20. bionic houseparty

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Haley's P.O.V.

It has been twenty four hours since we defeated Krane. There was still no good news on Davenport, which made us all more worried than we already were. I am just hoping and praying that Davenport is going to make it. He had to.

I immediately went back over to the Davenport house when I woke up. I woke up pretty late considering my parents and I talked about my bionics being exposed to the public and what happened with Krane for over two hours. I didn't blame them for having questions though. They had every right to know what happened and how we are going to move forward.

As soon as I got there, I immediately went down to the lab because I figured that's where everyone would be. I heard Leo walking behind me and talking on the phone. As soon as we walked into the lab, he hung up the phone.

"Hey." I said to Bree, who was sitting on the counter and taking a selfie. She just smiled at me in return.

When I saw Chase, a smile formed on my lips, "Hey."

"Hey, you." He greeted in returned.

We just smiled at each other before giving each other a kiss. Then, he put an arm around my shoulders and I put an arm around his waist. When we felt eyes burning into us, we both turned to see Bree and Leo staring at us with weird looks.

Chase and I both said in annoyance, "What?"

Leo looked like he just saw a ghost. He said, "That was hands down the weirdest thing I have ever seen."

Bree nodded her head in agreement, "I know I pushed for you two to finally get together, but I have to agree with Leo. I never in a million years thought I would see that."

Chase and I both just rolled our eyes before Leo said, "Before we had to witness that, I came down to tell you guys that my mom called from the hospital and said Big D is doing much better. He's going to make it!"

"That's awesome!" Bree said relieved.

"Great!" Chase agreed.

"Thank god." I sighed in relief.

Leo smiled and continued, "Yeah. Soon he'll be back here making all of us wish he was still unconscious."

As bad as it sounds, that really was a true statement. I'm glad he's okay, but he's going to be back to annoying really fast.

"Hey, I really miss him." Bree told us. Then, she added, "Although, it has been nice having the hair spray all to myself."

"Um, actually, Adam's been using it too." Chase informed her, "He's developing new hairstyles for his armpits. You wouldn't think it, but the ponytails are surprisingly cute."

As we all looked disgusted, I muttered, "Why am I not even surprised?"

Bree nodded in agreement before saying, "You know, we should have traded Adam for one of Krane's bionic soldiers when we had the chance."

Instead of agreeing with her, Chase's face fell before his eyes widened. He realized, "The soldiers. I was so worried about Mr. Davenport, I completely forgot about them."

That's when I realized he was right. We've been so focused on Davenport that we forgot that all of the bionic soldiers are still out there. We had no idea where they were or what they were doing.

Leo didn't seem worried as he said, "Relax, I'm sure they're fine. Now that the Triton App is deactivated, they're just normal teenagers."

"Yeah, normal teenagers with deadly bionic abilities and no memory of anything." I said to him so he would realize what we were talking about, "We need to find them now!"

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