Chapter 39

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''What do you want to do for your birthday?'' I asked Amy she shrugged putting her feet up on the dash board.

''Get your feet off my dash.'' I said she sighed putting them down.

''A sleep over with my friends.'' I nodded.

''How about the movies MacDonald's then come back here and use can be in the family room watch movies.'' She nodded.

''Right only 5 of your friends Amy all girls no boys.'' She ewed I chuckled and drove home.

''Mama.'' Parker said walking to me with a wobble then feel on his legs, I bent down and kissed him

''Hi baby where's your daddy?'' he just smiled I chuckled picking him up and walked to the kitchen Lennon was sitting on the island in front of Dylan who was reading the paper.

''Hey princess how was school?'' She walked to the fridge.

''Good.'' She grabbed a juice box and left going into the living room he raised his eyebrows at me I shook my head

''She got double homework for talking.'' He put Lennon down then walked into the living room.

''No telly until your homework.''

''Dad.'' she groaned.

''Tough this is the 3rd time this week what's going on Amy?''

''My teacher hates me, she always picks on me.'' I stuck my tongue out at Lennon who smiled hugging my legs. I picked him up and kissed his cheek.

''You hungry?'' he shook his head, I chuckled rubbing my hand through his brown hair and sighed.

''Why the sigh?'' Dylan asked coming into the kitchen going to the fridge.

''I can't believe they're 18 months already.'' I mumbled he smiled.

''I know time is flying, might be time to have another one, they'll be 27 months by then.'' I smiled.

''We've to get married first, I'd like to be able to drink on my wedding day.'' He chuckled.

''Then get booking I'm all for it whenever you are.''

I looked at the boys poking their belly's they laughed.

''You want to be Paige boys?'' They looked at their dad who laughed putting them on the ground.

''Come on we're hitting the gym.'' I looked at him.

''What?'' I asked.

''Give you time to think of something and your grandpa Bieber wants to see them so I said I'll swing by his after I hit the gym, got some papers to do.'' I nodded.

''Watch them do not let anything fall on them.'' He chuckled kissing my cheek and left.

''I'm done.'' She said coming in with her homework, I checked it all and smiled.

''So momma and daddy are getting married.''

''When?'' Her eyes where bright.

''When do you think we should?''

''Summer time.''

''So next year.'' She frowned.

''November is nice.'' I chuckled.

''So that's 4 months' time?'' She nodded I hummed.

''Should we do the planning alone or get help.'' She thought about.

''Maybe Grandma.'' I smiled and dialled my mom's home number.

''Hello?'' She asked I nodded at Amy.

''Hey grammy.''

''Hey baby girl are you ok?'' She asked I chuckled.

''Yup, me and mom is planning the wedding.''

''Oh really?'' She gasped Amy giggled.

''We need help, will you come over?''

''On the way babies on the way.''

''Good stuff see you when you get here.''

For the better part of the day we spent it in the living room, thinking of Idea's where we wanted it.

''Hey.'' Dylan said coming.

''Hey sweetie.'' My mom said I looked away from the laptop to him as he sat beside me.

''Anything yet?'' he asked I nodded.

''Where do you fancy it?'' I asked him.

''Does it got to be on this side of the waters.'' I shook my head, he nodded and sat back looking at the ceiling.

''How does Hawaii sound?'' I looked at my mom she smiled.

''I've never been, it's supposed to be amazing.'' I smiled at Dylan.

''Hawaii sounds good, November time.'' He nodded.

''Yeah November is good, 4 months' time.'' My mom looked between us so did Amy.

''Well then that's settle, we'll get married in November in Hawaii.'' I said his lips tugged then he grinned.

''That's amazing.'' I chuckled and looked down at the list of churches.

''We'll probably have to fly to Hawaii for the church check it out do It all up.'' I said he nodded.

''Don't worry about that baby we'll manage.'' I nodded and made a list of things to do and need it done at least 3 weeks before the wedding.

''Look you take care of getting you and the girls dressed ok I'll do the suits and then together we'll plan the church.'' I nodded he kissed my cheek leaving with his phone in his hand.

''So what'll it be?''

''Amy and Nevaeh will be flower girls. The boys will be Paige boys and can each walk down with one of the girls. How do I choose for a bridesmaid when I've got loads of sisters cousins and best friend.'' My mom chuckled.

''Just go with who your heart is telling you too.'' I nodded.

''Megan, Izzy, Mia and Annabelle.''

''Sounds good honey.'' I bit my lip not liking the decision so I found Dylan on the phone he winked at me watching me lean against the counter.

''We can do some drop by's tomorrow, then we'll round up the troops.'' He laughed then hung up.

''How many grooms men are you having?'' He shrugged.


''Because I'm going to have Megan Izzy Mia and Annabelle for my bridesmaid but leaving Sophie and Alicia out doesn't fell right, they're my sisters.'' He smiled coming over.

''Then have all of them, I'm going to have Josh, my mates from work, Damien and Sal, I'll ask the rest of your brothers who wants to be in it and fill them 3 spot.''

''So many people will cost a fortune.'' He smiled kissing under my ear.

''Don't worry about money, this is our big day you want something you'll get it, so go shopping ok if see what you like get it.'' He held his credit card out I looked at it and him

''You can owe me favours in the bedroom.'' I laughed and kissed him before leaving the room.

''So it's still early I think it's time we go get the flower girl dresses get that out of the way.''

''That's a great idea sweetie, we'll grab Nevaeh on the way.''

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