Chapter 102 Not Wasting Anymore Time

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It's now almost 10pm and we're still doing the final run through of the show before Monday. For the most part things has been going super smooth for the show. Hey, what time is the meeting in the morning. I would say about either 9 or 10 in the morning. Some of them are going to be skyping us since the AMAs are on Sunday. What about Nick and Demi? They will be two of the people skyping from LA after their performance.

What about the rest of the artists? We are working all of that and we need to go over the ideas for the actual tour when it starts in the next month. I'm just about done the outfit designs that the artists will have on when the actual tour begins in late December. Have you gotten with all of the artists managers. I just have to get with a couple of them so that they can know what all that is going on with the tour. How about the actual intro for the start of the show?

I'm working on that now I just have to get all of that and the final designs for the stage approved. Also the design for the intro outfit for the show has just been approved. I think that they look super awesome the black hoodies based on the intro to the Main Event Tour. Now that was a really cool idea Anna. Now I just have to get the rest of the things for the tour along with get a piano for the show...A Piano for the show..Yup, cause I've been told that several of them will need it for their songs.

What about the set list for the tour? We will use the actual set list once the actual tour does start. So how many do we have for the tour along with you? I'm not sure as of yet but I'm working on getting that information in so that I can get started doing the set list for the tour. We will have the big set list finished up once the rehearsal for this show is done. We can't let anyone know about this let not even the media so we must keep our mouth shut while not in the rehearsal area. I understand and I will also tell my brother too as well so that he won't tell anyone about it.

One of the other street team members had gotten upset about this. What! We can't even tweet about it. No, I don't even want to not one person in this building posting anything to social media. I've even given the other artist the memo too about this.  Until then we will keep the entire practice underwraps and there is to be no one videoing it until the night of the actual concert. Do I make myself clear of all of this what I had just mentioned. Yes...Good now go and tell all of the artists. I need someone to let Anna know that we will still do a video diary and about the other things please.

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