Chapter 23

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''Princess listen to me ok, Mommy isn't forgetting about you baby, momma hasn't slept in two nights, the babies are making her very uncomfortable and it's making her snappy, but she doesn't mean to.'' I overheard Dylan say.

''Ok.'' a little sniffle broke my heart. I heard the front door closing and the car driving out of the drive way.

My head fell into my hands. This pregnancy was just draining me and I still had 3 and a half more months to go, a long 14 weeks and I just wanted to have the twins and not have a new complaint every day.

Footsteps running up the stairs snapped me out my thoughts, I wiped my cheeks as the door opened, Dylan bent down in front of me.

''Don't cry.'' I shook my head.

''She thinks I don't care about her anymore, because I've the twins she thinks they're more important, right now yeah keeping them alive and healthy is the main thing, but I love all my kids equally.'' he wiped my cheeks.

''I know that baby, I know that and I spoke to her on the way to school and she understands she just wants to hang out with you, use don't have to go out or anything she just wants to be with her momma.''

''I know, I'm going to collect her from school.'' he smiled and nodded.

''I'll drive you.''

''Maybe I should do it solo just me and her.'' he nodded kissing my cheek.

''Right she's out of school at half 1, so you've at least four hours to sleep, use this time relax close your eyes or something, just stay in bed.'' I nodded kissing him goodbye, because he was leaving for work.

I put my hands into my jacket watching the school doors; I frowned seeing her coming out last a sad face on.

''Hey little Miss Hollywood, Cheer up!'' I called; she looked up and gasped a big smile covering her face.

''Mommy!'' she yelled I chuckled bending down catching her and spun her around.

''Hey baby girl, did you have a good day in school.''

''Yeah we painted.'' I put her in the car.

''Did you bring it home?''

''Tomorrow.'' I nodded strapping her in and got in my seat.

''So how would you like to go shopping with momma buy you lots of lovely new clothes and we go the movies and have dinner out.'' Her smiled brightened my life up. I pulled out of the school parking lot and drove towards the mall.

We done us some shopping, we had about 6 bags of new stuff for her, then we done a little bit of baby shopping.

''We'll put these in the car and we'll go watch a movie ok.'' she nodded. Once they were in boot we headed back into the mall towards the movies.

''Hello.'' I whispered

''Where are you?'' Dylan asked confused and curious.

''In the movies, it's nearly over, I'm going to bring her for dinner I'll bring you something home.''

''Don't worry about me, Megan came by work with a big stew so we ate.'' I chuckled.

''Ok babe I'll be home in about an hour.''

''Ok sweetheart see you then be safe.'' I hung up and winked at Amy who smiled putting handful of popcorn in her mouth

''So missus you hungry for dinner?''

''My belly hurts.'' she mumbled I chuckled.

''that's all the popcorn you ate.'' she sighed I smiled down at her.

''I'll drive by McDonald's and you can eat later on how does that sound.'' she nodded I chuckled putting her in the car and stopped by the drive through got us all food then headed home.

''Go call daddy.'' she ran to the door and knocked on it, a minute later he opened raising his eyebrows at her.

''Help.'' she said I chuckled opening the boot and grabbed a couple of bags.

''Get enough?'' he asked I smiled.

''It was girls day.'' I shrugged he swatted my bum I chuckled following Amy into the house.

''I just got you're a big mac for later, we had popcorn so we'll eat them later.'' I put the food in the oven until later.

''Have a good day?''

''The best.'' she said climbing up on the stool at the island.

''Get new clothes?'' he asked.

''Just some.'' she shrugged I chuckled under my breath.

''Just some huh, how much it cost?'' he asked me.

''It doesn't matter, what matter is we had a good day didn't we doll.'' she nodded she pouted her lips I chuckled pecking her.

''Can we go the zoo?'' she randomly asked Dylan looked over his shoulder.

''It's too late to go now.'' she sighed looking at the counter I smiled.

''We'll go on Saturday ok, and we can bring Nevy if you like.''

''Really?'' I nodded.

