Biased [All]

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You're an extra in a music video the Shining SHINee is about to shoot. It has a similar concept to View, well, as you've been told, so you dressed in casual but trendy clothing, wanting to impress the stylists right off the bat. You're wearing a simple loose crop top and high-waisted shorts with Adidas shoes to fit your aesthetic.

As you walk in to the building you were assigned, the production crew greets you. Many stylists compliment your outfit but the camera crew insists on you changing so that you fit in with all the other outfits. The main stylist, a guy with a soft smile and longer blue hair quickly chooses a lilac dress for you. You weren't so sure about it, but it ended up accentuating everything you like about your body. 

"Okay," the main stylist, Dae, says and claps his hands together, "I think you're ready to meet SHINee."

Another stylists pulls your face to where she can see, "Her eyeliner is uneven."

"Come on, Minli, I think you're over picking at something that isn't even there," another turns your head towards him. "Oh, actually it's more of the eye shadow that's uneven, not the liner."

"Really?" Minli asks, "I took thirty minutes making sure it was even!" She sighs and does a quick ten minute fix. "Okay, how's that?" 

"Better. Okay, now she's ready," he guides you to Dae who styled your hair in a braid with curls cascading down the unbraided parts earlier.

"Wait, would an up-do be better?" he suggests.

"," Minli says.

The other male stylist nods in agreement, "Her hair is beautiful the way it is already. Besides, all the others have down-styles I'm pretty sure."

"Okay. Well, time to meet SHINee! You're aware that there's a kissing scene for everyone, right?" Dae asks.

"Yep," you say, slightly nervous. You were a fan of them for awhile, not a crazy one of course, but, it's still awkward to work with people you idolize in this way. 

"Well," he pauses for effect, "Did you know that they would be picking who they have that scene with?"

Your brows furrow together in confusion, "Uhm, no?" you end it as a question causing your stylists to chuckle.

"Yeah. So just, good luck," he pushes you out of their room and you walk over towards a group of three girls already ready to go.

"Finally," one says with annoyance clear in her tone.

Another girl looks at you apologetically while the other one says, "Right? She must have been horrible if the stylists took that long to get her ready."

"Actually," a man's voice says, "They took about ninety minutes with her while the rest of you took more than two hours to get ready." He arrives at the group and bows slightly, "Hi, I'm Key. I'm one of SHINee's rappers...and singers...and dancers. Basically, I'm good at everything," he chuckles, proud of himself. His eyes were so beautiful and they made your knees feel weak.

You bow back with the other girls and mumble out a hello. 

"Now, I get to ask you all some questions then another member will be out to ask their questions and so on until we've decided who we'd like to do our kissing scenes with," he glances at you as he says that causing you to blush and look at the floor for a few seconds. "Okay, I'm going to start with an important question now!" he says dramatically, "What is your favorite ice cream flavor?" You all laugh at him and give him a quick answer.

You answer the other questions along with all of the other girls, he then asks, "What are your names?" then, "What are your hobbies?" and ends with "What is one thing you like about your personality?"

After he's instructed to leave, Minho comes out and introduces himself, "Hello. I'm SHINee's rapper. I have to ask you some questions," you all bow as he pulls out a small list he must have wrote. His face when he studied his list made you understand why people said he was so charismatic. It made you focus intensely on his face without thinking which made you anxious after he caught you. He flashes you a quick smile before becoming purely business.

You all then begin answering his questions. "What's your favorite movie?" 

You take awhile to answer that one since you have many favorites but you end up thinking of one after the other girls answer. It put a lot of weight on you since he asked you first too. 

"Well then what's your idea of a perfect date?" he asks, then, once everyone is finished answering he looks at you, "This one is only for you, who's your bias?"

"Uhm, I can't tell you that. It would be rude!" you laugh easily because of the lighthearted energy he's created.

"Well, I guess that's that then. I've asked all that I need to!" he leaves early. 

Taemin walks out next, confidently, "Oh, hi! I'm Taemin, the best dancer in SHINee and the adorable maknae!" he jokes and does over-the-top aegyo. 

You all laugh at him and bow. 

He pulls fake glasses out of his pocket and slides them on, "Okay, so first things first, who here is a dancer?" 

All of you but one put your hands up, it just so happens it was the girl that was nasty towards you earlier.

"Okay, well, you're out since I have a dance scene with my girl," he quickly shifts his eyes over to you then back at her. She huffs in anger then walks away slightly, shifting Taemin's concentration to the three in front of him. 

"Okay, tell your best joke," he instructs.

You all do but he smiles the most at yours, "That was awful, what's your name?" he asks you. 

"Y/N," You reply with a smile.

"Well, Y/N, you're funny," he grins at you and you grin back. His smile made your heart beat fast so thankfully, the director intervened in what was happening. 

"Enough flirting, your time is done. You can flirt during our next break," the director calls out to him, causing Taemin to look flustered but nonetheless, he bows to you all and exits after you all bow back to him.

Lastly, Onew comes out. "Hello. I'm SHINee's leader," he smiles at you all with a smile that could make anyone's heart melt. "I don't really have any questions in mind so if you'd just introduce yourselves and tell a little bit about you and your personality..." he trails off and steps back and gestures in front of him. 

The rude girl walks up to the space in front of him first. She introduces herself but he doesn't look impressed. Her probable friend goes next, then the girl that was nice, then you.

He somehow seems the most interested in you and even asks, "Are you an MVP?"

"I can't answer that," you laugh at him, "I don't want to seem rude and show preference to any of you."

"Fair enough," he smiles again then exits.

Five minutes later, everyone comes back out looking agitated, well, at least Key did. 

"We all chose the same person, so, we're going to have her pick!" Onew announces and shifts his eyes towards you then back away. 

"We all chose Y/N, so uhm, whoever you'd prefer to have a kissing scene with..." Taemin trails off shyly then smiles at you.

You blush deeply but, not being able to hide your happiness, you smile at the ground, "Well, I didn't want to seem rude, but that's easy for me to decide. I pick [your bias]," you look up at him, still smiling. He smiles back as the other members grumble and pick who they'd actually be shooting their scene with. 


[Q] Name one of your older favorite kpop songs. 

[A] honestly, I'm listening to Mr. Simple rn and it's so iconic lmao i was gonna be fake and say Lucifer but I'd be betraying my ears

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