🥀Running away part 3🥀

Start from the beginning

Once everyone was done and finished with desert everyone was sitting on the couch and talking when

Sir an unknown number is calling.

"Answer Friday"

Of course sir

'Hello is this Tony Stark?'

"Yes it is, and who are you?

' My names Lily hellfire you called 2 days ago about a Peter Parker and Wanda Maximoff '

"Yes do you have anything" Tony said perking up about news about his kids.

'They've been staying with a friend of mine for the past 4 years and They've just informed me that they might be coming back in a few days. In maybe 3 days I would say-. PIETRO STOP RUNNING. I'm sorry about that anyways they will be back in a few days if they can learn how to pack. *sigh* Good luck with them' Lily said on the other end yelling at a boy named Pietro on the other end.

"Thank you but can you also come with them I know its a lot to ask but i want to meet the person that's been taking care of them. You don't have to of course"

'I can try my best' she said 'But i have to go right now. We'll meet soon. Good bye.'

Everyone became ecstatic when the call ended and immediately started cleaning.

2 Days ago

With Pietro Wanda and Peter

"....Going to go back to the Avengers" Peter said

"OK" Lily said plainly and simply.

"Just ok?' Pietro said shocked.

"Just ok" Lily said. "It's your life and choice not mine but do come back and visit ok cause i will miss you. And remember you will always have a home here ok?" Lily said with a smile.

"Thank you Mama" Wanda said smiling

"Your welcome now eat ok, we'll plan everything out tomorrow ok? for now let today be fun."

After a long day of fun games and joking the 4 went to bed (i don't feel like writing a whole day so imagine whatever you want tbh)

The Next day

The 4 drove to where you get your plane tickets and got 4 tickets to a plane that leaves in 5 days

After that the 4 ate lunch and started packing.

"Ma should i leave some cloths here from when ever we come back.' Peter asked.

"Sure baby"

"Mom where is my blue comb" Pietro yelled

"Top left drawer honey"

"Mama where are my finger-less gloves" Wanda asked

"There in the bottom right drawer princess"

30 minutes and a phone call to mister stark later

(Im not rewriting the phone call)

"good night mama" the trio said kissing lily on the forehead before going to bed

"goodnight my warriors"

5 days latter of new memories and laughs the 4 head to the airport

"I'm so excited what do you think their reactions to Pietro still being alive will be?" Peter asked

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