14. alien gladiators

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Haley's P.O.V.

It has been a few weeks since the world found out that Adam, Bree, and Chase are bionic. Since more time has passed, the news started to die down a little bit and their lives were somewhat calmer than what they have been for the past few weeks. They could walk into school without someone taking a picture of them, and they could walk down the street without being bombarded by a crowd of people.

Davenport having control over the team again was great. Things are just like they should be, except now the government had to know about every mission they went on. I could also continue my training without worrying about government agents walking in on me. Leo has been training with me a lot, and I have been working to help him as much as I can. He's made a lot of progress the past few weeks, and I'm really proud of him.

Adam, Bree, Chase, and I were all sitting down in the lab together when Leo ran in and said, "Guys, Alien Gladiators are coming to Mission Creek!"

Adam gasped loudly and said, "I knew this day would come! Thankfully, I'm prepared for an alien invasion." He reached underneath the desk and pulled out a cone shaped, tin foil hat. He placed it on his head and said, "Chase, you hold them off while the rest of us who deserve to live escape!"

He grabbed mine and Bree's arms and began to quickly lead us out of the lab, but Leo stopped him by saying, "No, no! Not real aliens. My favorite sci-fi movie franchise: Alien Gladiators. They host annual fan conventions, and this year, it's in Mission Creek."

"I love Alien Gladiators." Chase grinned, and he began to sound like the guy who explains the intro to every movie, "In the future, rival alien worlds, The Morphs and the Zarkanians, will battle over control of the galaxy!"

Don't get me wrong, the Alien Gladiator movies are really good, but I wasn't as obsessed with them as Leo and Chase. Leo dragged me over to his house one day and made me watch every single one with him twice. It was a very long two days.

"Oh, I remember that movie." Adam said, "It was terrible. The whole thing was blurry."

"You didn't wear your 3D glasses." Bree reminded him.

"Well, I didn't want to look stupid." The guy with the cone shaped, tin foil hat on his head said.

Chase was really excited about this convention. He said, "I bet the entire cast will be there. I have everybody's autograph, except for the new guy playing Prince Landor in the sequel, Andre Ethier."

I nearly died on the spot. Andre Ethier?! He is my favorite baseball player of all time! I have to go to this convention now. Before I could freak out, Bree said, "Woah, woah, woah! As in baseball superstar Andre Ethier?!"

"Since when do you care about baseball?" I asked her, not remembering a single time the two of us have ever talked about it. As you can guess, I watch baseball with my family.

She scoffed, "I love baseball! You know, with the bases... and the ball." I just rolled my eyes as she said, "Okay, whatever. Andre Ethier is cute, and if he's there, I'm there."

"Me too." I agreed, "He's my favorite baseball player ever. I have to go so I can finally meet him and get is autograph."

"Yes, because that's why everyone else is going to the convention. For baseball." Chase said to me sarcastically.

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