Chapter 106 Your A Dragon Slayer Anna Morgan

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This next chapter is based on what had happened to me today as I had went to the place for my graduation. Sometimes you just don't want to see the person but also you have the very last word and the very last laugh. Yes, Anna Morgan not only gets the last words but she also gets the last laugh too as well. Get ready and brace yourselves.

As Kyle and myself were going over the rest of the part of the show Kyle and myself had heard a knock. Hey Anna...Yeah, Kyle there's a guy knocking on the glass. It's not only that he's been knocking on the doors and the windows too as well..Oh my not him again! I had wondered to myself how did he managed to get around security. Anna just calm down I don't want to see you in the hospital for any of this. I would love to know that one for myself if you ask me. Meh, sometimes you don't talk to certain people after a certain time and you don't talk to creeps like him period. Tell me about it Anna. That man is able to bypass security checkpoints and screenings to get in this recording studio shows that to me he's nothing more but scum.

He's more than that Kyle how can someone bypass the checkpoint? I would love to know that one for myself Anna. As we're going over more dances with the choreographer of the dances that we had choreographed we were still distracted by the knocking... Is that stupid creep still knocking on the glass. Yup he still is Kyle and it's giving me a headache the kind that you get from things like this. This stupid scumbag I should slap the living taste out of his mouth Kyle had mumbled under his breath. He should be lucky that I didn't do any of that cause I don't want to end up in jail you know. Yeah, your right Kyle.

Hey Rachel can you give us a minute please. Yeah, you guys deserve a break anyways be back in 2 hours. We have to finish going over the show. We will we just have to take care of something. As Kyle and myself had left the room that we were in going over the whole show we had seen him right outside. What the hell are you doing in this building and how did you get bypassed security? You better tell us now Kyle had told him.

Cause I want to see this low life scum and her doing with she does best. How and why did you even get past security? It's so easy my friend.. Kyle chokes him and pushes him against the wall. Kyle is beyond furious about all of this. Let me tell you something you stupid punk! You better be lucky that I'm with her and not Nicholas cause if he was here he would not let you anywhere near her. Oh and by the way you better stay far back cause if not he will beat the living brakes off of you..He won't even let you nor her parents get to her cause of you. Don't let any one of us catch you near this building and you better stay away from her too. If he see you bothering her it will be worse. Get out of here punk. His face is so red from what had just went down. But, Anna we can talk about this..No, Goodbye Felicia and get out of here before I call the cops!

As Anna was back in the room getting ready to go back from break she had texted Nick everything that had went down during rehearsal for the tour. By the look on her face she is not only is scared but she is also mad. I must know how and why is he making his every move. I guess this is something that's we will never know about anytime soon. I just wish that none of this never happened in the first place. I feel that this is all my fault.

Me:Hey do you have a minute before you go on stage. There's something that I really need to tell you. Then she had heard her phone going off and it was Nick. Nick: Yeah, is everything alright back where you are at. Are you Ok? Me: No, I'm not ok and I have a really bad feeling about all of this. Nick: What's wrong? me: Carmichael came by and he had even managed to get bypass the security and the checkpoint. Nick:What! Are you for real about this. Me: Yup and he better be lucky that you wasn't here. Nick: As soon as I get back from promoting my movie and the jingle ball tour I'm going to give this moron a piece of my mind cause I'm so sick of him. Keep up the good work. I should be there by late morning. I want you to know that you can always come and talk to me about anything. Ok. Me: OK, see you soon. Nick: btw your going to slay this whole performance cause your a dragon slayer Anna Morgan

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