Once I open the door, I was shocked. It was Nari, standing there in pink silk pajamas, with her hair in a messy bun. She was carrying a large duffle bag while holding the handle of a suitcase in one hand. A big smile across her face as she waved to her driver as they drove back down the driveway.

"Surprise!" turning to me all energetic as if she had three shots of espresso moments ago, "what took you so long, it is not good to have a lady waiting."

"What are you doing here," I asked as I step aside for her to come in, "shouldn't you be sleeping by now?"

"It's a surprise," she cheerfully said as she skips into the house, "how could I sleep when I need to know about your evening?"

"So, you are just here to be nosy," I bluntly asked while trying to hide the smirk since I already knew her answer.

"Basically. What kind of best friend would I be if I don't get involved in your dating life?" she asked before answering her own question "a lousy one!"

"How was your evening," I went on to asked as we made our way into the kitchen "did you have fun?"

"Without you there to keep me company, it was boring with the same ole elites showing off their wealth with donations, " she said quickly with no real interest before changing the subject "I want to know about that mingles event, am I gonna hear wedding bells soon?"

"It was not the highlight of my evening," I couldn't help but groan as I sat back in my stool "I don't want to talk about it."

"I but I do and" she pauses to open the duffle bag, "and I brought snacks."

Inside of Nari's duffle bag were several pints of ice creams, chips and a whole bunch of candy. From the look of her bag, we were going to have a late night of talking. But on the other hand, we might end up in a coma from the amount of sugar we're about to consume.

"I guess I don't have a choice," quickly giving into my best friend as I picked up a pint of ice cream, "I call dips on cookie dough."

As I open my first pint of ice cream, I told her everything that happens after I was dropped off at the restaurant, which wasn't much. I even told her about Mr. Sultan and what he did.

"HE SAID WHAT!!" she gasped after hearing what he told me.

"Yup," I nod, still in disbelief myself, "the man is crazy, he must be."

"What did you tell him," leaning forward as she moves her pint of ice cream from in front of her "please tell me that you told him you think about it."

"Heck no. I told Mr. Sultan that he wasn't my type," I watched as Nari fell back in her stool with disappointment written on her face "and besides, his ego is too big for me."

"Which ego," she teased with a devilish smile and wink.

I knew what she was hitting at and remembered how hung Mr. Sultan said his manhood was. If I didn't see the outline of his practically his third leg myself, I would have thought he was exaggerating to impress.

"BOTH!!" I quickly answered before shoving a spoon of ice cream in my mouth, in hopes it would cool off my cheeks which felt like two hot plates.

"What is the harm?" she shrugged, putting her ice cream back in front of her "at least you would have a dating life."

"What's the harm you say? He is like every man with wealth and power. They are full of themselves as if everyone wants them."

Nari knows I was telling the truth, we see it all the time and know men that are like that in our daily lives.

"Well, at least he is a well-built piece of eye candy, instead of the young twinkish model guys who use their family's name and money as if they worked for it, or the older man that thinks you can be bought with money or gifts," she pointed out in a factly manner.

"He is the cockiest person I have ever seen, and I only knew him for least than a day. I don't think we are even compatible, and why would he want to date me?"

"Because, you are fine as hell," she said bluntly and with confidence.

"More important when you gonna find someone to date," if we were going to talk about dating, her dating life is included "you are beauitful, why are you not seeing anyone?"

"Ugh." She rolled her eyes at my question, "I'll find someone when you find someone, I'm not going to go through pregnancy alone."

"How many times I have to tell you, I am not having no baby."

"What if you love the guy like really love him," she looks down at her bowl at she talk "you wouldn't give him a child, that is like the ultimate sign of love."

"Firstly,  you need to be in love with someone which I'm not," I pointed out to her.

"I'm sure we both will find love," she told me with a smile as if she knew what the future hold "we just have to be open to letting love in."

"We shall see," we toasted our cans of rootbeer before continuing to talk about random things, eating junk food and watching re-runs. We ended up falling asleep in the living room, too lazy to go upstairs.

 We ended up falling asleep in the living room, too lazy to go upstairs

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Well, this the end of this chapter, hope you enjoyed it. This chapter was just to show a little bit of the friendship of Zion and Nari.

Below is the cast in this chapter.

Below is the cast in this chapter

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Zion Thae | Nari Park

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See you in the next chapter!!

-A.J. Pharaoh

Giorgio's Unexpected Chance | BxM (Only Sample/On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now