Chapter 120 I Can't Live Without You Cause We're Inseperable

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While Baxter was talking to Kyle about getting security for the show and having bodyguards around her twenty-four-seven I was still sitting where I was at earlier working on more of the songs for the tour. As I had picked up a song book I had found one of them containing lyrics to not one but two of them.  Baxter had walked back over to the living room where I was still sitting on the couch working on more songs for the tour. Wow, this is what you are doing while you are recovering for a near fatal event. Yup, pretty much and its been so calming and quiet for me anyways. 

Yeah, I know I'm just taking it a single step at a time and not trying to make myself so sick again with this tour. What about the rest of the whole tour? Oh, Kyle said that he's  going to take care of everything while I'm recovering. So how long have you been laying on the couch while you have been recovering. Well its been just about three whole weeks.  As I had just finished the last two songs for the tour suddenly my phone had started to vibrate to several incoming text messages and tweets. Some was from Maddy and the other ones were from gossip blogs. Couple of hours later I had went to my photos and look at all of the pictures of me and along with some other people. I had even went back to some old videos of myself and Nick singing to each other. As I was looking at those videos I had started tearing up and I had started to see some notifications pop up on my phone but I had just ignored all of them.  I had started to wonder why I was having a feeling that something wasn't right at all. But as I had went to more videos more of the notifications had started to come up on the screen and I had dropped my songbook and pencil in a very shocked state. Please don't tell me that none of this was true.

As I had opened the text from Maddy I had a really sad look on my face. To were  I was shaking really bad and started crying to the news. Then I had started to look all over twitter to see that it was trending all over twitter. The tweets had said that Nick was engaged to Priyanka Chopra. Then I had seen that Maddy was calling me. Hey, how are you feeling about the news. I had started tearing up when I had told her I had felt. Very De..Devastated and I felt that I had lost someone. I just want to just go and lock myself up in a room and cry all day cause how super heartbroken I am. Hey, do you want me to come over to cheer you up.  Yeah, I guess so I just been feeling very lost and confused all morning. Let me guess you've been sleeping in again.

Yup, I have and been listening to my heartbroken playlist again. Its that bad you mean that it had hit you like a ton of bricks bad. Yeah, and I've even cried myself to sleep. Hey, I''ve seen that poem that you had posted to Twitter this morning. I never knew that you really felt that bad. Aw, Maddy are you still coming or what. Yeah, I'm just about there just give me a couple of seconds. Maddy, I feel that I was the one who had let go and now I've lost him. Hey, its OK you don't have to feel guilty about any of it. Some nights I would even lay in a dark room and just think about him.  Other nights I just have this really strange breathless feeling and I would just close my eyes and just play one of his songs.

I've been having sleepless nights for the past weeks and I felt that something was wrong. Anna your just having that moment once again. What moment? That moment that you really missed him and you wish that all of could go away.  Like how do you know about it Maddy. I was once in the same shoes as you were with Lucas. I don't want you to ever think that your going to lose that special person.  The one thing that I've remembered  from my last breakup was that special person is always with you.  Where she said still feeling really sad.  Right here she said while pointing to her chest to her heart. What if the whole thing is just a PR stunt? Well, Anna it's too soon to know for sure if it's real or not but don't worry you will know the truth.

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