chapter 12

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sehun started laughing out of no where.

"oh my god. here! someone take it." sehun said almost in tears from laughter, shoving the phone towards baekhyun.

he took it and started reading it, then started to laughed.

"oh my god. he used your face as a meme! this is so great!" baekhyun giggled.

chanyeol took the phone out of my hand. he started reading it out loud.

he choked on nothing when he came across the meme.

"what the actual fuck?!" chanyeol laughed as he showed everyone the phone.

everyone looked for a second and then noticed the meme.

"oh my god." chen laughed followed by everyone else.

"i didn't know they made memes of our faces." kai said.

"apparently they do." d.o laughed.

"that made my day- scratch that, my week." xiumin said while wiping his tears.

from the stage jun can clearly see exo dying from laughter. he had did his job correctly, it seems.

the concert has been going on for a few hours but it was near the time to end it.

"as it's time to end, we hoped you all loved the concert we had. thank you for coming." the host said as all the audience filed out.

all of A-7 and A-9 decided to go down the right pathway, the one in front of the fans. we all waved to the fans as they all left. none of them minded the screams. it was their first concert, their first showing to the world. they were just happy.

"jun i swear if you don't wake up, i will eat every bag of takis you have." that was the first thing jun heard when waking up.

i sat straight up after that.

"good, now get dressed." yoongho told me.

"why? we just had the concert two days ago, we can't be doing anything important." jun said as he flopped back on his bed.

"yes we are, we are going on a show in," yoongho looked at his phone, " 1 hour and 45 minutes."

he sat up again. "a show?" jun's eyebrow raised.

"weekly idol." yoongho said as though he thought jun would remember.

(special edition weekly idol for the trainee group. the studio is going to be bigger than normal.)

"and i know this, how?" jun asked sarcastically.

"shut up and get dressed." yoongho said as he slammed the door behind him.

"i swear sometimes." jun groaned and got up.

"weekly idol has random dance, 2x dance, and cover dance so i should wear dance related clothes if i don't want to die from heat combustion." jun thought to himself.

he put on a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, A grey baggy sleeveless top and a white baggy sweatshirt. along with his dance shoes, a pair of nikes and a hat. before leaving, he made sure his hair looked okay.

grabbing his phone and headphones off the bedside table and walked out the bedroom door and into the bathroom to finish his morning routine.

it wasn't long until jun walked down the staircase to the living rooms where the rest of A-7 were.

"finally you're up and ready! we have to go in.." kiyun checks his watch. "five minutes ago, lets go!"

"but breakfast?" jun asked as kiyun pushed everyone out the door.

"we already ate. you should of woke up earlier, so it's not happening." he said as they all hurried to the cars. jun was somewhat confused, as this time there was a flock of people, mostly girls, all around them while they tried to get to their ride.

once they saw A-7, they started screaming. some even held up banners. they yelled the names of all of A-7 members. jun followed behind the rest of A-7 with yoongho and yiwoo on his left.

he heard loud screams to his right but tried not to focus on it, just trying to keep his focus on talking to yiwoo in mandarin. if yoongho had heen paying attention to the conversation instead of blasting music in his earphones to drown out the screaming fans, he would of probably been mad at their choice of language.

"JUN-OPPAA I LOVE YOU." the fan yelled, which caught jun off guard, as it sounded closer than the previous yells. jun looked over to the right where the voice had came from. a mistake he instantly regretted, as the screaming intensified once he looked in their direction.

jun was starting to get overwhelmed, his pace slowed as he was looking, wondering where the scream had came from. he shook it off almost as fast as he slowed and tried to step forward to resume walking when he felt something near his leg, which made him fall face first onto the concrete. once he fell, everyone went silent.

"jun!" the trainees yelled as they had all turned around to see.


jun pushed himself off the ground and stood up with the help of yiwoo, next to him. he was holding his left shoulder which was throbbing. yiwoo and yoongho were concerned, making sure he was okay.

"ow." jun tsked in pain. he turned back to see a fan girl standing there in fear and shock. he assumed, she was the one who tripped him, and it didn't look like she meant to.

jun slowly walked a few steps back and stood in front of her. he was faintly reminded of his youngest sister, as this girl looked about the same age as her.

"be careful. you shouldn't put anyone in harm's way. remember you'll always get more positive feedback if you are reserved and polite rather than being reckless and not thinking of the consequences you could be putting yourself in. so please, for your safety and the wellbeing of others, don't do stuff like that again." he sId to the girl as she nodded, a little embarrassed of her actions.

jun noticed she had a notebook with pictures on the front and a pen in her hands. she looked utterly mortified.

jun smiled softly before grabbing the notebook and pen out of her hands and wrote his signature and a little message in it, he closed it before handing the book and pen back to her.

"that goes for all of you." jun raised his voice slightly for everyone to head before he shot a small smile and turned around and resumed walking to one of the cars, hopping in with yoongho and yiwoo.

all the cars drove off and went to the set of the show that they were filming that day.

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