

One week, two weeks, three weeks, four weeks passed and not a single visit.

Not from the guys, not from my mom, and not from Emma.

They had promised they would come and then they never did. They lied.

I had another session with Dr.Goldman today. I met with her every other day. Since the first session, we hadn't done much talking.

I'd spend the time drawing on a piece of paper and imagining I was anywhere but here. After my second week, they started me on some medication. I wasn't sure what it was, but it either made me numb and made me feel like I was gonna throw up. Most days, it made me want to stay in bed and sleep.

I slowly walked into Dr.Goldman's office. Before laying down on the ground. Today the medication made me dizzy like I was gonna blow chunks.

"How are you feeling today?" Goldman asked me. I turned to look up at her slowly. My head was pounding. "Like shit, I always feel like shit. I could die for a smoke." I answered honestly. She frowned.

"Have you been thinking about smoking a lot lately?"

"I think about doing a lot more than just smoke," I muttered tiredly.

I sat up quickly.

"Are you alright-" She started to ask but stopped as I threw up all over the floor.



Once again I found my way to Dr.Goldman's office. "Are you feeling better?" She asked me as soon as I walked into the room. I rolled ray eyes but nodded 'yes' anyway. "You should have informed someone one sooner that the medication made you feel sick. We've adjusted your prescription, but in the future, if you feel unwell please say something."

"Noted and sorry about your floor." I yawned half-heartedly. She smiled before writing something down.

Things were silent between us for what felt like hours. I was just about to doze off to sleep when she spoke again making me flinch. "Are you ready to actually talk today?" She asked.

I was ready to take a nap.

I didn't answer. "I think we were really about to make a breakthrough last session before you-" she went on. I cut her off with a loud sigh. I opened my eyes and turned to her.

"If I talk with you for ten minutes will you let me take a nap for the rest of the session?"

She smiled before nodding. "So Daniel, tell me why you are here?" She asked me brightly. I rolled my eyes already regretting agreeing to the conversation. All I wanted was to go home and maybe smoke a blunt or two.

"I'm sure you know," I muttered before shutting my eyes. "I want the hear it from you."

Why was I here? It was a complicated question to answer. A lot of things had happened that lead to me ending up here.

"My parents wanted me to come here, so I could get better," I answered vaguely not feeling comfortable with the topic. I didn't want to talk about this stuff. "Better?" She repeated after me. "Yes, better."

I could hear her writing something down before she asked "You've mentioned getting 'better' before. What do you think you need to get better from?" I opened my eyes.

I wasn't sure how to answer. "I don't know," I mumbled. I was having trouble remembering why I came here in the first place. I had been so focused on how unhappy I was here that I forgot the reason I came.

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