Author's Note/Info

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Hi everyone this is my first fanfic so before I start I want to say a few things

1. Please let me know if I miss spell words or use improper grammar so I can fix it

2. From time to time if I run out of ideas I'll most likely ask for your opinion if you make a suggestion but I don't use it please don't be mad but if I do use your idea I'll make sure I credit you

3. If you want me to write a certain story just ask in the comments

4. If you don't like the story instead of making hurtful comments that lower self esteem just stop read reading

5. This story will update the 28th of each month it may update more than that but there will always be an update on the 28th.

So on to the info:

The story takes place after season 2 in its own time line where shiro didn't go missing after the battle with Zarkon so the order of pilots is the same from when the series started also I Made up Altean sub species in rank from rarity/strength:

1.Royal Alteans(Allura)

2.Creation Alteans(abilities of creation time, day, night, life, and death)

3.Elemental Alteans(Fire, Earth air,etc.)

4.Regular Alteans(Corran)

The .5 Chapters are Chapters from a certain Someone's point of view.

(Voting for Lances ship is no longer available I'm sorry)

Thanks for your support!!!
So with all that said let the story begin😁

Truth of My Past(Altean lance){Hiatus}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें