Chapter 74 My heart's Skippin a Beat(Anna's POV)

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In this chapter we will be able to both of their points of views on their feelings for each other and also what do they think of each other. We will also go and explore both of their minds in both chapters. As we're still holding on to each others hand and he was driving on the highway and we were caught in another storm. As I was staring out of the window of the passenger side looking out the window I had start to wonder everything that was going through my head. Several of hours has officially passed and it was nightfall and the stars was gleaming the sky like diamonds.

During the long drive back to the studio so that I can meet up with Kyle so that he can help me with a few more of the other songs I had seen that the back of my phone was blinking. As I had looked at my phone it was Kyle's brother Lucas. Hey, is everything alright. Yeah, everything is fine and I'm so excited to see you and my brother and I can't wait for the concert. Aw thanks Lucas so hows college going for you and are you taking care of my friend Maddy. Yeah, I am looking after her and I've heard about what had happened at the festival. Yeah, I wish that I could had came to see you but we had to cut it short. Oh, its no problem Anna I really did enjoyed watching you perform on stage. Hey, when do you start the concert at the previous high school.

Its going to be soon but don't worry I've have it to where the concert can be streamed online and the last couple of the concerts that I've done have gotten positive views. Anna, I just wish that my father wasn't so hard on Kyle and myself. I know that you have a lot going through your head right now cause of the trial that is going on right now cause of your parents. Hey, Anna I've gotta go cause I'm expecting a study group along with Maddy for the last couple of test that we have before the final exam. As we had came into the parking lot of the studios I had gotten all of my things so that I can finish up the rest of the songs that I am covering for this concert.

As I had made my way back into the studios Kyle was already waiting for me. Hey, there you are I was wondering where you had ran off too. Then he was standing right at the door with the rest of my things. Oh, I see you went to clear you head again did you. Yeah, I just couldn't take it any longer just looking at that court case on the television all day every single day and being drag like a rag doll. Hey, Kyle could you just give me a minute. I have to go back outside for something. As I had went to the lobby of the recording studio I had wonder what he was doing here but then I had realized that he was sitting there strumming and writing a new song himself. I better get back and finish what I had to do for the tour.

Sometimes I had this feeling where my heart is beating really fast but this time it was beating at every other second. Why do I have this feeling where my heart is skipping beats. I wish that I really could figure out that question for myself. I feel just about confused and worried all at the same time. I just wish that I could tell him that answer about how I really feel about him. Sigh, why is it that I am having these really strange feelings. Its looks like I'm the only one who can find the answer to that question.

In the next chapter we will get to his point of view and his side of what is going on between both of them. We will also will see what will go on when she throws a surprise concert for the other high school that she had originally had attended soon. But for now just stay tuned.

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