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Haley's P.O.V.

A few more days have passed since we first arrived at the bionic academy. We all seemed to be getting more used to our daily schedules and environment. Even though I wasn't a big fan of going to classes, it was definitely better than Mission Creek High. Also, Chase and Sebastian made up. Well, sort of. Lets just say they're on better terms than they were before.

Once we hit the end of the first week, Bree and Chase called for all of the students to meet them in the training area. We all circled around Bree and Chase once we all arrived. I stood next to Leo and Spin towards the front so I could see Bree and Chase.

"Alright, listen up guys." Chase finally announced after waiting for awhile, "We're introducing a new element to training: The Bionic Battle. Each week, two of you will be pitted against each other in a physical challenge."

While Leo and I just looked at each other excitedly, Spin shouted excitedly, "To the death?!"

I just looked at him wide eyed while Leo responded sarcastically, "Yes. Big D built this multimillion dollar facility to train and house you just so he could pick you off one by one."

"So each week's winner will earn points toward advancing to the next bionic skill level." Chase continued, "And the loser gets... well, humiliated."

Bree just gave him a weird look before taking over, "Spin, since you're the youngest, you get to choose an opponent first."

"Yes!" Spin said before starting to circle around all of the students with a threatening glare. As he walked around us slowly, he said to all of us, "Scared? You should be!"

Chase just laughed lightly before walking over to Spin and saying, "No, no. This isn't about scaring people. No one's going to get hurt."

Then, Chase got hit right in the back with a dodgeball that came flying out of the main classroom. He glared out into the hallway before running out there with Bree on his tail. Yeah, they aren't coming back for awhile.

I looked at Leo and asked, "So, who're you going to pick when it's your turn?"

"I don't know." He said, "I'm not going to pick you though."

I gave him a confused look and asked, "Why?"

"Because you'll kick my butt!" He stated obviously. I thought about it for a moment before nodding my head in agreement. Then, he told me, "This weekend is my mom and Big D's anniversary so I thought about bringing Janelle over to see the island."

"Do you think that's a good idea?" I asked him, "Davenport would never... you're not asking him, are you?"

He shook his head and replied, "Nope. Ever since Krane came back and we moved to the island, I haven't been able to see or spend that much time with her. I feel bad about it so I want to make it up to her."

"That's sweet, Leo." I said to him with a small smile, "Chase and I haven't been able to spend that much time together either. The two of us have just been so busy since we started dating. Speaking of that, we haven't actually been on a proper date yet."

"I'm sure you guys will eventually. Once things calm down a little bit." He assured me, and I just gave him a small nod. Then, he added, "I still can't believe you two are dating."

"You say that every time we talk about it." I reminded him.

"Because it's the truth." He told me, which made me laugh a little bit. He looked up and said, "Speaking of Big D."

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