Chapter 118 I Just Can't Even Breathe..No Air,No Air

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It's now a little after 11p.m. and she was starting to doze off to sleep. You look a bit tired. Yeah, I am it's just that I'm really worried about the impacts of what had happened. Just seeing the glass from the window shattering all over the place I felt that you would've lost me. I almost did lose you yesterday. Do you know how devastating that would be for both your brother and sister. Not only your siblings but my brothers, Demi, and myself. Yeah, and the bad part is that I don't even remembering what had happened after everything had went black. The only thing that I do remembered right before the glass had shattered and I was grazed what that we were talking and we had almost..then that had happened. The only thing that I remembered before you were grazed was that we had looked into each other eyes then that had happened so fast. The only other part was that I was on the floor in a lot of pain from the wound. Along with me being in a lot of pain from the bullets was that I was wheeled out of my own penthouse into the ambulance being rushed to the hospital.

You were right there beside me during this whole ordeal out of fear of loosing me. She had started tearing up and started crying. During the whole time when everything was fading to black. I had felt that every one of my fans would had been devastated if they had read the news that I wasn't here anymore. The most worst part was that you would had been extremely heartbroken about loosing me. Anna, I didn't know that you had that thought when you were going in and out of consciousness the whole time. That must had been a very scary experience for you. It was super scary to where you had almost lost me. What would I do if that had happened again?  I don't want that to ever happen to neither of us ever again.  I don't want to see myself in that type of predicament I'm not going to let that ever happen to you in any way. I'm always going to be right here. She had rest her head on his shoulders closing her eyes then she hears a knock on the door and it was her brother. Baxter what are you doing here its almost midnight. Aren't you supposed to be at home? I just wanted to surprise you with something. 

I want you to look out of your window at this cause this is super amazing. As all three looks out of the window of her hospital room she sees all of her fans are outside of the hospital  along with her classmates from both Warren Central and Eastern Christian High Schools make a huge formation on the field and the band from both schools comes out  onto the field. She is super happy and is in tears about what had just happened. Oh, My god..Baxter how did you know about all of this. This is super amazing for all of them to come out and do something super huge like this. Anna, all of Demi's fans along with the fans of both Nick's fans as a solo artist and the other Jonatics  and other fans had found out what had happened. What about all of the people from both of the schools? Well several of the students on the committee who is trying to bring that huge block party back home had also had heard about it and they wanted to do something in a really huge way.  As photos were being put on the fan base web pages along with it being spread all over the internet she was trending all over the trending topic and the most talked about for the various support that she was getting all over social media.

Back over on Kyle's end even he was hearing about what had went on and he had decided to do something for the tour with this photo. Then there was even videos of this all over the internet and he had decided to use that one too for the tour. He is on the phone with his brother Lucas and he too had seen what was going on all over the internet. Wow, her fans are very dedicated in what they had done for her. I would love for everyone to hear her story. All of them whether if they were actually there or were live streaming the show would love to see this video.

Rockstar Journey [Completed] Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora