“No! She's not dead, she's on work remember" I said to Nash silently begging him to agree with me.

“She's not dead!" I shouted at him.

But I knew she was, by the sad look in her eyes I knew that K.P was really dead. I turn my back on Nash and started to silently cry for my best friend, for my sister. I wanted her back, why did she had to die. Just yesterday I was hugging her. What was she thinking jumping in front of me. Oh God she's gone, I'll never see her again. I'll never see his smile, she'll never jump on me and yell again.

I suddenly wanted Raven turning in my bed I saw Nash was still here.

“Take me home now Nash" he didn't ague with me. All he said was let him go talk to the doctors and a few minutes later he was lifting me up and out of the bed. He carry me to the car where he drove me home. We didn't say anything on the drive home. I sit and stare out the window with tears streaming down my face all the way home.

Kyanna open the car door on my side and kneel and hug me.

“I'm so sorry Nessa" she whispered to me. I allow her to hold me but all I wanted was Raven. I needed to know she was okay.

“Ky let me carry her inside up to her bed" Nash said to his sister.

“What no Nash your shoulder. You shouldn't be carry her, let me get someone else" as she move away to call one of the security officer by the door. Nash reach in and lift me out of the car and walk inside.

“Carry me to K.P's room and tell Raven to meet me there."

When Nash rest me on the bed I inhaled K.P's scent on the bed and it hit me again. She was gone forever. I screamed out my grief and starting sobbing again. I felt warm hands wrap around me and I knew it was Raven. I held unto her as we both sob for our sister. We must have fell asleep because it was morning when I was awaken by Antonia sobbing. She was laying against my back and I turn and held her in my arms starting to cry again. I felt Raven move and then her arms was around me again.

“What are we going to do without her Nessa" she cried.

“I don't know Raven but we can't lay here all day"

“I knew, we have to plan her funeral but not right not. I need more time"

“Me too" we fall into a comfortable silence, both of us lost in our thoughts. I'm not sure how long we lay there but Antonia had fallen asleep.

I heard a soft knock and someone asked to come in.

“Yes" I called out. An unfamiliar woman entered the room with a tray in her hands.

“I brought up some hot tea and coffee for you all"

“Who are you?" I asked her.

“Oh I'm sorry, I'm Beth Nash housekeeper from Montana. He called me out here to help out" she said bringing the tray closer and pouring out a cup of tea for me and coffee for Raven.

“Do you guys need me to bring a sandwiches up for you"

“Yes thank you" Raven answered her. “We need to keep our strength up Nessa" she said as I turn to look at her.

“I don't think I could eat"

“You have to now take a sip of your tea" she said sternly, leaving no room for an argument. I took a sip of my tea and a few minutes later I was eating one of Beth sandwiches.

Raven help me stand and we both took a shower together, I was still weak from the C-Section.

Kyanna had bring some clothes to K.P's room for us, they were all black.

“Raven I can't wear this black dress K.P hated black clothes. We should be wearing her favorite colour."

“I agree" she said. I'll go get three purple dresses for us then."

“And a purple shirt for Antonio" Antonia call out after her. I didn't even realized she was awake.

“There's some sandwiches on the bedside table, you need to eat something sweetie" I said to her. She got up and instead of going for the sandwiches she came and hug me.

“I miss her already mummy"

“Me too darling"

When Raven returned we all dress and when downstairs. There we friends, staffs and co-workers who came out to comfort us. There were lots of food and drinks being serve to everyone. I saw Antonio sitting in a corner by himself and Antonia and I joined him.

“Nessa" Nash called me away. “The funeral director is here"

Raven and I had both agreed that she should be bury next to her mom. We went into the study with the funeral director and we watch through pictures of coffins, we pick out a gold one and set the funeral service at our church for tomorrow afternoon with a viewing of the body here in our home tomorrow morning. After we were finish I excuse myself and when up to my bed and stare at the ceiling, that's when it hit me. No one had told me what happened after K.P had jump in front of me.

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