23. unauthorized mission

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Haley's P.O.V.

One training exercise that Davenport added into the curriculum are missions. What I mean is that if there is a mission alert, Adam, Bree, and Chase can select three students to take with them so they can get hands on experience. The top three students who have excelled the most in their training get to go on the mission.

So when the first mission came around, Leo, Sebastian, and I were selected to go. Surprised?

When we got back from the mission, we all came out of the hydro-loop and entered the main classroom with our bags of equipment. Man, it felt nice to be in my mission suit. I haven't worn it since the night we took on Krane and the bionic soldiers.

As we got off the hydro-loop, Chase said to us, "Nice work, guys. That mission was a total success!"

Adam gave him a weird look and replied, "Maybe for you. Nothing caught on fire or blew up. To me, colossal failure."

"Well, good news. You got heat vision and a whole afternoon ahead of you. Go make something happen!" Leo said, trying to cheer him up, but in a sarcastic way.

Adam just grinned excitedly before hitting Leo lightly on the chest. Then, Bob walked in with a boogie board and said to him, "Hey, Adam. Check it out! While you were gone, I got to boogie board with the dolphins!"

When Bob held his board up, mine and Leo's eyes widened when we saw a large piece of it had been bitten off. The bite mark was edged with shark teeth marks.

Adam just smiled and said, "Bob, those weren't dolphins. These are clearly the bites of an angry catfish."

While Leo and I just gave each other looks and groaned quietly, Bob just said in return, "Wow! Is there anything you don't know?"

Then, Bob just took his boogie board and walked out of the room. Leo looked at me and began to ask, "Should we-"

"No." I cut him off.

"Didn't think so." He replied.

We walked over to Adam and Chase, who were both sitting at the console. That's when Sebastian and Bree walked over, who have been inseparable since Adam rescued Bob from Davenport's jet.

"Hey, Chase." Sebastian began once he got over to us, "On the next mission, do you think I might actually be able to do something?"

Chase just looked at him and shrugged his shoulders, "Well, you did get to do something. You watched me be an amazing mission leader. Most people would pay to see that!"

He may be my boyfriend, but he still gets on my nerves sometimes.

"And then demand a refund." Bree quipped.

"I'm just saying the whole purpose for me going on a mission was to get some hands on training." Sebastian told him.

"And you did." Chase responded, "You handed me my flashlight and my lip balm. Thank you!"

I gave him a weird look and repeated, "Lip balm?"

"I don't have naturally soft lips, okay?" Chase quipped at me, which made me bite my lip so I wouldn't laugh.

Sebastian continued, "But I'm the best student here! I've been acing all of my training exercises. Without practice, how am I ever going to be mission leader?"

I turned to Leo and muttered, "He really shouldn't have said that."

Chase stood up and said to him, "Oh, that's just it. You won't because I'm mission leader."

"Yeah." Adam agreed while placing his hand on Chase's shoulder. He said to Sebastian, "Dude, you can't be mission leader too because then I would have to make fun of both of you, and there just aren't enough hours in the day. I need some me time!"

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