7. taken

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Haley's P.O.V.

It has been twenty four hours since Adam spilled the beans about Chase liking me, and my head was still spinning. How in the world did Chase have feelings for me? It doesn't make any sense. We argue all the time, and we get on each other's nerves a lot. So what changed? So many thoughts were forming in my head as I tried to figure this out.

The worst part was I didn't even know how I felt in return.

Even though Chase and I always haven't gotten along, there are parts of me that could see me liking him. But it's Chase. The one person who picks on me all the time, but always turns out to be the sweetest guy to me.

To get to the bottom of some of this, I called a meeting.

Adam, Bree, and Leo were all sitting down on the couch in the corner of the lab while I paced in front of them. For some reason, there was a motorcycle sitting in the middle of the lab, but none of us questioned it. Chase wasn't down here, so I wanted to make sure this was discussed before he came down.

"Would you stop pacing?" Leo finally asked, "It's stressing me out, and you know I get acne."

I eventually stopped pacing and looked at the three of them, "If you want me to stop pacing, you guys better start spilling your guts. I want to know everything."

Bree sighed and asked, "Where do you want us to start?"

"From the beginning. What do you know?" I asked her.

She paused for a moment before beginning, "To be honest, we all kind of thought Chase has always had feelings for you. He would always brush us off and say we were being stupid. But when you guys were under the mistletoe on Christmas, we thought his feelings had changed, but he still kept denying it. On the night of the Jet Wing stunt, Adam and Chase were down in the lab, and they were arguing about something stupid as usual. Somehow, you were brought up in the argument, and as Leo and I walked into the lab, Chase accidentally let it slip to us that he did like you. He made us promise not to tell because he is very convinced you don't feel the same way."

"I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't." Adam added, and Bree just smacked his arm.

"Wait, so you guys have known this since the Jet Wing stunt? That was weeks ago!" I exclaimed.

Leo stood up and walked over to me, "Look, we're sorry we didn't tell you, but we also thought it was better if you didn't know. It would've just made things really weird. But who cares? It's not like you feel the same way."

As Adam started to take a drink of his water, I paused before saying quietly, "I never said that."

Then, Adam spit his water out of his mouth. Bree and Leo looked at me in shock, and I didn't blame them. That's when Bree stood up and exclaimed, "What?!"

Adam suddenly stood up and said, "My water tasted weird. I'll be back."

He walked out of the lab and up to the kitchen. Bree walked over to me and asked, "Are you serious? Do you like him back?"

I paused for a moment before saying, "I don't know how I feel about anything right now. Just promise me you two won't tell Chase that I know anything. I already feel awkward enough."

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