17. face off

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Haley's P.O.V.

It has been about a week since Spike made his appearance for the third time. It's also been a week since mine and Chase's big blow up. We haven't spoken to each other since. I don't know if it was because we were just angry with each other or we didn't know what to say to one another. Either way, it wasn't easy for us. Especially since we both had Adam, Bree, and Leo asking us questions about it every twenty seconds.

"I just don't get why you didn't tell me that you and Chase kissed." Bree said to me for the millionth time as we walked into school.

"Because we both weren't really sure what was going on between us." I told her, just like every time she asked, "Plus, I knew you would ask a million questions, and I wouldn't be able to give you answers because I didn't know them myself."

"Well, of course I'm going to ask you a million questions! The last I heard about you and Chase was that you didn't know how you felt about liking him. I never knew you had feelings for him, and I definitely didn't expect to find out you guys kissed!" She said to me, but she seemed more excited about it than angry. Then, she asked, "I never asked you, but when did you guys kiss?"

I hesitated for a moment before saying, "It was the day Krane got away in the lab."

Her eyes widened, "That was weeks ago!"

"I know." I told her, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I just didn't really know what to say or how to answer your questions."

"You think I'm mad?" She asked, "I'm excited for you! Even though he is my brother and it's pretty weird, he's definitely better than Marcus."

I just laughed slightly and said, "You can say that again."

The two of us just laughed before she went to say something else, but a certain boy in our school came over to us. Jake Chambers, to be exact. One of the most popular boys in our school. He came over to us and smiled, "Hey, Bree."

She seemed a little surprised, but then got herself together and said, "Hi, Jake."

"So, the Winter Dance is coming up in a few days. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go with me?" He asked her.

Her eyes widened a little bit in surprised while I just smiled at her. Then, she smiled, "Yeah, that sounds great."

"Cool. I'll text you and let you know when I'll pick you up." He said.

They smiled at each other one last time before he walked over to his friends. Bree looked over at me and squealed in delight before grabbing my arm. She dragged me over to Adam and Chase, who were standing next to a set of lockers and talking. Chase and I just looked at each other for a moment before looking away.

"Guys, you will never believe what just happened. Jake Chambers asked me to go to the Winter Dance!" She said before holding her hands up and squealing in delight.

"Jake Chambers?" Chase asked. Bree nodded, and he emphasized, "The Jake Chambers?"

"Yes." Bree smiled satisfied.

Chase paused for a moment before asking, "Who's Jake Chambers?"

Bree just gave him a look before telling him, "The only guy who's even talked to me since people found out we were bionic. Apparently no one wants to date a girl who they think was unveiled at this year's auto show."

"Yeah, I hear you." Chase agreed, "No one wants to date me either."

While Adam and Bree started to laugh, I just looked at him confused. I couldn't help the words that slipped out of my mouth, "What about Sabrina?"

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