Kisses [K]

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Warnings: A bit smutty but like no actual frick frack you know?

"Okay, action!" A director calls out. You quickly ready yourself for the first beautiful man you were going to kiss today. You couldn't believe that you had to kiss not only one but four men. 

You feel a pressure on your lips, but since you had your eyes closed, you flinch at the sudden contact. "Cut!" someone yells out.

The man in front of you chuckles, "Sorry, was I too rough?"

"No, I just wasn't ready..." you trail off, refusing to give him the real reason.

"Wait..." he looks at your flustered face with unhidden interest, "Was that your first kiss?"

"No!" you blurt. He chuckles, obviously unconvinced, "I mean, I've had a few. Just not many..." you trail off in embarrassment.

"Oh, well then I'll go slower, alright?" he smiles a cute smile at you.

"Okay," you accept his offer then smile slightly. 

"Onew, try to warn her somehow before," your manager suggest.

He swallows and looks upwards, lost in thought, "Got it! I'll put my hands on your face first so you're more prepared."

"Hey, would the fans be okay with that?" a member with pretty, thick lips asks.

"No, they wouldn't even like us kissing her at all. I remember when I did that musical, I couldn't post on any media for weeks! They were so upset with me," a beautiful man rolls his eyes causing you to giggle. This elicits a smile from him, making Onew jealous he didn't have your attention.

"Hey," he whines in front of you, "I'm the one you're supposed to be kissing!"

"Sorry," you smile at him apologetically. 

"Okay, let's film now!" the director yells, breaking the easy-going atmosphere. You take a deep breath to concentrate as he yells, "Action!"

You close your eyes quickly and brace yourself a second time. You feel hands on your face and lean into the kiss, meeting him quickly, then continue with what you were instructed to do beforehand. You deepen the kiss and make out for ten seconds, then push him away and turn towards the camera, looking down as if you were sad. You feel more confident in kissing now since you got used to it a little after that. 

"Now that's the power of Y/N!" your director applauds with the rest of the team. The only people who weren't clapping were the three you were going to kiss next.

"Nice job!" Onew smiles at you, "You're a really good kisser. I'm surprised you've only kissed a few people because... well..." he trails off and looks at the ground, blushing. 

"Thanks!" you laugh away the awkwardness, thankfully, your manager saves you. 

"Okay, so wardrobe change for the second scene!" he leads you to your team of stylists. They quickly give you a revealing bikini and take your form fitting dress back. You're sad to see it go, but happy to try out the bikini even though you were slightly shy about showing off your body. You take a towel and wrap it around yourself before walking out. 

"Okay, Minho, you're up next!" the director yells and points towards a bunch of extras in their own bathing suits. A tall man with sculpted abs walks into the middle of the scene, catching your eye and smiling a charismatic smile. 

You slowly take off your towel and give it to your manager to hold, self-consciously crossing your arms on your stomach. You walk over to Minho and give him a nervous smile.

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