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Zion's POV:

I have been watching Sara for some days lately. Though I watch her everyday. But this time with extra attention. Because she has been so quiet. Always zoning out. This made me wonder what she was thinking about all the time. I am so worried about her. I want to ask her what is bothering her so much. But I am unable to. Because I know, when time will come, she will tell it to me eventually.

So here I am, at home, sitting at the dining table and eating dinner with my family members. Sara serves me food and sits down to eat.

Everyone is laughing and eating dinner except Sara. Mom noticed it and said, "Sara? Are you okay? Why are you so quiet?"

Sara smiled and said, "I am okay, mom. Don't worry. I am just tired. I had a long day at the hospital."

But the smile didnot reach her eyes. I knew she was lying. Okay, not exactly lying, half-lying. Because she really had a rough day today. But she was not okay.

My mom again asked, "You sure, you are okay, dear?"

"Yes, mom. I am sure."


Dinner was finished. I was lying in bed waiting for Sara as she was helping mom and bhabi to clean the dishes.

There was a sound at the door and Sara came in. She smiled when she saw me. I smiled back at her.

She sat beside me and contemplated on something. After sometimes, she made up her mind and said, "Zion?"


"I want to tell you something."

Oh no! What is she gonna tell?! Is it something bad!! I was so anxious! Oh My Allah! What will she tell me?!

I was a nervous wreck inside but on the outside I kept a cool composure and said, "Tell me, Sara. What do you want to say?"

"I.. uh.. I want to say that I.. uh.. I.."

Oh My Allah! She is stammering! Does she want a divorce??!! Is she not happy with me?!!


"I.. Uhh... I... I love you, Zion."

What! Did I hear that right? I looked at her. But she was already looking at me. By seeing my confused face, she understood that i didn't understand what she said.

This time, she smiled and said, "I love you, Zion!"

Huh! I really did hear it right the first time! I was soooo happy!! I felt like I was the happiest man on earth!

I wrapped her in my arms and said, "I love you too, Sara!! I love you with all of my heart. I love you from the deepest core of my heart!!"

Sara laughed and turned off the light. That night, we both slept with a smile on our faces. She was finally relieved. She was back to her normal self- the funny, kind Sara.


Kitkat Lover

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