Reactions to a Member Flirting With You [All]

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TW: Jonghyun will be added to this one. I feel weird leaving him out of reactions (and similar types of writing), he will be in his own and Minho's so if it makes you uncomfortable please skip reading those two or this whole chapter. <3

Onew: He glares over at Minho, unable to completely control his anger. What made it worse is that you were completely oblivious to what was actually going on: Minho was trying to flirt with you, and you were giggling at everything he was saying, accidentally encouraging him. Onew watches his pathetic attempts for ten more minutes, then decides it's all he can take. He storms up to you and grabs your wrist angrily, not noticing that he hurt you slightly until an involuntary whine passes your lips twenty feet away from Minho. He notices and releases you right away. "What the fuck?" you question angrily, rubbing your wrist. He looks shocked as he apologizes profusely, you brush him off by saying it's okay, but he doesn't let it go. "I'm truly sorry. I shouldn't have been so rough, he grabs your hands, more gently than normal, I was just so angry when Minho was flirting at you," he glares at the tallest of his members as he says this. "He wasn't flirting," you say innocently as you really didn't realize. "He was. He told me he had feelings for you last night," his head drops down as he stares at the ground, feeling guilty he told you. You pull one of your hands out of his and lift his face up, "You have absolutely nothing to worry about," you say as you stand on the tips of your toes and kiss his bottom lip. 

Jonghyun: "That brat," Jonghyun mumbles to himself as he watches Taemin try to impress you with his dancing. He pouts until Taemin is done with his dance then, immediately runs up to you. "Hey, Y/N," he smiles at you, catching your attention immediately. "Hey babe," you smile back, not noticing Taemin's dark look as you're focused on your beautiful boyfriend in front of you. He smirks, noticing Taemin, "If you think he does our new dance well wait until you watch me do it," he backs up and begins to show you what he's been practicing hard for. You beam at him every second of his performance and clap at the end. "You were amazing!" you giggle as he pants and leans over to catch his breath, "Better than Taemin?" he asks, glancing up at you. You grab a towel to wipe his sweat and answer him as you're wiping his face off, "Yes, better than Taemin," you flash an apologetic smile towards Taemin, but then focus completely on Jonghyun, never focusing on anyone else the rest of the night. 

Key: The members of SHINee were quick to welcome you into their little family when Key finally had introduced you as his girlfriend, but one member was notably nicer than the others. Onew. You became his friend quite immediately and often talked, even when Key wasn't around. Key often complained about this, but you thought that it was because he wanted to spend as much time with you as he could. You were complaining to Onew about something that happened before you came to visit when you noticed that he was staring at you. Not like a normal stare, but more like a stare. "What is it?" confusion clear in your voice. He takes a deep breathe before he answers, "Y/N, I know that you're dating Key, but I have feelings for you. Strong ones. I want you to break up with Key and be with me." You stare at him in shock blankly. He must take that as a green light because he leans forward and places his lips to yours gently. You immediately draw back and instinctively slap him. His hand shoots to his face, eyes widening in shock. "Never do that again," you threaten and glare at him. Someone begins clapping, causing you both to jump in surprise. Key walks through a doorway and smirks at you, "I fucking love you," he laughs then focuses his gaze on Onew. He looks down in shame. You clear your throat to ease the tension causing Key to look your way again. "You, bed, now," he commands. You obey immediately, quickly moving away from Onew. "I'm going to show him that you're mine and I'm yours," he whispers in your ear as he locks his door. 

Minho: As soon as he noticed Jonghyun flirting with you, he immediately went over to him and placed himself in between you both, facing Jonghyun defensively. "What do you think you're doing?" he asks with fire in his tone. Jonghyun rolls his eyes and says, "Flirting with Y/N," he leans over to look at you around Minho and waves, smiling. "That isn't funny," Minho says in a serious monotone voice. "I wasn't joking," Jonghyun says, becoming serious. Before this escalates any further, you decide to place yourself between the two men acting like cavemen. "Before you guys fight, may I remind you that I am a human being that has feelings and isn't an object?" you pipe in, immediately making them both feel bad. They both mumble apologies before you continue on, "Anyways, Jonghyun, I like you a lot but only as a friend. Minho, I love you. You need to stop being so jealous though, I only love you I could never love another." You walk away, ignoring Minho's beaming smile since you're irritated.

Taemin: You giggled at Key's stupid roast, taking another drink of your special soda. He had made you and his other members drinks with alcohol in the soda because he knew that you didn't like soju that much. Taemin growls quietly as everyone jokes around. You're the only one that notices because he's pressed up against you possessively. You ignore him since he gets jealous too easily. Eventually Key suggests that you all play truth or dare. Everything starts out normal, but after a couple of rounds go by, Key asks you, "Y/N, truth or dare?" The dares have been awful so far so you easily pick truth, wanting to avoid anything embarrassing. "Which one of us would you cheat on Taemin with?" he smirks. Your mouth opens in shock as Taemin quickly stands up, knocking into the table. "What the fuck, Key?" he shouts, causing Key to burst out in laughter. You pull on his hand, urging him to sit back down. He complies and you begin your lecture, "Key, I would never, ever, cheat on Taemin. I love him more than myself, more than anything else on this Earth actually. So to answer your question, nobody, but especially not you," you throw in with a wink at the end to appease Taemin. It seems to work since he smirks proudly at Key and puts an arm around you and pulls you in to lean on him the rest of the game.


Sorry I haven't updated in awhile, I'm trying to get to move into my dorm on Friday! I'm excited but nervous at the same time. I'm going to be starting classes pretty soon so I don't know how often I will be able to update, but I'll do my best lmao 

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