Chapter 31 Breaking All of Her Step Parents Rules

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Flashback to her eighteenth birthday and  it was months after she had gotten discovered all online even on YouTube and people were listening to her covers of some of the songs that she did. She had gotten a text message and this was before they had even met each other in New York.

Can you meet me outside right now? You mean right now  are you serious. Yes I'm serious can you come outside. As she didn't see the message she was continuing strumming. She had looked outside the window and see that it was pouring down raining outside. Someone had came in her room and she couldn't see a single thing? Hey did you get my message. I didn't even get the message. Then someone grabs her hand and both of them runs out of the building. Hey where are we going she asked. You will see just don't say a single word. 

As the two of them runs to a convertible car parked outside of the building.  Hey what is going on here...Look do you want to be wasting all of your time being  in here and going back home the next day like your step parents had told you to or do you want to come and explore all of New York. I guess I can go and explore New York. That's what I am talking about so your coming or what. I'm so ready to explore New York and even Times Square. Ah! Times Square is such a perfect way to meet a lot of people even so many fans. You think so cause its a really big crowed place. Of course I do think so.

As they were driving to Central Park she was having a Flashback  to summer of 2011 The day that she was leaving her hometown of Vicksburg and it was the end of her junior year and she was beginning her last year as a senior and she was told that she would have to move to New Jersey with her parents. The whole band had decided to give her things to remember all of them for the amazing things and the fun that they all have had during her last three years over at Warren Central High School.

What I am going to do when all of you are still here and I am the only one gone and I am living my dream? Awe Anna don't worry we will still be here for you cause your like the amazing sister we have never had. Awe Thanks you guys and I'm going to miss all of you. We will all miss you too Anna Morgan and don't worry about anything just go out there and chase your dreams. Well its look like its time for someone to go and finish what she had started. Yes it is Anna said well have fun and everyone from the class of 2012 had waved hugged her goodbye. She is teary eyed as she leave the school where she was once part of for the very last time. Baxter what is it going to be like when you go off to college.

Oh Anna don't worry about that you are going to be fine we all have each other. Then why are we moving with mom and dad Baxter? They've never been to one of my choir concerts to see me on Fridays nor Saturdays nights and they have always had came up. I have no clue right now sis but I want you to know  that everything is going to be OK sis I promise then we will be able to live out our dreams.

You know what Baxter you are right and maybe we will be able to support each other no matter  what or nor how we map out our dreams. We will get to the road to our dreams. What about me? Anna you are almost close to your dreams. Just keep believing in yourself and don't let anyone nor mom and dad take that dreams away from you. I won't  let them get to me no matter what goes go nor who tries to get to you. What about Alyssa? Anna I mean both of you as well. Even If Alyssa have a dream she should follow her heart and not let them do the same to her as well. Your parents can't control what you dream about nor chase. They should realize that its time to go and chase your dream. Both of you have a destiny and both of you should take it by storm. We will Baxter we won't let it get to us.
Flashback is over

I have never knew so much that my own brother was telling me. As we arrived at Central Park and it was super super dark and it was also raining. What are you trying to get me to go out here in the rain and in a thunderstorm? Aw come on it won't be that bad its just raining. As we both ran in the rain I had thought to myself "You know what its not bad at all being in the rain and a lot of people say that you get sick from it. But its a pretty awesome thing" she said to herself. Then lighting had started to strike and it was such a extremely amazing view of the flash of lighting which had lighted the entire town.

Whoa,what the she she sees the lighting flash right in front of the both of them. This is crazy but awesome. She had started to take photos of them in the storm even with the lighting in the background. How many photos of us in the rain did you get. Actually I've managed to get fairly a lot of them. Even one of us while it was lighting while it was raining. Whoa, You had even managed to get a photo of us in the rain with the lighting in the background. This is just pure perfection with this photo of us in the rain with the lighting in the background.

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