chapter 6

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"so a trainee has scheduled a meeting with me at 1:30pm?" JYP asked jihwi, the secretary.

"yes he did, it seemed to be very urgent by the tone he was giving." she replied.

"okay, seeming how some of the trainee teachers are a bit strict on time management, i'll go get him right before 1:30, i need you to come with me jihwi to identify him." jyp said and jihwi nodded to show her reply.

after hearing that he would have a meeting with a trainee soon that day, JYP let all the idols roam around the trainee rooms... they were all doing fine and kept watching different groups trainee until some of them (BTS, WANNA ONE, SKz, EXO, SVT, & NCT) heard a gasp.

"GUYS! J2Y is going to preform!" a female trainee said, running up to a group of girls, seemingly, her friends.

'J2Y?' the idols thought. they all looked at each other, mutually agreeing to go see what this was about. they gathered at one of the windows of a practice room that a few other groups of trainees were huddled at.

"god, they are so sexy!"

"i know right, like god damn!"

EXO & SVT realized, "hey wait- those are the last trainees we were sent to this morning."

"oh it's my netflix buddy." sehun got excited. everyone who wasn't there that morning, just looked confused at him.

"one of the trainees, even though they had ten minutes, he jumped onto the couch and turned on a show on netflix and sehun got into the show and now they are, i'm guessing, "netflix buddies." chanyeol explained, which cleared confusion.

"that same trainee was also the one who cussed like a sailor without noticing us, because the trainees that were screaming woke him up."

a certain yoongi's head turned over with a small smile, "which trainee is he?"

"uhh- the one with the silver hair." sehun responded.

jun, yoongho, and yiwoo stood in the middle of the room. luckily janin had to leave the practice for three hours and would be back the last hour of practice.

yoongho started a song and stood in between yiwoo and jun.

24K- Superfly.

     sungoh (yellow shirt)
     jeunguk (pink hat)
     daeil (white shirt, black jacket)
     hui (white shirt with black X)
     jinhong (black hoodie)
     kisu (striped shirt)
     cory (adidas tracksuit)

"that- that was better than i expected." taeyong said.

"woah i never knew jun was such a good dancer." a trainee said, as more of them started to agree that jun was, hands down, a great dancer, not exactly expecting him to hear.

yet the trainees in the room, jun included, could hear what they said. yoongho and yiwoo smiled bright at the recognition that their friend deserved, after hearing so much good things about his friends and rarely any about himself.

jun just held a small smile as he looked towards the window and mouthed a quiet thank you. still facing the window that he could barely see through, he could still make out the figure of the many trainees huddled up, watching them.

the idols, even though they did not know jun they still could tell that he didn't say stuff nor got complements often. what surprised them more was that janin had just walked into the door opposite of the one the trainees were near.

"why the fuck are you guys not practicing!" janin yelled and everyone, idols, trainees, and all of A-7 jumped, besides jun.

jun looked at the clock, glad that janin wasn't watching the whole ordeal nor could see his tear stained eyes. jun noticed that the clock read, 1:20pm, ten minutes before his appointed meeting time with JYP.

unbeknown to him, JYP has just made it to his dance practice room to get him.

"i have to go." jun said to janin. JYP guessed he was the one who had scheduled the meeting with him. he also remembered the other day while watching the trainees. (jun ran all the way to the coffee shop about 3 miles away then had to stop at a gas station for snacks and had to run about 3 miles back to the company.)

"what do you mean 'i have to go'? you don't get to leave in the middle of practice! no wonder your dancing is so terrible! you never practice!" janin untruthfully yelled at jun.

"but I have-"

"i don't care! now go do fifty sets of sprints, you need to loose the weight you gained-" janin started to command jun but never finished as to someone walking into the room.

"what do you want now!- ughh! JYP-nim!" janin looked alarmed, "what are you doing here?" janin's eyes nervously darted around the room.

"i was informed earlier today that i had a scheduled meeting with a trainee, that goes by the name of jun." janin's eyes widened.

"he's right here." janin pushed jun lightly towards JYP.

"well, now that I found him, we best be on our way now shall we jun?"

"yes." jun agreed.

JYP nodded to the idols watching and he mouthed 'tell me what happened later' to them. he and jun made their way to JYP's office.

"take a seat jun." JYP gestured to the chair as he made his way past it and sat in his own on the other side of the desk.

"what is it you wanted to talk with me about?" JYP asked.

"well, um as you could tell our leader trainee doesn't particularly like me," jun stated as though him and JYP were the same age and had been friends for a long time. "i got into JYP a few months before either of my friends, yoongho or yiwoo, had been a trainee, when A-7, our group was made yoongho had joined JYP about a week prier, yiwoo has joined after it was made, after yiwoo joined the group, janin told me and yiwoo about our diets. us two being the only ones in the group going into and still are on diets." JYP nodded in response for him to continue. "last night i went out with some friends that weren't trainees and they asked the secretary, jihwi, about any problems. business, social, or food wise. when she said there was nothing to big to worry about. i asked her why she didn't bring up the fact i'm on a diet. she told me i am and never was on a diet as long as i have been in JYP. i asked her about yiwoo and she said the same thing about him. so it's either jihwi has the wrong info or janin lied to us." jun finished.

JYP was at shock. "the information my receptionists and staff have are never wrong as we keep in check and regularly check them, that leave us to know that janin is at fault here." JYP was livid, he could see how skinny this trainee in front of him was and could not see why he would need be placed on a diet nor had to be on one. he was going to have a small talk with the trainee leader.

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