Chapter 128 Hey Baby You're Really Mistaking Me For Someone Else

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In this chapter we will see what happen if the whole engagement didn't happen and what if he didn't even show up at his own engagement party.  I'm sure that all of you had seen the photos from the engagement ceremony and party. So get ready to sit back,sip slowly and brace yourselves. This is about to be really ugly between both Nick and Priyanka. So get ready for another explosive chapter.

That same night  Anna is asleep and she hears her phone going off and it was Nick. She then answers her phone..Nick..What is it? Its 3:30 in the morning. You have to get on face time cause there is something that I really need to show you. She then gets on face time and they end up face timing and she sees that the media was really spreading this all over the internet. I need a way to call off the whole thing. Hey, just calm down silly...I'm thinking of a way that we can call off the whole thing. I'm gong to text Kyle to see if he can help us with finding a way to get to the truth about this. Me: Kyle I need your help facetime me ASAP. Kyle: OK you both just stay logged on.  As both of us were still talking to each other Kyle had gotten on facetime and had gotten some new and unreleased info on her.

Well, I think that he has a lot of reason to call off the whole thing. Wow, it looks like someone is really is about to be super mad once she finds out about all of it. I do have a bad feeling about all of this. Hey, do both of you want to know about the worst part about this whole situation..What is it? Not only is the whole thing is a arranged marriage but the other thing is that someone in her family had been leaking lot of things to the Bollywood media.  Here is a lot of things that you need to know about her. Well I guess that both of us will have to go and confront her about all of this. You and the fans also need to know the the truth about the whole thing. Even though the media had said that there was going to be no pictures shared all over the internet.

Well, that was all false and the bad part about all of this was that the pictures of both of us were all photoshopped on  all of the media sites to make it look like I was there. I didn't want to show myself there cause if I did the whole thing would had went on as planned and I would had to stop the whole thing. Wow, I didn't know how scared and afraid you were the whole time and the guilt that you are facing cause you wanted to be totally honest with her.

Its the next morning over in India and Priyanka is wondering where he was and why he wasn't here nor was ready for his own engagement party. Then her phone goes off and it shows a Instagram notification that she was tagged in. What is this she had wondered  and she had played the video on Instagram live...Priyanka, I know the truth behind this whole engagement and someone else also knows it along with my fans. I can't marry someone who I had so-called had only dated for two whole months. I want all of my fans to also know that this whole marriage was a ploy and a setup. This whole time I was setup and now it comes to an end today. I'm sorry but I'm calling it all off. What! How dare he skips and call the whole thing off. I bet hes with someone else. Everyone is calling her name but she storms off and catches a flight to Los Angles.

As she had arrived to LA and went to his house he had walked in and had seen that he was back on facetime with Anna.  Anna I will call you back once I get this settled. Priyanka, you just can't just walk in my own house are you crazy. No, I am super upset with that stunt that you had just pulled on Instagram. Nicholas, what the hell is wrong with you. You called off our engagement in front of millions of people on social media. Even she knows it too..Who your mother..NO SOMEONE WHO I TRULY CARE ABOUT THAT'S WHO. Oh, and by the way here are your things. What are you doing? I want you out of here and out of my life cause we're done Priyanka Chopra.

You just wanted to use me for your gain and if you did you better tell me now. Don't even lie to me about it either cause if you did then its all on you. Nicholas what are you talking about. An arranged marriage for crying out loud! You knew that I wanted to take sometime before I wanted to get married to her. But you went behind my back and said to your parents that we were dating when you knew that I wasn't. You thought that you could get to me so that myself and Anna couldn't get married one day.  Oh, and by the way don't text me and don't call me so you can go on and loose my number for good. Oh, and one more thing you can block me on all of my social media pages cause we're done for good. Go ahead and tell that to your family you jerk. As a matter of fact go and tell your whole family what really happened and why the engagement is off.

What will happen in the next chapter when both Anna and Nick are seen together when they are back in rehearsal for the tour. What will happen to both of them when the paparazzi is all around them.

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