Chapter 41

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''Don't tell me I'm over reacting Pigeon this is my daughter.''

''She's mine too Justin, she's not a little girl no more.''

''That's the fucking problem Pidge she's getting married she won't be my responsibility any more she'll be his.'' Bella wrapped her arms around her husband of 27 years and kissed his head.

''Dylan is going to take care of her, you don't need to worry about that, I couldn't think of a better man for her to marry.'' He didn't like it at all, even though Dylan was a part of the family, this is his first born daughter getting married, and she'll be a Hollywood not a Bieber any more.

''She's in love Justin, she's got 3 beautiful kids, she's a women now.'' He shrugged her hands off and walked across the suite. They had checked into the hotel 3 days ago and last night she came to stay at her parents for her last night living with them.

''Come in!'' she called he pushed the door opened and stopped in his tracks looking at the most stunning bride he's ever seen.

''Think he'll like it?'' she asked him a stunning smile on her pretty face, her blonde hair no longer there, the brown just made her eyes shine bright.

''Like it? Honey he's going to love it.'' She smiled letting out a deep breath looking in the mirror then down to Amy who was admiring herself in the mirror.

''So we ready?'' Justin turned around to see Megan dressed and ready to go, following in by Izzy and his 4 other daughters they all walked in looking gorgeous in their matching dresses.

''Yeah we're ready.'' Ethan walked down to them, popping his head around the door he whistled lowly.

''Kenzie you're beautiful.'' He said she smiled.

''Thank you.'' She looked down at Amy and smiled.

''Ready baby?'' She grinned back at her mom and nodded.

''Let's go then.''

It was hectic getting out of the suite because all her family was here. Dylan was going from their honeymoon suite the other end of the hotel and her aunt Gabby took control of that since it was Dylan Josh two of his friends and Jason Jasper and Travis doing grooms men they needed to be kept in line and well he had the boys with him so she needed her aunt over there to make sure they were dressed right.

''You look stunning sis.'' Kale said.

''Thank you, you look good.'' He chuckled, at his jeans and shirt with a nice blazer.

''Well since the others are all suited Ethan and I thought we would go different.'' She smiled. Kale put it out there that he didn't want to be grooms men he wanted to be able to be with his girl for the day and Ethan didn't feel like he was old enough and was afraid in case he messed up.

''Is everyone dressed over there?'' She asked her mom, Justin leaned against the counter watching everyone coming over for kisses and quick pictures, she wasn't bother by them she was mostly crouched down laughing and talking to Amy and that when it hit him, in 2 hours she'd be a wife to a good man and he didn't feel so scared.

''See you soon.'' He dropped his eyes to his wife's feet and up her body, she was breath taking.

''That you well baby, got some plans for tonight.'' Bella sweet laugh always made him laugh, he dipped down and kissed her giving her ass a slight slap watching her walk out with her sister and sister's in law.

''You nervous?'' He asked taking Kenzie hand leading her to the awaiting white wedding car.

''A little.'' He smiled kissing her knuckles before getting in the other side fixing her dress out.

''This won't stop use for seeing me.'' He looked over at her.

''I may be getting married but I always know where home is and that's never going to change, I'll still be in your house every Sunday for dinner and when I have a hangover, even with kids and a night out with my girls I end up in my old room.'' He chuckled she squeezed his hand.

''He makes me really happy dad, no man can compare to him.'' He smiled.

''I know baby, I can see how happy he makes you, I can't think of a better man for you to spend the rest of your life with.'' she smiled feeling her eyes welling up, so she looked out the window blinking them away and walked the beach pass them for the ten minute drive to a stunning church in the heart of the island.

''He's in there waiting for you baby.'' He help her out to her feet, she let out a deep breath watching her bridesmaids and daughter standing together at the door, the hot sun beaming down on them. She nodded and linking her arm with his while Megan carried the end of her dress into the church.

''Hi babies.'' She cooed bending down to her smiling 22 month old sons who ran over to her she chuckled kissing them.

''Be good ok or no swimming pool tomorrow.'' They nodded. Lennon held Nevaeh's hand and Parker held Amy's, when the door opened and music started she let out a deep breath, the kids first, then Mia, Sophie, Alicia, Annabelle, Isabelle then her maid of honour was Megan. When Dylan made eye contact with her, all her worries and nerves flew out the door; he smiled so wide she chuckled slightly.

''Ready princess?'' her dad whispered.

''Yeah I am.'' She linked her arm and the wedding strum played, she looked around smiled at the guest then at her brothers who were all grinning she chuckled getting closer to the Aisle he stepped down and shook hands with her dad.

''Take care of my girl.''

''You don't need to worry about that.'' Her dad kissed her cheek and stepped back; Dylan smiled and took her head leading her up the step.

''You're breath taking.'' He whispered kissing her cheek she smiled a blush crept upon her cheeks, Justin stepped back.

''Who gives this women away.'' The priest asked.

''I do.'' he said letting out a deep breath and sat beside his teary eyed wife. Kenzie looked over her shoulder and winked at him making him smile, he kissed Arabella's head before setting his eyes back on the talking priest.

''I now pronounce you man and wife, you may now kiss your bride.'' She smiled cupping his face he chuckled kissing her 3 times, she pulled out chuckling and wiped the tear that was about to fall.

''My wife.'' He said looking at her left hand.

''Yeah, it's feels really good.'' She chuckled and kissed him again.

''Daddy are you going to cry?'' Mia asked he took his eyes off his eldest daughter to his youngest and chuckled shaking his head. The girls dresses where all fitted except Mia, only going 15 Kenzie didn't like the idea of her showing too much, it was the same dress but not to fitted, and Justin was damn well glad of that.

''You don't go get yourself a boyfriend and get married for another 20 years and I won't cry.'' She smiled and hugged him, he chuckled kissing her head. He looked up at the Alter, Kenzie was sitting at a table pen in her hand and Dylan stood at her side leaning on the table smiling for the camera, once herself Dylan, Megan and Josh signed the marriage certificate she let out a deep breath and looked over at her dad and smiled he winked.

''I want a picture with my dad and mom separately then together.'' The photographer nodded and she waved them over they came over getting there pictures taking, when she was done she looked at Dylan who was looking at her while standing beside the guys.

''You ready to get your pretty self on that beach for pictures.'' She nodded.

''For sure.'' He chuckled taking her hand and led her out, once they got outside the 110 guest all cheered they took a group photo then the wedding party headed to the beach across the street for photos with the group and their kids.

''I'm starving momma.'' Amy said Kenzie smiled bending down.

''I know baby, we're going to the hotel now, I'll give you a little something before dinner.'' She nodded wrapping her little arms around Kenzie who smiled kissing her daughter's cheek.

''Let's go then you're in the big car with papa and Grammy.'' Amy smiled running over to her great grandfather Bieber.

''We ready?'' She asked Dylan who nodded.

''Yeah baby we are, let's go get drunk.'' She chuckled and they walked back to the church and got in the cars. Popping the Champaign two of them sat back letting out a happy sigh.

''Thank god that part is over.'' He laughed.


''I kept praying I wouldn't fall.'' He chuckled leaning over and kissed her; she smiled tugging his bottom lip then pulled out.

''So who's taking the boys tonight?'' He asked.

''My grandma Macari is taking them and my grandma Bieber is taking Amy.'' He nodded.

''So we've got a honeymoon suite all to our self's?'' He mumbled against her shoulder she chuckled.

''Yeah we do, that depends on what time we go to bed at.'' He chuckled.

''Trust me we'll be in that room for a while tonight.''

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