16. spike fright

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Haley's P.O.V.

It was about two weeks later when Leo finally got over the fact that Perry won the contest. It was about time he did too because he seemed really upset about it for awhile. I was running out of ways to comfort him.

At school, Adam, Chase, and Leo were all sitting at one of the cafeteria tables while Bree and I were in line getting our lunch. I always say that the cafeteria food looks disgusting, but I'm always too lazy to pack my lunch. Bree was next in line to get some food from Flo, the lunch lady, when Perry suddenly stormed over to her.

She said to Flo angrily, "You double crossed me for the last time, Flo! First, I catch you smuggling fish sticks in your pantyhose. Then, you think you can walk all over me just because you look debonair in a hair net?!"

Bree and I just looked at each other confused as Perry walked away. Flo dropped a big pile of mush on Bree's plate, which made her back up so it wouldn't splash all over her. Bree and I cringed in disgust when she pulled out a long strand of black hair from her food. This is why I hate eating the school's lunch.

"Wow." Bree said with a mixture of sarcasm and disgust, "Well, I guess the hairnet's just for show."

Flo just rolled her eyes as Bree and I looked at each other disgusted. She threw the piece of hair on the ground before we walked over to the table with Adam, Chase, and Leo. I sat down next to Chase, and Bree sat down next to me.

"Heads up, stay away from Principal Perry." Bree said to them.

"Trust me, the first thing I tell myself every morning when I wake up." Leo told her.

Adam stared at him for a moment before saying, "Really? First thing I tell myself is 'Shaving cream only looks like food.'"

I just gave him a weird look before Chase began to talk to me, "So, remember that trailer for the new zombie movie I showed you?"

"Yeah." I responded.

"Well, they're playing it tonight. Do you want to go?" He asked me.

"Yeah, sure. Just please don't go warning everybody about the dangers of sodium in the pretzels like you do at the Pretzel Hut." I told him with a slight laugh, but I couldn't help the feeling that began to form in my stomach.

Chase just smiled at me and went back to eating his food. When I looked back up, I saw Perry was yelling at Flo again. Flo ended up getting so annoyed she stormed out of the cafeteria. Perry's yelling seemed to grab the attention of Adam, Bree, Chase, and Leo too. She turned around and saw us staring at her confused.

She marched over to us and asked, "What are you looking at?!"

"You keep asking me that question, and I'm still not sure I can give you an honest answer." Leo replied.

"Mind your own business! If I wanted to be stared at all day, I'd still be a catalogue model for 'Burt's Chainsaws.'" She said before raising up her arms like she was holding a chainsaw and mimicking the sound it makes.

When she finally walked away, I went to attempt to eat my nasty lunch, but I was distracted again when I saw Adam making really weird faces.

"Adam, what in the world are you doing?" I asked him with a weird look on my face.

Bree seemed to notice him too because she asked, "Why are you making faces like you're taking a selfie?"

"Cause that girl Sabrina has been checking me out." He told us as he motioned to a girl at the table behind us. Then, he suddenly said, "Ooh! Here she comes!"

When I looked over, I saw a girl when curled, blonde hair and a jean jacket walk over to our table. Adam immediately stood up and greeted, "Hey, Sabrina. I couldn't help, but notice you staring at me from across the room."

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