Chapter 34

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''Mommm.'' I sighed.

''Stop pushing it Amy you see your dad enough.''

''But mom I want him to live with us again.'' I groaned.

''Stop annoying me or I'll put you in your room for the day.'' Amy huffed storming out of the room.

6 years of age and she went on like she was 10. I shook my head and wiped Lennon's mouth and gave him juice in one hand while I fed Parker with the other.

''Mom, dad is at the door.'' I put the spoon and drink down and walked out the boys cried once I saw it was Dylan I nodded at her and she let him in.

''Hey princ- what's wrong with them?'' he asked I sat back down continuing what I was doing shutting them up.

''Hey.'' I smiled Lennon smiled around his juice bottle.

''Here I'll feed him.'' I thanked him standing up and sat on the other side of Parker.

''Daddy I want to stay with you tonight.''

''Amy I told you a thousand time you can't, I'm sleeping on a sofa baby.'' she stormed out slamming doors.

''Amy get back here now.'' he said she ignored him stomping up stairs he looked at me I shrugged.

''That is your job.''

''Lovely.'' he said sarcastically, I chuckled taking the bowl and spoon from him feeding Parker.

''Now my soldiers your tummy's are full.'' I put them into their pram in front of the telly hearing Amy shouting up stairs.

''Amy you're grounded if you say one more thing.'' Dylan warned.

''I want you to come home.'' she muttered.

''I want to come home to princess but it's up to your mom and you're not to annoy her about it, it's up to her and you're making it worse.'' I moved away from the stairs and went back into the living room.

They came back down five minutes later Amy in a mood Dylan rolled his eyes and sat beside me.

''She is going to be a nightmare when she turns into a teenager.''

''She's your daughter.'' I said he scoffed.

''Oh yeah she's mine when she's being a brat.'' I smiled.

''At least with these two, they won't have a change in hormones every month.'' he smiled at the boys who were watching telly.

''And there was me thinking I'd like another daughter, nah one is enough especially at her rate.'' I laughed.

''It's only going to get worse as the years go by.''

''And what we're going through isn't helping her.'' I hummed looking at the telly.

''It's been 3 weeks Kenzie you know you're the love of my life, you know I love these 3 kids with everything in me, what more.''

''What if this all happens again, what if you want fun?'' he shook his head.

''Fun only lasts a couple of hours then it's over, been a father.... A husband that lasts a lifetime and that's what I want, I want a life time with you and our kids.'' I scanned his face he picked my hand up.

''If you still didn't love me or want me you'd have taking the ring off.''

''I do love you and I do want you Dylan I'm just afraid, I'm only getting back to normal hell I'm not fully there yet weight wise, I can't go through it again.'' he nodded.

''It won't.'' he picked my left hand up putting it on his chest over his heart.

''On the beat of my heart, I'll never hurt you like I did before I'll never leave you or the kids again I'll make sure you know every day how much I love you all.'' it took me a few minutes but I nodded.

''One chance that's it, fuck that up, we're done for good no going back.''

''I swear baby I won't screw it up.'' I nodded.

''Can I kiss you?'' I nodded he cup my face and I melted against his touch he tangled his hand in my hair I sighed in delight he pulled out kissing all over my face.

''I love you so much Kenzie so much you've no idea.'' I smiled.

''I love you too.'' he kissed along my jaw I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck making eye contact with Amy and winked, she smiled and looked at her brothers.

''Does this mean daddy can come home?'' both Amy and Dylan looked at me, I nodded.

''Yeah sweetie it does.'' she smiled and came over sitting on his lap, I chuckled pulling the pram back.

''What's wrong with you huh?'' I asked Parker as he cried, I shook my head and took him out bouncing him on my lap

''His jaws are pretty red, I'll get the bonjela.'' Dylan said I nodded kissing Parker's head and let him bit on my fingers

''Hey now look what daddy has, it's going to make you better.'' Dylan squeezed a bit of gel out of the tube onto my finger and I rubbed it on Parker's gums and put his pacifier in, he leaned his head on my chest while his cries settled, I rubbed his back swaying us.

''He's asleep.'' Amy said I looked down at chuckled putting him in the pram and laid his part back, during all of this Lennon never took his eyes off the telly until I laid Parker back, he leaned forward and looked down at his older brother and frowned looking at me.

''He's sleepy.'' he kind of huffed and looked back at the telly.

''Little shite.'' I muttered while Dylan laughed.

''Can't believe they're 15 weeks already.'' he mumbled running his hand through Lennon's hair who frowned moving his head away, I smiled leaning back on the sofa.

''It's your birthday soon,''

''It is,'' he said his eyebrows arched I frowned.

''Yeah 5 weeks today.'' he frowned taking his phone out checking in the calendar.

''Wow you're right.'' I smiled rubbing the back his neck.

''What do you want for it?'' he smiled.

''Nothing, just a good day with you and our kids.'' I smiled and kissed him, he pulled me closer to him.

''Ew'' Amy muttered leaving the room, I chuckled and pulled her back lying her across our lap and tickled she laughed trashing her legs, I laughed sitting her up pushing her hair out of her face.

''School tomorrow.'' she sighed I smiled.

''Hey you love school.'' she shrugged.

''But Daddy's only home.'' we chuckled.

''And he'll be here tomorrow and every other day, come on you've to get a shower and I'll do your hair before you go to bed.'' she huffed getting off of us I rolled my eyes following her actions.

''Watch them!'' I called to Dylan and went upstairs turning the warm water on, two minutes later she stripped and stepped into the shower.

''Daddy is back for good.''

''Yeah baby he is, don't you be worrying about anything all, everything is staying the way it is.'' she nodded and rinsed the conditioner, I knocked the water off and she walked out I wrapped a big towel around her and carried her to her bed, lucky enough all of the bedrooms came bathrooms just not as big as the master suite. I was grateful they do, because he'll save the fighting when the kids are all older.

''Will you do two French braids?'' I nodded standing behind her parting her hair.

''Can daddy drop me to school tomorrow?'' she asked getting under the covers I smiled and sat on the edge of her bed.

''Yeah baby he can, now get a good night sleep and I'll see you tomorrow ok.'' she nodded I kissed her head.

''I love you.'' she smiled and kissed my cheek.

''Love you to momma.'' I winked and knocked on her bedside lamp and closed the door after me going back down stairs seeing Dylan changing the boys into their Pj's.

''She wants you to bring her to school tomorrow.'' he nodded.

''No problem.'' he stood Lennon on his lap and picked parker up kissing his head.

''They got their bottles and everything.'' I smiled.

''Well you know where the room is.'' he chuckled I smiled and kissed the twins heads as he walked out. I took this time to tidy the down stairs up and made Amy's lunch and put her lunch box in the fridge and her bag and coat on the counter.

''Jesus they are getting so big.'' Dylan said pulling me down on the sofa, I chuckled looking up at him.

''Tell me about it, it's like they both know Parker is the older one, so whatever he does Lennon will follow.''

''Yeah I know, Parker wouldn't let go as I tried lying him down so Lennon done the same.'' I chuckled.

''Are they ok?'' he nodded.

''Yeah they're fine, are you going to put them in their own cribs?'' I nodded.

''Yeah when they can sit up I'm going to change them over, they'll need their own space when they're about 6 months'' he nodded his arm going around me rubbing my side with his thumb.

''I'm never going to fuck us up again Kenzie, I promise you.'' I nodded rubbing his cheek

''Yeah baby, I know.''

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