Chapter 55 Two Pieces of a Heart

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That same day and it was becoming night and we had just made our first stop over in Oklahoma just stretching our legs out since we were on the road for quite sometimes now. Hey how are you feeling have you been feeling sluggish lately?

Well I have been feeling a little bit tired here and there but I'm hanging in there. Ah, there you go Anna and maybe when we get to the room and all situated so that you can be all rested up for tomorrow.  Hey Anna had you seen this going around about you. No, what is it? Please  don't tell me that stupid douchebag again. Yup, I'm afraid so Anna and it's spreading and trending all over the internet like wildfire and it's super insane.

Kyle shows her the link and the video of what Dr.Carmichael is saying in an interview about her. Kyle, I am so glad that I've kept my composure but when I get there I am going to give him a piece of my mind but for now I am going to get some sleep and put this mess behind me. If not I'm going to loose it and I'm going to either break something or break someone if I get super upset. You don't want to see me really upset Kyle at all...Cause it's not good.

It is now 7pm pacifc time and they had all made it to the rooms which were all extremely nice and as Anna had once again had looked out of the window of her 15th story hotel room she was so amazed at how beautiful the view was that she was able to see the ocean from her room.

As she was still looking outside at the view of almost all of Santa Barbara she then sees someone come right behind her. What the, Baxter how was you able to get into my hotel room? I have an extra key oh and you might need this to help with your levels.

She sees that he bought a lot of food to the room and he had bought eight bags worth of food some of them are snacks while we're on the road. Baxter do you realized how much this can cause me. Look Anna your my little sister but I don't want you to get hurt in any way. Awe Baxter how did you know about all of this and about my Anxiety ? Ever since the day that you were diagnosed I felt that I was going to lose my little sister.

Your right Baxter sometimes I get so carried away with myself and its getting to where I am just loosing all of it. That same night and shes asleep and she hears her phone vibrating and she see that a lot of people are even tweeting and mentioning her all on twitter and she was even the top trending topic of the day. I guess I will have to just go and check this out in the morning I really needs to go and get some sleep before I lose it in the morning.

Its now 2:17am and she checks her Direct Messages and she sees some of the lyrics  to the song Close were being sent directly to her and she had started to realize who where sending them to her. She even sees a video of him singing parts of the lyrics and she is just in shock and had started crying when he had did that for her. As she was falling back asleep she felt as if she was in that dream.

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