Chapter 83 Are You Down Or What (Just Go)

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Its now 11:15 in the morning and its the second day of dance rehearsals before the actual tour that is suppose to start. We had even had went back over the choreography from last night before we had put the song on to incorporate the actual dance. Hey, Anna we have two new dancers added so can you show them the moves. Yeah that will be a good thing to do before we actually start the song. While we were all still going over the dances for the show someone had showed up. The person had decided to sit in the front row of the stage  and watch the dance practice but then she had realized that it was just only Kyle.

As the dancers were still going over the entire song for their dance routine for the tour my phone had then started to vibrate. Hey, Kyle do you mind taking the dance routine from here. Yeah, why whats up. I need to answer this very important phone call. OK, then I will have it up to  where the crowd loves the show type of thing. As I had walked outside into the hallway I had seen an unknown number on the screen and I had answered it and I didn't realized that it was Phil from the record label.

Hey Anna I'm super sorry to interrupt your practice. It's fine is there something that I need to do regard the meeting. No, but I am calling to let you know that we can meet right after your done for the day. I've had also had send Kyle some promotions information on the tour for all of the venues of the states that your tour will be in while your on the road. What about the visuals for the songs that we are singing on the tour. We are already have came up with some of them.

Have you seen the stage intros yet? I'm sorry but no I haven't even seen it yet and I would love it we go over the stage visuals intros. I have several stage intro ideas and I would like for you to see them. I would love to see them and do you think that you can come over to check everything out to make sure that we are ready to go with the tour. I think that I can do that since that out of the office checking out the things

Hey, Anna your back from your phone interview with Mr. McIntyre so fast. Yeah that's because he is coming over here in an hour cause he needs to talk to all of us about the tour. He had also had mentioned about the stage visuals intros along with the visuals for each of the songs. Had he mentioned about the promotions for the tour too Anna. Yeah he told me that he needed to get with you on those. We need to get over there right now so that we can be able to see the visuals. Hey, Anna I wonder what they will look like once the show starts. I don't know cause that's what I am wondering for myself.

As Phil had came in where we were rehearsing for the tour he had gave me some ideas on what the visuals will look like when we get the official visuals in a couple of days for all of the songs that the artists will sing as part of their set list for the show. We also had went ahead and add some other things with the stage too as well like the elevator lift and the trap door for the beginning and the ending of some of the songs and other things I think that they will see on the tour. Wow, I think that I like that one set a lot for the too for my part of the tour. Oh, you will really like it for the tour.

Hey, Kyle what about the visuals for the other artists who are part of the tour like Demi? Do you have any visual ideas that she can use for her part of the tour. Absolutely, and we will work something with  the artists on the day of the tour. Aw, Thank you Kyle  I'm sure that this tour is going to be something that we will all remember forever.

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