''Yeah only if you're good for the rest of the week.'' she smiled and nodded I messed her hair up and dried the dishes.

''Hello?'' I heard Izzy call out from the front door.

''We're back here Iz.'' Dylan called back sitting beside Amy with colouring books.

''Hey little lady.'' Izzy said kissing Amy's cheek messed Dylan hair and came over hugging me

''How are you, you look great.'' she rubbed my belly.

''I'm good, tried but good.'' she poked under my eye I swatted her hand away.

''Are you sleeping?''

''No she's not.'' Dylan spoke up I glared at him he ignored it.

''She hasn't slept in two nights and when she does it's only a few hours.'' she frowned at me.

''I can't help it, the twins are leaning on my back, their feet are digging into my ribs and the kick constantly at night time like they are bating each other.'' Dylan smiled at my belly while my cousin chuckled.

''Honey maybe you should ring your midwife see can they give you anything.'' I shook my head giving Dylan a cup of tea.

''I don't want to take anything, I try not to even take headache pills, I'm going to have a bath tonight then get into bed, that should help.'' I carried two cups of tea to the table and sat down.

''When is your next check-up.''

''In 4 weeks at my 30 mark.'' her eyebrows went up.

''Jesus that was a fast pregnancy you're 26 weeks already.''

''It dragged in.'' she smiled.

''To you yeah because it's you that's pregnant but not to me or the others, I was only talking to my mom about it she thought you were only four months.'' I Chuckled.

''I've to go over to her's she keeps inviting me for dinner then something comes up.''

''Yeah she's always telling me to drag you over.'' I smiled.

''She is school till 4 tomorrow it's a late day for the after school dance club so I'll pop over at noon don't tell her I'll surprise her.'' she smiled.

''Are you still working?''

''The odd day of the week, I've no energy, I'm getting much bigger, in 4 weeks I won't be able to dance with the size.''

''Are you going to go back after the babies are born?'' I shook my head.

''No I'd prefer to be at home raising my kids, I want to be able to collect Amy from school and not have to ask my mom to do it.'' she nodded.

''I understand, I'd prefer to be at home with the kids than work, just like our moms.'' I smiled

''My mom told me when she had Josh she said she'll still work in the restaurant she work in but she didn't go back, she'd rather stay at home being a mom, baking with us girls, it was fun having my mom around all the time, didn't see my dad as much every day, but with my mom I knew she was there if I needed her, that what I want with my three, I want them to know I'm there for them every second of the day.''

''My mom still talks so highly of your mom.'' I smiled.

''How come?'' Dylan asked coming to sit beside us.

''You didn't get the big run through of Bella.''

''Oh that yeah.'' he nodded.

''She always said your mom was like her mom, even when grandma was alive your mom practically rear mine because she brought her everywhere, I love hearing Grandpa's stories telling us what they were like years ago.''

''You're the image of your mom Iz.'' Dylan said she chuckled.

''Your one of few who think that, everyone thinks I look more like the Biebers.''

''Same, people think I look more like my dad but I see more of my mom in me, I've my dad's eyes that's about it, I'm the only one out of the 11 of us who has hazel eyes the rest are a dark green like my momma.''

After an hour hanging with my cousin she headed home and I showered Amy then done her hair, I let her do my make-up then when Dylan fell to sleep we put make up on his face and laughed going up stairs.

''Amy!'' Dylan called an hour later she squealed closing her door but he got there before her, I burst out laughing.

''P-Pink suits you.'' he glared and looked down at her.

''Think it's funny huh?'' she giggled behind her hand he tackled her to the bed tickling her.

''Dadd- haha- s-stop.'' I chuckled rubbing my belly.

''You little maggot.'' I smiled tossing him face wipes and he cleaned his face lying on the bed, turning face my belly his hand going under my top rubbing it.

''Come here princess feel the twins kick.'' Amy came over he placed her hand under his and laid it there, one kicked on the far right side and the other was at my belly button.

''Whoa.'' she said I chuckled running my hand through Dylan's hair.

''Are you excited?'' he asked her, she nodded.

''I can't wait.''

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