On my own [O]

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You and Onew were on one of your romantic dates that he just loved to plan out. This time, he had chosen a fast food restaurant because he wasn't in the mood to be fancy, he just wanted fried chicken. Upon walking into the restaurant, you both knew that you had made a mistake in not wearing disguises because there were a few gasps from a few girls and quite a few glares cast your way. 

"Come on babe," he whispers in your ear, "Just ignore them. They aren't worth it."

"Table for two?" the, thankfully male, host asks.

Onew nods, "Please make it somewhere private too?" he eyes the girls that were enviously looking over at you.

The hosts eyes follow where Onew's rested and he nods, "Sure. No problem," he leads you two to the way back of the restaurant. 

You both settle down eventually after you order [your favorite food] and Onew his fried chicken.

You giggle at him, "You have an obsession."

He fake glares at you, "Nobody can ever have enough fried chicken."

"Okay, okay!" you give in easily, sticking your tongue out to show him what you really thought of his answer. 

He laughs at you and takes a sip of his drink.  He almost spits it out when a fan comes out of nowhere and asks, too loudly, for an autograph.

"Sure," he wipes his mouth with a napkin and grabs the pen and piece of paper the fan was offering him.

"And, who are you?" she asks you, jealously clear in her voice.

"I am his girlfriend," you say, strongly implying she should back off. 

He smiles and hands her back the autograph, "Yes, isn't she beautiful?"

The fan smirks and makes a smug noise, "Not really."

"Well, I think she's the most beautiful girl in the world and that's literally all that matters," he raises  his eyebrows at her and smugly looks at her. She just huffs and walks away, defeated.

"Sometimes, those comments bother me a lot," you admit to him, "But, what you said...did you mean it?"

"Of course!" he says, shocked, "You don't even realize how beautiful you really are, do you? The way your eyes and lips are shaped, how cute your nose is, your cheeks when you blush." Everything he mentions causes you to blush, deeper and deeper. "I'm getting ahead of myself..." he trails off and reaches over the table where your arm was resting and grabs your hand. "I really do believe it. And I really do love you," he looks into your eyes and leans over the table towards your lips.

Someone clears their throat and you both jump apart, unable to fully make contact with his lips. "Sorry to interrupt, but this food is hot," the waiter apologizes. You blush and look at the table, unable to make eye contact with the person that almost saw you kiss the love of your life.

Onew waves his apology off, "Oh, it's fine. My beautiful chicken is here," he stares at it as the waiter puts it down. 

After he puts your food down in front of you, he says, "Just yell if you need anything," leaving you two alone again, finally.

You giggle, "I would ask where we were, but you're too interested in your chicken."

He smiles a closed-mouth smile at you as his mouth was fully, "Sorry," he says with a full mouth, not pronouncing it correctly causing you both to giggle.

"Dork," you smile and take a bite of your food.

He swallows then looks at you, considering something. "So, uh, well..." he begins awkwardly and trails off.

"Is everything okay?" you ask nervously, unsure if what he wants to say is good or bad.

"No," he says then begins to freak out at your disheartened expression, "I mean yes! Uh, kind of! I just feel awkward saying..."

You still feel anxious about where this is going but you hide it by saying, "You can say anything to me, I love you..."

He swallows hard then takes a sip of his drink, "I just really hate living alone. I'm used to always having someone to talk to because Kibum, Minho, and Taemin are usually with me when we're traveling. It's lonely back in Korea when we aren't really preparing for anything..." he trails off and looks at you nervously.

"I'm sorry you feel that way, do you need someone to talk to?" you ask anxiously, "Like a professional?"

"No, nothing like that. Don't worry, I'm okay..." he trails off. You look at him expectantly, tilting your head slightly in the way that he found adorable. "Okay, fine. I want you to move in with me," he blurts out, then quickly fills his mouth with chicken as if he thought that would get him out of his metaphorical grave he dug himself. 

You look at him with widened eyes, shocked that he would ever even suggest this. You both have been together for a while, but you had never done anything naughty, both agreeing that it was too dangerous because his fans could find out. He worried that it would be way too dangerous for you if you guys were caught.

"What about your fans?" you finally ask after getting over your shock. 

"Screw them. I don't mean to seem rude, but I care about you a lot more than them. I love them so much, but someday, I want to make you my wife and that's just something they're going to have to accept," he says seriously. Your heart beats fast since he's never mentioned marriage before, so naturally, you got nervous, or excited, you couldn't tell.

You consider the other cons to this, "How would your company react? They've forced some of their artists to break up before," you admit, immediately tearing up at the thought of losing him.

"Well, if they threaten me with that, I'll just make you my wife. I already know that I want you for the rest of my life..." he trails off, "That's assuming you feel the same way though."

You become speechless making him squirm nervously in his seat, "Please forgive me, I was too forward."

"No, it's not that," you force yourself to find your voice, "It's just that I feel the same way. It scares me, but it makes me happy too." You smile nervously at him.

He smiles brightly, "Well then do you want to move in with me?"

"Yeah," you can't help but smile back.

"Great," he replies and diverts his attention back to his chicken.


I was honestly tempted to make a fan come up at the end and harass them but I decided to be nice, yw lol

Have a nice day everyone!

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