10. which father knows best?

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Haley's P.O.V.

For the past few days, Davenport has been working really hard to fix Bree's chip. He had to create a chip fabricator so he could make a duplicate of her chip. Adam was very convinced that the chip fabricator was a microwave, but none of us were really surprised by that. We were all down in the lab waiting for news on Bree's chip.

"Well, Bree, you smashed your chip so badly it's useless, but I was able to replicate my brother's original chip, and like my face, it's flawless." Davenport grinned as he typed on the cyber desk.

Leo and I gave each other weird looks before he said, "Forget the chip. We need to get this dude a mirror."

"Wait, so I'm actually going to be bionic again?" Bree asked hopeful.

Davenport sent her a small smile and said, "Yep."

"Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Bree exclaimed as she hugged Davenport tightly.

Davenport hugged her back, but when he glanced down at the cyber desk, he said, "Oh, your chip's almost ready!"

As soon as he said that, the chip fabricator made a noise letting us know her chip was ready to go. Adam said, "Oh! Snacks are done!"

As we walked over to the chip fabricator, Davenport reminded him for the fifth time, "For the last time, this is not a microwave. It's a chip fabricator."

"Hey, call it whatever you want. I'm still making my mini pizzas in here." Adam replied.

Davenport reached inside and grabbed Bree's new chip. He held it up to her and said, "Okay, Bree. Hop in your capsule and get ready for your new chip."

Bree smiled excitedly before grabbing the chip and running into her capsule. As she placed her chip in the little slot that would inject it into her neck, Leo said to Davenport, "You know, Big D, maybe if this works, you can make a chip for me."

Davenport just scoffed, "Please. Your body can't handle high fiber cereal."

Leo looked at him offended while I just nodded in agreement. Davenport pressed a few buttons on his cyber desk, and Bree's chip was placed inside her neck. She came out of her capsule with her hand rubbing the back of her neck.

"So? How does it feel?" Davenport asked eagerly.

"Like a piece of metal just got jammed into my neck and fused to my nervous system." She answered.

"Woo! Success!" Davenport cheered before saying, "Alright, give it a try and see how it worked."

We all lined up while Bree stepped into the middle of the lab. She took off, but she ended up running back and forth across the ceiling. Debris and ceiling lights began to fall down before she eventually collapsed back onto the ground. We all looked at her in shock while she just groaned.

"Well, she's still more useful than Chase." Adam said.

We all rolled our eyes at him. Adam ran over and picked Bree up. He set her down on a stool next to Davenport. She seemed like she was hurting and frustrated.

"You know, technically speaking, your bionics are working." Davenport said.

"You call this working?!" She asked in a very deep voice, which made all of us widen our eyes. Then, she said with a very high pitched chipmunk voice, "I can't control my vocal manipulation. I can't control anything!"

"This is a nightmare." I said, and Adam, Chase, and Leo all nodded their heads in agreement.

"I'm so close." Davenport said as he wrapped a brace around Bree's neck, "It just needs a few tweaks."

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