she nodded.

''Yep, go have fun I'm going to put them down early and have a nice long relaxing peaceful bath.'' he nodded kissing her and turned to the guys.

''Well let's go get drunk.''

''Nevaeh baby come on we've to go momma is looking for you.'' she ran out into her daddy's arms.

''Ring me if you need me.'' she nodded.

''Have fun be safe.''
            He enjoyed hanging out with the guys but he knew he didn't want to be here, he was a newlywed and all he wanted to do was get into bed with his wife.

''I'm going to bounce guys.''

''The night hasn't even started.'' he downed this drink and stood up.

''I've a wife at home about to get into a bath.'' he said her brothers glared but his buddies and her cousins laughed, he grinned and left walking back to the villa opening the door with his key and double locked it and checked on the kids making sure they were all asleep, he made sure there balcony door was double locked and curtains where pulled before going into the master bedroom seeing it empty he heard the water in the bath and grinned stripping down, she looked up when he came in and smiled.

''Guys night over.'' she moved up as he got in beside her.

''I'd rather be with my wife.'' he kissed her shoulder she smiled leaning back.

''This week has been amazing.'' he wrapped his arms around her.

''Yeah baby, it really has, but next time we go on holiday we're going alone.'' she hummed.

He loved having the kids, the 3 of them where his life and soul, but trying to get some time alone with her was hard, but he was grateful for her family, they'd come and take the kids giving them some newly-wed time alone.

''Did I ever tell you, Hawaii was always my honeymoon?''

''Really huh?'' she nodded

''Yeah this week besides the wedding was amazing, a perfect family holiday a perfect honeymoon with our kids I wouldn't change a thing.'' he smiled against her skin.

''But it would be nice if we got away for a weekend when we go home.''

''Seriously?'' she nodded

''Like Canada or something for a long weekend, my mom would mind the kids.''

''You're alright with leaving them?''

''It'll be tough but I know they're safe and I want some me and you time no interruption.'' he tightened his arms around her.

''Then I'll get booking baby.''

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