8. principal from another planet

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Before I begin, I would just like to say I AM BACK! My cruise was absolutely amazing, but I am happy to be back and writing again, as promised! I usually do these little author's notes at the end of each chapter, but for this one, I am doing it at the beginning because there is something I need to tell you before we begin.

Last chapter, Haley and Chase had their first kiss, but it will NOT be discussed or brought up in this chapter. The main reason for that is because this is mainly just a filler episode and since most of this chapter is Leo making a film, there is really nowhere to place it. It will be discussed in the next chapter.

Okay, that's all I had to say. Enjoy!


Haley's P.O.V.

Tonight was the night that everybody was freaking out about. Well, mainly Chase and Davenport. Tonight was the Lunar Eclipse, and even though I wasn't as excited as them, I still thought it was pretty cool. This an event that doesn't happen very often, so it was going to be interesting to see.

I sat on the couch watching TV while Chase was in the kitchen getting some food ready. He said he was going to be having a viewing party, but nobody was here except us. No surprise there.

When Adam walked into the living room, Chase picked up his tray of food and ran over to him, "Hey, Adam. You're just in time! I'm having a viewing party for tonight's big Lunar Eclipse!"

Adam took one look around the room and said, "Yeah. All dudes and one girl, Haley. Definitely a Chase party."

I just bit my lip so I wouldn't laugh while Chase just gave him a look. He continued, "It's going to be awesome. I even prepared an out of this world feast." He held up this tray of dry food pellets, and I immediately cringed, "These are freeze dried food pellets, just like the one's astronauts eat. Each cube contains an entire meal. This is turkey, peas, and mashed potatoes." He took a bite out of one while Adam and I both picked one up unamused.

"Wow." Adam said as he examined his, "Congrats, Chase. You actually found a way to ruin food."

While he was still chewing, he said, "No! I made it better!"

"Oh, really? Food fight!" Adam shouted. He threw his pellet at Chase's chest, but it just bounced off and landed on the floor. That was disappointing. Adam said, "See, that's just lame."

As Adam turned away, I said to Chase, "And please, don't talk with you mouth full of all that 'better' food."

Chase just gave me a look, and I just threw the pellet I was holding at him. It bounced off his head, and he didn't seem amused at all. Suddenly, Davenport ran inside the living room from the front door.

"Come on, guys! You're going to miss the Lunar Eclipse! I haven't been this excited since the meteor shower in '98!" He exclaimed.

Chase literally sprinted out the door while Adam and I just slowly walked. The two of us stopped by the door, and Adam said to Davenport and me, "I think '98 is the last time I took a shower."

Davenport just ran out the door while I cringed. The two of us walked out and saw Chase and Davenport huddled around a telescope. Even though I wanted to see it, I didn't want to be part of the Nerd Fest.

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